Potato is a wonderful vegetable, one of the most loved and affordable products in our country. Despite its modest and unremarkable appearance, this root crop has a lot of important advantages. Speaking about the benefits and harms of raw potato juice, it should be noted that it is endowed with medicinal qualities, and is used in the treatment of various ailments, as well as for cosmetic purposes. However, this vegetable also has contraindications. Now we will tell you more about how to drink potato juice correctly, what will be the benefits of it and consider possible limitations.

What is in the potato
If we analyze not the harm, but the benefits of potato juice, then we can note the following: the therapeutic properties of potato nectar have been known for a long time, they have been confirmed by numerous studies. But you should not go into the details of scientific works, but it is better to look at the composition of raw potatoes and then it will becomeit is clear why it is so useful.
Potato juice contains substances that are also found in potato pulp, including a lot of fiber, vitamins PP and E, microelements and macroelements, amino acids, antioxidants, proteins and fatty acids.
Action on the body
Positive effects on the body due to entering into potato juice:
- A large amount of vitamin B6, which normalizes the nervous system, increases immunity, and keeps the synthesis of red blood cells.
- Ascorbic acid, which ensures good absorption of iron, thereby preventing anemia. It also regulates the course of the redox reaction and strengthens the capillaries.
- Potassium, which keeps blood pressure in order, favorably affects the water-s alt balance and the functioning of the heart muscles.
- Molybdenum and chromium. They control the amount of glucose and support the activity of enzymes.
- Copper, which helps the absorption of proteins and lipids. Thanks to her, oxygen nourishes the body, preventing connective tissue dysplasia.

Before drinking, carefully read the points about the benefits and harms of potato juice. Such foresight will save you from possible negative consequences.
It is not recommended to use potato juice for a person with low acidity. With caution if you have diabetes mellitus, as regular use may cause malfunction of the pancreas.
Categoricallyit is forbidden to make juice from a green or sprouted vegetable, since there are dangerous toxic substances (for example, poisonous corned beef) that can provoke poisoning. Also, prolonged consumption of juice can lead to poisoning.
The best time to use root juice is from the second month of summer until March (in January-February, the vegetable is still relatively fresh, and after that the accumulation of harmful substances starts).
Don't forget that there may be no benefit from fasting potato juice, but harm is most likely guaranteed.
Restrictions on drinking root juice:
- acute phase of pancreatitis;
- complex type of diabetes mellitus;
- damage to tooth enamel by caries;
- intestinal predisposition to fermentation and bloating;
- individual intolerance to the root crop or allergy to it;
- susceptibility to constipation or diarrhea;
- critical obesity;
- problems with the urinary system.

Proper preparation of potato juice
Now, having studied the benefits and harms of potato juice, you should know that for medicinal purposes it is necessary to use exclusively a freshly prepared drink. It is better to buy large, mature fruits for this business, without flaws, cuts and green areas. In order for potato juice to fully reveal its healing qualities, it is important to be able to properly prepare it. The first step is to wash the potatoes, but do not peel the skin. Then split into piecesso that you can grind it in a juicer without any problems. Pass the resulting potato nectar through cheesecloth and take it immediately, depending on the type of problem.
With pancreatitis, cholecystitis and gastritis
Pancreatitis is one of the serious diseases that manifests itself in the form of an exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas. When the condition worsens, there is an increase in temperature, the occurrence of vomiting and a terrible pain in the left hypochondrium, going to the back. The pains are recurring and usually come on suddenly.
Juice therapy will be a very good tool to complement the main treatment. The benefits and harms of potato juice in pancreatitis will depend on the time of admission and the correct use of the drink. Its use is better to start with small portions - from a few sips, evenly increasing the dose. You can use it for preventive purposes, but it is advisable to consult a doctor first.
Also, potato juice is used to treat another serious disease - cholecystitis. It is characterized by pain on the right side of the abdominal cavity and colic associated with inflammation of the gallbladder. The disease usually occurs against the background of urolithiasis. Potato juice can relieve acute attacks of cholecystitis. For the best effect, drink the drink in the morning on an empty stomach, and then go back to bed for 30 minutes. The next item is breakfast, which is compiled according to the recommendations of the doctor. The course of treatment is 10 days.
It is necessary to start treatment with potato juice for gastritis with small portions. In the early daysit is recommended to drink 25-55 ml of juice three times a day. If there is no deterioration in well-being, then the dose can be increased to 100 milliliters. If the condition changes for the better and the potato nectar is well absorbed by the body, then the dose can be increased by another 50 ml. The approximate duration of such treatment is 3-4 weeks. Then a pause is made for 14 days and therapy continues. An ulcer is treated in the same way.

For the liver
Potato juice is also suitable for cleansing the liver, thanks to the substances in its composition that are able to remove accumulated toxins and accumulations of harmful substances. The alkaline components of the juice collect uric acid and rid the body of it. To this end, from morning to breakfast, you should take 200 ml of fresh potato juice.
Potato juice for the stomach: benefits and harms
If there are ulcerative lesions of the stomach, it is necessary to drink potato juice according to the following scheme:
- at first it is better to drink the minimum amount - 1 large spoon will be enough for three days before meals;
- in the next three days, increase the measure to two large spoons at a time;
- drink 1/2 cup in the middle of the cycle;
- general course 21 days, after that you need to break for a week;
- repeat the treatment until a stable therapeutic effect is established.

For constipation and hemorrhoids
If you have decreased intestinal motility or an unbalanced diet and lack of fiber, nutritionistssuggest drinking 50 ml of potato juice half an hour before meals. It is important to remember that the allowable amount of consumed root nectar should not exceed 200 ml per day, because the number of meals per day may fluctuate.
In similar quantities, juice is used for hemorrhoids (but not in the acute period). In addition to this, it will not be superfluous to wash the rectum - 25-35 ml of juice is injected into the anus. This will help relieve itching, swelling, bleeding and soothe the pain a little.
In case of poisoning
Harm and benefits of fresh potato juice helps with poisoning, among the main symptoms of which are nausea, vomiting and gagging. Juice is consumed without any additives, despite the fact that it tastes unpleasant. This is important, because in case of intoxication, excess fillers can significantly worsen the patient's condition.

For diabetes
Time to talk about the benefits and harms of potato juice for diabetes. Diabetes is a serious disease. Many people believe that it makes its owner doomed. To keep such an organism in good condition, mandatory medicines and a specific dietary menu are prescribed, in which only some juices are allowed. In this case, potato juice is used not for enjoyment, but for the purpose of improving he alth.
For diabetics to experience the benefits of potato juice, they need to know how to take it exactly. The main principle of admission is that a positive result will be noticeable if you drinkfreshly made potato juice on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. The course is a quarter cup every day for two weeks. The next start only after a monthly pause.
The process of losing weight is inextricably linked with diets in which potatoes are on the list of prohibited ones, as they knock down all efforts to lose weight. But it is worth remembering the cleansing properties of potatoes. In connection with them, the juice from the root crop will remove excess fluid and harmful substances from the body. Also, this vegetable nectar is able to improve the activity of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Drink potato juice half an hour before meals. If the taste seems too unpleasant for you, you can add honey, carrot, lemon or pumpkin juice. But first, do not forget to check with your doctor about the benefits and harms of carrot and potato juice when combined in a particular case.

In home cosmetology
Potato juice is used in the preparation of masks, tonics and compresses at home. It is able to eliminate pimples, rosacea, pigmentation problems and oily skin. Tuber juice makes the skin he althy, soft and well-groomed, and also keeps it young.
To whiten the skin, remove freckles and age spots, use the following recipe. Combine potato juice with lemon juice in proportions of 1 to 3. Wipe your face with this composition at least six times a day.
To overcome wrinkles, get rid of bruises under the eyes and swelling, you canprepare the next mask. Grind cottage cheese in a bowl until all lumps are dissolved and add potato juice. The result should be a mass resembling sour cream in density. Apply the resulting mixture on the face for 25 minutes, then rinse with water.
We would like to present you feedback on the benefits and harms of potato juice.
People who have tried potato juice, for the most part, speak positively about it. It is called a magic tool with which you can put your he alth in order. Especially note the effectiveness of juice in losing weight. The miraculous properties of potato juice are also not ignored, which, judging by the reviews, easily cleanses the intestines and eliminates problems of the gastrointestinal tract. There is also a lot of talk about the dangers and benefits of potato juice on an empty stomach.
Potato juice treatment has mostly positive reviews. With the help of this natural remedy, people cure diseases and strengthen the immune system. This is a useful and affordable vegetable, which, unfortunately, is often not taken seriously by people. If you have an intention to try potato juice for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, then you should definitely consult with your doctor. He will tell you in detail about the he alth benefits and harms of potato juice and determine the rate of use.