Gastritis is one of the most common diseases of the digestive system. According to statistics, more than 70% of the population suffers from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Leading among them is gastritis. The disease proceeds both with a decrease and with an increase in acidity.
The rapid pace of modern life leads to the fact that most people do not follow the diet. Stressful situations, bad habits and overwork, which together lead to the development of the disease, cannot be discounted.

What is gastritis?
This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane (and often deeper layers) of the walls of the stomach. Gastritis causes a decrease in the quality of food processing by gastric juice. As a result, the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract is destabilized, the body experiences an acute shortage of nutrients, even if the diet is varied.
In medical practice, gastritis with high acidity is most common, which has very unpleasant symptoms (acidbelching, bloating, heartburn). Examination and treatment of this disease should not be delayed, since hydrochloric acid, which is secreted in excess of the norm, quickly corrodes the gastric mucosa, which leads to the formation of ulcers.

Causes of disease
In the human body, an inflammatory reaction develops as a response to the impact of damaging factors on he althy tissues. Gastritis can be caused by infection, chemicals, or food that is too cold or too hot. The main causes of this pathology are formulated as follows:
- effect of fungi and bacteria on the walls of the stomach. More often than others, the disease is caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is detected in 85% of recorded cases;
- alcohol abuse;
- wrong diet;
- taking medications;
- worm infestations;
- constant stressful situations.
Internal causes of disease include:
- genetic predisposition to gastrointestinal diseases;
- violation of the protective properties of cells at the immune level;
- hormonal disorders;
- reflex transmission of pathogenesis from neighboring organs.
The cause of gastritis is very often a violation of the diet:
- Hurry during meals or eating "dry food" mechanically injure the mucous membrane.
- Eating too cold or hot food can trigger the development of the disease due to thermalmucosal damage.
- Eating spicy and s alty foods causes irritation of the mucous membrane like the action of chemicals.
Symptoms of disease
The acute form of gastritis is characterized by nausea and vomiting, a constant feeling of weakness, and in some cases diarrhea. In the area of the stomach periodically there are sharp pains. In the erosive form, patients complain of flatulence, pain in the stomach, heaviness after eating. Appetite can be increased or decreased. An unpleasant sour eructation and burning of the mucous membrane appears.
When these symptoms appear, you should consult a gastroenterologist, undergo an examination and begin treatment. Experts believe that the treatment of this disease should be comprehensive. It includes:
- taking medication prescribed by a doctor;
- strict adherence to diet;
- using folk remedies as an aid.
One of these remedies, which have proven themselves in the treatment of gastritis, we will describe in this article. Raw potato juice with gastritis has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa.
Useful properties of the product
As a rule, people perceive potatoes as a tasty and he althy vegetable, from which you can cook many dishes. However, not everyone knows that the value of this product lies not in its pulp, which contains a large amount of starch and carbohydrates, but in the juice, which has a much wider composition of nutrients. These include:
- vegetable fat;
- protein;
- vitamins;
- amino acids;
- carbs;
- organic acids;
- coarse fiber;
- minerals.
Potato tubers contain almost all the substances that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Their harmonious combination made a person pay attention to its medicinal properties, which are able to fight many diseases. People began to use potatoes to treat many diseases. Potato juice has proven to be excellent for gastritis with high acidity. It contains a huge amount of nutrients, absorbed almost instantly. This is very difficult to achieve even in laboratory conditions.

From this we can conclude that the treatment of gastritis with potato juice, included in complex therapy, is much more efficient and faster. But before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor.
Indications for use
Judging by the reviews, the treatment of gastritis with potato juice is very effective, although it has some nuances. It is known that the disease can have different stages and causes that caused it. In this regard, the use of juice is not always advisable. This method of treatment is justified only with erosive or catarrhal gastritis. An autoimmune form or allergic manifestations of gastritis will require a different treatment - potato juice is powerless in these cases.
How does potato juice work?
If you take this medicine regularly, you canquickly relieve the symptoms of gastritis. In addition, with gastritis with high acidity, potato juice acts as an antispasmodic, which will eliminate soreness. In addition, healing juice has other useful properties:
- anti-inflammatory;
- laxatives;
- painkillers;
- regenerating.
Knowing how to drink potato juice with gastritis, you can improve your appetite. We will tell you about the rules for taking it and contraindications below.

Such a seemingly safe natural product, like potato juice, has some contraindications for gastritis with high acidity. Therefore, it can be used only after consultation with the attending physician. Juice is contraindicated in:
- diabetes;
- overweight;
- with frequent fermentation processes in the stomach.
How to make potato juice
Traditional healers claim that the most effective treatment with potato juice for gastritis (reviews confirm this) is from September to December. It is at this time that potatoes are most useful and do not emit harmful substances.
For juicing, choose medium-sized, he althy, rot-free potato tubers. It is advisable to use pink varieties. To prepare a healing drink at one time, you will need three to four tubers. Vegetables should be thoroughly washed under running water with a brush to remove dirt as much as possible. Then the tubers should be doused with boiling water.

Potatoes should not be peeled. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the maximum effect. Grind potatoes on a fine grater and squeeze the resulting mass through gauze folded in several layers.
How to take potato juice for gastritis
If you have no contraindications and your doctor recommends you take this folk remedy, you should know that you can not use it in March. This restriction is explained by the fact that over the winter, potatoes lose their beneficial properties and are saturated with solanine, which adversely affects human he alth.
It is important to know how to drink potato juice for gastritis. First of all, spicy, s alty, smoked, fried foods should be excluded from the diet. During treatment, potato juice should be drunk through a straw, since this drink has a detrimental effect on tooth enamel. Potato juice for gastritis with high acidity can be taken in two ways.
Option 1
Daily juice is taken in the morning half an hour before meals. The dosage of the medicinal composition begins with one tablespoon (tablespoon) and gradually increases to a glass. The duration of treatment should not exceed ten days. After completion of the course, treatment is interrupted for two weeks. The treatment can then be repeated.
Option 2
In this case, potato juice for gastritis with high acidity is taken daily in the morning on an empty stomach, 50 ml for ten days. This is followed by a ten-day break after which treatment can be continued. Three such courses are allowed.

In the first days of juice intake, cleansing enemas should be given to enhance the absorption of nutrients.
How to improve the taste of the product?
Some patients complain that they don't like the taste of potato juice. Sometimes taste aversion is not as critical as the nausea that occurs in some patients. For this reason, it is important to maintain the healing effect of this remedy and at the same time improve its taste. For this you need:
Mix it with carrot and cabbage juice in equal proportions. If you want sweeter potato juice, add some cranberry juice and a third teaspoon of honey.
To improve the taste of the drink will help a mixture of potato, carrot and beetroot juice. In the treatment of gastritis, only home-made juice is allowed for use, which should be taken within ten minutes. After this time, the juice loses its beneficial qualities and has no therapeutic effect.

After taking the juice, it is recommended to lie down for forty minutes, and only after that you can eat. After a course of treatment with potato juice, it is imperative to visit a gastroenterologist to make sure of the positive dynamics. If no improvement is found, the doctor will adjust the drug treatment to completely eliminate the manifestation of the disease and prevent its consequences.
Potato juice for gastritis: patient reviews
Very important that it is effectivea folk remedy is recommended to be taken not only by traditional healers, but also by representatives of traditional medicine. As a rule, the gastroenterologist prescribes complex treatment after receiving the test results. Self-medication is not allowed. Juice has contraindications that only a specialist can take into account. Many note that improvement occurs after the first ten-day course.