Urine examination is an inexpensive but high-quality diagnostic that indicates pathological changes in the kidneys, immune system and other organs. Almost all disturbances in the functioning of the body are reflected in this biomaterial. How to collect urine for analysis so that the result is correct and reflects the real state of he alth? Learn the advice of biochemists.
General information
Urine, or urine (lat. urina), is a biological fluid that contains metabolic products excreted by the kidneys. Its function is to remove toxins, hormones, s alts, cellular elements and other substances unnecessary for life from the body.
Studying the physicochemical and bacteriological parameters of urine allows you to evaluate the work:
- urinary tract and kidney;
- endocrine glands;
- cardiovascular system.
In addition, material diagnosticsconfirms / excludes the presence of inflammatory processes in the body and determines the state of metabolism. During the initial visit to the doctors, as a rule, a urine test is prescribed without fail, and not only as a control during the treatment process, but also as a preventive measure.

Warning symptoms
Speak to a physician immediately if pain, burning, or difficulty urinating is present.
Infections, kidney damage and urinary flow problems caused by the formation of stones, tumors, prostate hypertrophy, indicate the following manifestations:
- back pain after waking up;
- foamy urine;
- discomfort in the suprapubic region and lower abdomen;
- leucorrhea in women;
- exhaustion and overwork.
Types of urine diagnostics
How to properly collect urine for analysis depends on the type of biomaterial study. Practice the following techniques:
- Total clinical assessment of urine. It is prescribed for various diseases and for prophylactic purposes. Monitoring of smell, color, transparency, acidity, specific gravity, density, presence of bacteria, protein, cellular inclusions of glucose, etc.
- Zimnitsky's test. It is prescribed for toxicosis, renal failure, diabetes mellitus and pyelonephritis. The density and amount of the daily dose of urine collected in separate containers every three hours is being studied.
- Bacteriological culture of urine. Allows detection of pathogensurinary tract infections with subsequent detection of the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to antibacterial drugs.
- Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko. How to assemble? The study is similar to the general analysis. It is necessary to make a sample of the middle portion of morning urine. The number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and s alts in 1 ml is estimated. Thus, the diagnosis of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract is carried out.
- Urine analysis according to Amburge. Important for detecting blood components in urine accumulated over three hours.
- Biochemical analysis. The amount of protein, urea, glucose, sodium, magnesium, potassium, creatinine and other substances is determined in the biomaterial.
- 24-hour biochemical study.

How to collect a general urine test?
Regardless of gender and age, when collecting biomaterial, the following points must be observed:
- Use the morning urine that has accumulated throughout the night.
- Be sure to practice vulvar hygiene with soap and water.
- Use commercially manufactured disposable sterile containers available from drugstores.
- Store material for research no more than two hours.
- Give a medium urine sample. To do this, you first need to urinate a little, then substitute the container and collect 100-150 ml of liquid and release the rest into the toilet again.

How to collect urine for analysis so that the result is as correct as possible? Significantly distort the performance of the biomaterial can:
- using a non-sterile bioassay container;
- long-term storage of urine (even in the refrigerator) and collection from the evening;
- testing during menstruation, in case of urgent need for research, a woman should use a tampon;
- preliminary use of diuretics;
- touching the inside surface of the research material container with hands or skin;
- Urine donation immediately after cystoscopy.
Preparation for biomaterial sampling
How to properly collect urine for analysis in order to get genuine results? During the day before passing the urine, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
- avoid eating foods that color urine, such as beets, blueberries, currants and other berries;
- eliminate alcohol, including beer, which helps to remove fluid from the body;
- do not take vitamins and supplements, which also change the color of the biomaterial, in turn, ascorbic acid overestimates the glucose level;
- do not visit the sauna or bath;
- refuse from increased physical activity, for example in the gym;
- refrain from natural diuretics such as coffee, watermelon, tea.

Importance of hygiene procedures
How to collectgeneral urine analysis? The woman prepares for the collection of urine by making the toilet of the genitals. Must be washed with soap. The jet of water should be directed from the pubis, along the perineum - towards the anus.
This is an important rule that must be observed not only when submitting material for research, but also every day, as well as teaching girls from childhood. It is this sequence of hygiene procedures that excludes the introduction of intestinal infections into the genitourinary organs, which is fraught with various diseases.
You can often see recommendations for additional application of a weak solution of potassium permanganate, "Furacilin" or other antiseptics to the genitals. It is strictly forbidden to donate urine for bacteriological culture, because in this way the picture of the microflora will be distorted.

When urinating, it is necessary to cover the vagina with a cotton pad, a piece of bandage or a piece of gauze. This action will protect the material from getting secretions from the genital organs containing protein.
How to collect pregnant urine for analysis? All of the above rules for women must be observed. During the period of bearing a baby, a general analysis of the biomaterial is given once a month and bakposev twice - when registering and immediately before childbirth.
A man must also perform appropriate hygiene in order to properly collect urine for analysis. Once it is ready to urinate, wash the penis with soap and water while pushing back the foreskin.
Feature of urine collection in newborns and smallchildren
Parents can choose one of the ways to take biomaterial for research:
- Pediatric urinal. Especially for such purposes, a disposable sterile bag is sold in a pharmacy. It is made of transparent polyethylene, has markings on the surface and an adhesive edge to fix the device on the skin around the genitals. The instructions detail how to use the urinal for girls and boys, taking into account the anatomical features.
- New plastic bag. Often used for babies. A bag is wrapped around the child's legs, the edges are tied. When the child has urinated, the urine is moved to the bottom of a plastic container, a corner is cut off and poured into a container.
- Steam-sterilized bowl. The baby can urinate over a bowl, from which the liquid is then drained into a container.
Moms often ask pediatricians how to properly collect a urine sample from a child. First of all, hygiene of the perineum should be carried out. To provoke urination in a baby, you can open a tap with water or press your finger on the pubis, where the bottom of the bladder is located. Such actions cause a corresponding reflex. It is important to deliver the biomaterial within an hour after collection.
- use urine from diapers, from diapers;
- drain from pots.
This will help filter the urine, it will contain non-urine fibers and bacteria.

Collection of daily urine
The peculiarity of this study is the preparationsterile container with a volume of about two liters, with a tight lid. It is necessary to stick a label on the walls of the container, where to indicate the full name. patient, as well as the date, time of the first and last urination in 24 hours.
How to collect daily urine for analysis? The algorithm is:
- The first time you need to urinate into the toilet and write down the time on the label, that is, record exactly when the bladder was empty.
- Next, the urine is collected in a container that is stored in the refrigerator.
- 24 hours after the first mark on the label, hand over the biomaterial for the last time and record the time again.
- It is important to collect all the liquid without missing a single urination.
- The container, placed in a plastic bag, send to the laboratory for research.
This technique allows you to estimate how much urine is excreted per day and what is its concentration. Assign research in such cases:
- hypertension;
- diagnosis of diabetes insipidus;
- for symptoms of kidney failure;
- inflammatory processes in the kidneys.
How to properly collect a urine test according to Zimnitsky? It is necessary to prepare 8 sterile containers for bioassays. The first portion of the liquid immediately after sleep is not collected - it goes down the toilet. The time is recorded as the start of the fence. Then, every three hours, separate containers are filled, which are stored in the refrigerator. After the last urination, all eight jars must be sent to the laboratory for diagnosis as soon as possible.

The reliability of the results of the urine test largely depends on compliance with the rules for taking biomaterial. Simple recommendations come down to simple points - hygiene of the genital organs, the use of a sterile container and compliance with the time period of the study.