Black peppercorns for diarrhea is a folk remedy that a small number of people are aware of. Diarrhea comes on suddenly. This unpleasant condition usually manifests itself in the form of a reaction of the body to the ingress of harmful substances into it. Trying to remove toxins as quickly as possible, the usual mode of operation is disturbed in the intestines. In such a situation, black pepper comes to the rescue. Its special properties, rules of admission and contraindications will be discussed further.
Healing properties of black pepper
The benefits of spices are difficult to overestimate. Black peas have the following multifaceted effects on the body:
- Speeds up metabolic processes and prevents obesity.
- Improves appetite.
- Has detoxifying properties.
- Reduces cholesterol levels.
- Exhibits antioxidantactivity (with capsaicin and piperine).
- Has antiviral and antibacterial effects.
- Destroys pathogenic bacteria that develop in the intestines.
- Normalizes the digestion process.
- Eliminates flatulence and flatulence.
- Improves blood circulation.
Spice contains useful substances: vitamins, minerals and others. This contributes to the replenishment of minerals lost during diarrhea.

How does black peppercorns work for diarrhea? Its use can eliminate the process of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines. Peas in addition to diarrhea eliminates flatulence, abdominal cramps. This activity is caused by increased production of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes, due to the inclusion of pepper in food.
Features of using pepper
Prolonged diarrhea is dangerous to he alth. With incessant stools, a decent amount of water and electrolytes are excreted from the body. The latter are responsible for the normal state of cells and organs. The result is dehydration. To get rid of this condition, you can not only take medicines, but also use safer means. These include traditional medicine methods.
How to use black peppercorns for diarrhea? To do this, you will need to follow these tips:
- It is best to take after dinner or before bedtime, when there is a decrease in body activity. It is during this period of time that the action of peas will bethe most efficient.
- It is necessary to use the product in its entirety. Peas are not recommended to grind or chew. This is due to the fact that when crushed, it will begin to bake and burn the mucous membrane.
- It must be swallowed with plain water. It is allowed to use mineral water with pre-released gas.
- Adult size limit of 10 peas
- The duration of treatment is from 3 to 10 days, depending on the duration of diarrhea. However, if the symptoms of diarrhea do not improve, you should see a doctor.
It is not recommended to exceed the amount of funds. Instead of eliminating the symptoms of diarrhea, symptoms such as vomiting or allergic reactions may occur.
When adults take black peppercorns for diarrhea, the positive effect comes quickly enough. During the period of diarrhea, you must follow a diet. To do this, fatty and smoked foods are excluded from the diet. Frequent emptying leads to dehydration in the body. To do this, take a solution of "Rehydron".
If there is no positive effect, and the symptoms of diarrhea intensified, and they were joined by pain and fever, then you need to see a doctor.
Pepper action
Black peppercorns help with diarrhea. The methods of its application do not differ in variety. Indeed, to obtain the effect, it is consumed inside.
How does black peppercorns work for diarrhea? The tool has a complex effect on the body:
- Peppercorns stimulateproduction of hydrochloric acid inside the stomach. It improves the process of digestion of food due to the activation of special enzymes. Such substances stimulate the digestive tract.
- Neutralizes the effects of bacteria - pathogens. The chemical reaction that occurs when black pepper enters the body makes the vital activity of these bacteria impossible.
- Spice has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect.
- Has an analgesic effect.
- Promotes the elimination of toxins that cause diarrhea.

The help of black pepper will be powerless if the poisoning is caused by chemicals.
How to use for children?
In this case, there are age restrictions. Black peppercorns for diarrhea in children can be used for children over the age of 5-7 years. This is due to the high activity of the agent in relation to the digestive processes. Children over 7 years old are given peas in an amount halved. It is best not to take 5 peas at once, but to do it in several doses with a break of about an hour.

The use of spices is combined with rice water. To prepare it, grits are poured with boiling water and boiled over low heat. The broth is filtered and taken in a teaspoon.
Pregnancy diarrhea remedy
During the period of bearing a child, it is necessary to use a remedy such as black peppercorns for diarrhea, it is necessary withcaution. It is best to use the children's dosage - 5 pieces

Black pepper should not be taken during the third trimester of pregnancy. It excites the nervous system and can cause premature birth.
Effective Recipes
Does black peppercorns help with diarrhea? There are the most effective ways to use the remedy:
- Peppercorns and cinnamon. For this recipe, you need to take 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon and chopped pepper. Pour boiling water over the mixture and insist for half an hour. Drink a sip every 30-60 minutes. Reception continues until the complete cessation of diarrhea.
- Pepper with ginger and lemon. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1/2 tsp. ginger juice and 1/4 teaspoon crushed peppercorns. Leave for an hour. Take twice a day. It is allowed to drink warm black tea.
- Peppercorns and potato juice. The standard dose of the product should be washed down with water, in which 1/4 cup of potato juice should be diluted.
- Pepper tincture on vodka. It is prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator. To prepare the tincture 2 tbsp. spoons of peas are crushed. To the tool add 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped ginger, 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Pour 1/2 liter of alcohol and insist for 2 weeks. For diarrhea, take 1 teaspoon with water every 30-60 minutes.

These black peppercorns for diarrhea can be consumedadults and children over 7 years old.
Despite the positive properties, black peppercorns have the following contraindications for diarrhea:
- Acute form of diseases of the urinary system.
- Kidney failure.
- Diseases of the digestive tract (stomach and duodenal ulcer).
- Gastritis, colitis, duodenitis in the acute stage.
- Hemorrhoids.
- Anemia.
- Mental disorders (black pepper causes CNS overexcitation).
- Epilepsy.
- Malignant neoplasms.
Among the side effects that occur when the dosage of black pepper is exceeded are: abdominal pain, vomiting and increased diarrhea.
Black pepper treatment should be discontinued if an allergic reaction occurs.
Additional measures for diarrhea
According to reviews, black peppercorns for diarrhea may not help if you do not follow a series of nutrition and water regimen measures.
Diarrhea leads to dehydration and loss of energy. During therapy, special attention should be paid to the diet. Fatty, s alty and spicy foods should be excluded from it. The menu needs to increase the amount of protein. You should not eat sauces, fast food during this period of time. The most suitable cooking is boiling or stewing.

The drinking regimen is especially important. In addition to the required amount of water in the diet, it is allowed to drink compote, tea and herbal infusions. It is especially important that the bodyenough minerals were received, especially with diarrhea.
How to avoid?
The unique properties of black peppercorns, due to analgesic effects, can destroy pathogenic microflora and, as a result, diarrhea. The spice helps to remove substances from the body that are formed during the reproduction of microorganisms.
Eating black peas daily can help prevent diarrhea and other digestive disorders.

To prevent diarrhea, follow these guidelines:
- do not eat without first washing your hands;
- carefully wash fruits, vegetables and herbs;
- drink pure bottled or filtered water;
- Properly cook fish and meat dishes that often contain parasitic bacteria.
Black peppercorns are an effective remedy for diarrhea that is present in every home. The spice is used for diarrhea when there were no suitable drugs at hand. Many patients note the safety and effectiveness of this method. If diarrhea does not stop for a long time, then the patient should contact a medical facility for help.