Plastic surgeon Gogiberidze Otari Teimurazovich: biography

Plastic surgeon Gogiberidze Otari Teimurazovich: biography
Plastic surgeon Gogiberidze Otari Teimurazovich: biography

The development of plastic surgery does not stand still. One of the most popular and sought-after specialists in this field in our time is Otari Teimurazovich Gogiberidze, a person who knows firsthand what an important role aesthetic beauty plays in the life of each of us. The specialist is a member of the Council of Experts in Aesthetic Medicine, is a member of the European Confederation of Plastic Surgery and the owner of the Golden Lancet award. In addition, surgeon Otari Gogiberidze is a member of the Society of Reconstructive and Plastic Surgeons of Russia. In the course of his professional activity, Otari has worked with many cases and has been able to make happy a large number of people who are dissatisfied with their appearance. At the moment, he has more than 16 years of experience in the field of plastic surgery, but the doctor is definitely not going to stop there. So, in this article we will talk about OtariGogiberidze. The biography of this famous person is very interesting, so this article will focus on just that.


Gogiberidze Otari: biography
Gogiberidze Otari: biography

In 1995, in Moscow, the then-future plastic surgeon completed his studies at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. To obtain medical education from 1995 to 1997, Otari studied in residency in the field of "maxillofacial surgery", and the next 3 years (from 1997 to 2000) the surgeon spent in graduate school at the same faculty. Education alone is not enough for this profession, so Gogiberidze Otari further decided to improve his qualifications in the field of aesthetic, plastic, reconstructive surgery and cosmetology, spending 1 year on this (from 2001 to 2002). Since 2002, the surgeon has already begun to work and help people, and in 2004 in Germany (Heidelberg) he completed a course in augmentation and reduction mammoplasty. During the same period, the specialist gained experience in the field of liposuction, delved into the basics of surgical facial rejuvenation, lifting and body lifting, etc.

Gradually Gogiberidze began to visit more and more countries. So, in 2005, the surgeon flew to Spain (Barcelona), where he completed a course in nose plastic surgery and facial rejuvenation. The following year, the doctor attended a course on involutional changes in the breast and face.

Scientific activity

Of course, in addition to studies and courses, Gogiberidze Otari takes an active part in science. Concurrently, the doctor is an associate professor of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the FPCMR RUDN University, is a member ofof the Board of the Regional Public Organization "Society of Aesthetic Surgeons", gives lectures at various popular forums: IPRAS, ISAPS, etc. Among other things, the surgeon is engaged in trainings on working with American Endotine fixation boards designed for rejuvenation and facelift.

Surgeon Otari Gogiberidze: IPRAS Forum
Surgeon Otari Gogiberidze: IPRAS Forum

Clinic activities

For all the years of work, the young plastic surgeon managed to change several clinics. Otari provided paid plastic services at the Escal, Ottimo, Klazko clinics, and also worked for some time at the Remelia medical center. Now the specialist takes the place of the chief physician at the Beauty Time Center for Aesthetic Medicine. As Otari himself says, in the family where he was born, no one is interested in medicine. Mother and father never insisted on choosing a particular profession, so the surgeon made the choice independently and fully consciously.

How it all began

Otari never had much sympathy for doctors and could not even imagine that in the future he would become a famous plastic surgeon. But one day Otari's world changed completely. And it all started with the usual stay in the hospital, when he became seriously ill. It was then that Otari was very impressed with the appearance of the doctors and their work. From that moment on, he just began to seriously think about becoming a doctor in the future and helping people. Already at the age of 15, he got a job in a maternity hospital, where his duties included only mopping, collecting diapers and monitoring doctors - this is Otariconsidered the most interesting part of his work. With delight and under the incredible impression of everything he saw, after graduating from school, Gogiberidze confidently went to get a higher education in a medical institute.

Interesting facts from school days

In the process of studying at the university Gogiberidze Otari Teimurazovich was mainly interested in surgical aspects. And even during the study of infectious diseases, with pleasure and enthusiasm, he plunged into various diagnostic examinations. Otari was well aware that his future profession would definitely be connected precisely with surgery, surgery. And the circumstances for this were perfect, because at the faculty where the specialist studied, famous plastic surgeons of Moscow taught.

Otari Gogiberidze biography
Otari Gogiberidze biography

Working in your own clinic

The doctor has always dreamed of opening his own clinic. Now his dream has come true, and the Beauty Time medical center has been operating quite successfully for quite a long time, accepting clients with various aesthetic problems. Previously, Otari was a co-owner of one of the Moscow plastic surgery centers, but thanks to his diligence, professionalism and talent, in three years he was able to make the clinic one of the most visited and recognizable in Moscow. It was then that Otari began to think about opening and promoting his own center.

Since then, the leading Moscow surgeon has been in charge of his clinic, which attracts his regular clients and people who decide tosurgical intervention, but at the same time they take this issue very seriously and choose a surgeon with special care. As the clients themselves, who have already been operated on by Otari, assure, they are completely confident in the quality of the doctor's work and therefore return to him again and again.

Otari Gogiberidze clinic
Otari Gogiberidze clinic

Quality service delivery is the surgeon's trump card

“I am well acquainted with all the nuances of my work and have an excellent idea of what a modern medical institution should look like,” says Otari Gogiberidze. The clinic, which he manages, meets all the requirements of clients. It has everything you need to make people feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible. But the presence of a pleasant environment and friendly staff is only part of the success, although it is very important. In addition to all the services of a surgeon, the center provides programs for express recovery after operations. “I have everything thought out to the smallest detail! Even the daily diet of clients is selected only taking into account their individual characteristics,”the doctor says. And, in his opinion, this should be the case in all such medical centers. The right relationship between the clinic staff and the patients themselves is another point that affects the reputation of the institution as a whole.

PhD: the main secret of his success
PhD: the main secret of his success

Work for joy - the path to excellent results

Plastic surgeon Otari Gogiberidze believes that work should always bring pleasure. “I rest during operations,”smiling, says Otari. The surgeon performs each action almost “automatically”, since experience allows him to do this. Nevertheless, the doctor is completely focused on work, because the most important thing for him is that the client is satisfied with the result. “It's especially nice when you see for yourself that everything is going exactly as planned,” says the specialist. And the joy of customers and their satisfied faces always bring satisfaction from the work done.

The most difficult task in his profession, Otari Teimurazovich, candidate of medical sciences, considers communication with patients. His work requires iron patience, and the ability to find a common language with everyone who comes to the clinic, even just for a consultation, also plays an important role. It is necessary to hear and understand the desires of people, in some cases it is even necessary to repeat and clarify some nuances that are incomprehensible to patients again and again. But Otari enjoys it, because being useful and helping people is his calling.

Each client is unique, valuable and precious

Gogiberidze Otari Teimurazovich
Gogiberidze Otari Teimurazovich

Compared to the past decade, now customers are more aware of the work of plastic surgeons and various innovations in their field. Previously, patients were interested in such questions as, for example, how long it takes for bruises and scars to disappear, whether a doctor can do what they want with their appearance, etc. Currently, many patients, having read false information on the Web, come to many specialists with moralizing. Sometimeseven indicate to the doctor what method of work he should use during the operation. But Otari always treats such people with understanding. Still, the operation is a rather serious decision, and with excitement, clients begin to collect all the information from the public domain, even though they understand absolutely nothing about this matter. “I just lay out in the minds of clients, as they say, everything is on the shelves. And in the future, we decide together what the client really needs, and how to achieve this in a competent way,”says the doctor. Gogiberidze Otari is absolutely sure that each case is interesting in its own way and has features that should be given great attention. And being guided by information from the Internet is not always the right and appropriate solution.

Attitude towards family

Plastic surgeon Otari Gogiberdizde: attitude towards family
Plastic surgeon Otari Gogiberdizde: attitude towards family

At the age of 41, Otari became a father for the second time. He believes that at this age the birth of a child is perceived somewhat differently than, for example, at twenty. Now the doctor is very reverent and sensitive to his beloved daughter, tries to provide her with everything necessary and pay as much attention as possible, although due to work he does not always succeed. An interesting point: Otari was present at the birth, however, this time he did not act as a doctor, but was simply an observer, who, at the very moment of birth, nevertheless decided to leave the ward. But the feeling when Otari first picked up a newly born baby in his arms, the famous doctor will remember for a lifetime. By the way, at the time of the birth of the firstdaughters, Candidate of Medical Sciences Gogiberidze, was just undergoing medical practice in the same maternity hospital where his wife Yana Laputina was giving birth. More than 18 years have passed since that moment, but the plastic surgeon still talks about this with delight and unprecedented joy in his eyes.
