Currently, a variety of methods are used in the treatment of various diseases. If earlier medicine was more based on drug therapy, now physiotherapy procedures are often prescribed. They help to quickly cope with the disease. You need to know that physiotherapy includes many methods, one of which we will get to know in more detail. Consider what drug electrophoresis is, what pathologies it is indicated for and whether it has contraindications.
Essence of the treatment method
Electrophoresis refers to physiotherapy procedures. During the session, the patient's body is exposed to electrical impulses in order to obtain a lasting therapeutic effect.
Medicinal electrophoresis is also used to administer medications through the skin and mucous membranes. We can say that this method is complex, since there is a simultaneous effect of current and drug. Which drug to choose for the procedure, what is the percentage and polarity of administration, is determined only by the attending physician, taking into accountthe patient's condition and disease severity.

The essence of electrophoresis is that drugs enter the tissues in the form of charged particles through the intercellular spaces, the ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands. As a result of exposure to electric current, the effectiveness of drugs increases significantly, as there is an increase in the sensitivity of tissues.
All medicines are injected taking into account their polarity, if they are cations, then they are injected from the anode, and anions - from the cathode. Distilled water is considered the best solvent, but alcohol or Dimexide is used for poorly soluble compounds.
Medicinal electrophoresis
The mechanism of this procedure is that the drug in the form of ions enters the patient's body through the pores and ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Cations and anions linger on the skin under the electrode, and then gradually penetrate into the blood and lymph. Due to this gradual intake, the effect of the drug on the body is long, which is one of the advantages of this method of therapy.
Medicinal electrophoresis is carried out using different devices, one of which is Potok. This device has been used in medicine for a long time, it is time-tested and reliable. It is possible to adjust the current strength during the procedure, as well as set the time. Currently, modern analogues of the device are being produced, which have digital indicators.
To get a therapeutic effect, absolutelyit is not necessary to place electrodes on a diseased organ or to inject large doses of drugs. Through physiotherapy, calcium, magnesium, iodine ions are injected to increase the reflex effect on the affected tissue.

Electrophoresis techniques
To increase the efficiency of this procedure, methods of drug electrophoresis are constantly being developed and improved. Currently using the following:
- Prolonged galvanization. Apply an electric current of low strength, but the exposure time is long. The Krona battery is a current source. The course of treatment procedures is usually 20-30 sessions. Electrophoresis calms well, has an analgesic effect.
- Labile galvanization. One electrode during the procedure is fixed motionless, and the second is in motion and moves at a speed of 3-5 cm per second over the skin surface. To exclude current fluctuations, a stabilizing device is introduced into the apparatus. The procedure well increases metabolism, improves blood supply to organs and tissues and neuromuscular conduction.
- Intratissue electrophoresis. Carrying out the procedure of drug electrophoresis according to this method is reduced to the introduction through the cannula subcutaneously or intramuscularly of the drug or a mixture of substances. The medicine can be administered by stream or drip. Electrodes are applied across the lesion to increase the concentration of the drug. If the drug is administered by jet, then the current is turned on simultaneously, and with drip- after insertion.
In neurological practice, electrophoresis is used for many diseases of the nervous system. The following techniques are used:
1. Vacuum electrophoresis. A special device EVAK-1 is used, which has a vacuum pump and cuvettes. During the procedure, the cuvettes are applied to the skin or mucous membrane, and the pad is impregnated with the drug. After a discharged pressure is created, the skin rises and comes into close contact with the drug. The duration of the procedure is only 5-10 minutes, it is necessary to do such 5-10 minutes per course, depending on the patient's condition and the severity of his disease. This method of electrophoresis allows you to inject more drugs and much deeper.
2. Microelectrophoresis. For the procedure, a cotton liner is used, into which a wick impregnated with a drug is inserted. Above is an electrode to create contact between the metal tip and the cotton. The use of drug electrophoresis according to this technique is often used for hypertension, sleep disorders, pathologies of the nervous system.
3. Electrophonophoresis is a combination of ultrasound and electrophoresis. There is a special device that consists of an alternating current source that has a therapeutic effect, a transducer that converts ultrasound, a stabilized current source, an electric nozzle and an electrode. During the procedure, the electrode is fixed on the skin, the electric nozzle is filled with the preparation, fixed on the ultrasonic sensor and connected to the other pole of the current source. StrengthThe current is increased gradually, and then the ultrasound is turned on. Procedures are done daily, every other day, for 10-15 minutes.

Methods of drug electrophoresis are different, but which one to use is decided by the attending physician.
Electrophoresis Methods
In addition to various methods, there are ways to use this procedure:
- Tub. The essence lies in the fact that a medicinal solution is placed in a special container with built-in electrodes and a part of the patient's body is immersed.
- Intratissue. The drug is administered intravenously or orally, and electrodes are applied to the diseased area.
- The abdominal method is used for diseases of the rectum or vagina. Medicine is injected inside and an electrode is inserted, and the second electrode is attached to the outside of the body.
If drug electrophoresis is prescribed, it is important to know the algorithm, but it must also be taken into account that various factors can affect the absorption of the drug:
- The place of impact of the procedure.
- Age of the patient.
- Duration of electrophoresis.
- Dose and concentration of the drug.
- Power of electric current.
- Ion charge and size.
- Individual characteristics of the patient.
All this must be taken into account and the parameters adjusted in each case individually.
What are the benefits of electrophoresis
There are many physiotherapy procedures, and each has its own advantages andminuses. The benefits of drug electrophoresis are as follows:
- During the procedure, a small amount of medication is injected.
- Substances accumulate, which means that the procedure has a prolonged effect.
- Drugs are administered in the most accessible form, in the form of ions.
- Creates a high local concentration without blood and lymph saturation.
- It is possible to inject medicinal substances into places of pathology, which is especially important in violation of microcirculation.
- The procedure is absolutely painless.
- Side effects are very rare.
- Drugs do not enter the digestive tract, which means they are not destroyed.
- The drug is injected through the entire skin, so no special sterilization is required.
Thus, we can say that this method of physiotherapy is not only effective, but also safe. But before doing drug electrophoresis, the indications and contraindications must be studied.
In what cases is electrophoresis prescribed
This physiotherapeutic procedure is prescribed quite often in the complex treatment of many neurological, gynecological, surgical diseases. Not without electrophoresis pediatrics and dentistry. Here is a list of some pathologies that are successfully treated with this procedure:
- Diseases of the respiratory system, from ordinary bronchitis to bronchial asthma and pneumonia.
- Disorders of the ear, throat and nose.
- Excellent in disease therapyGastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer.
- Electrophoresis is used in the complex therapy of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. These include hypertension, hypotension, angina pectoris, atrial fibrillation, etc.
- Diseases of the genitourinary system.
- Pathologies of the nervous system practically cannot do without this method of treatment. Migraines, neurosis, radiculitis, intervertebral hernia, etc. are perfectly treated.
- The musculoskeletal system also responds well to electrophoresis. This procedure is often prescribed after fractures, with osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis.
- Diseases of the endocrine system.
- Skin diseases.
- In the field of dentistry, electrophoresis is also not uncommon, for example, with stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis.
As you can see from the above list, the indications for drug electrophoresis are quite extensive.

Contraindications to the procedure
There is no such treatment or procedure that would be allowed to absolutely everyone. We have already considered what indications medicinal electrophoresis has. And there are contraindications for this method of therapy. These include:
- Benign and malignant neoplasms anywhere in the body.
- Presence of heart failure.
- Having a pacemaker.
- Any inflammatory process in the body in the acute stage.
- High body temperature.
- Severe form of bronchial asthma.
- Blood clotting disorders.
- Skin conditions such as eczema or dermatitis.
- Violation of the sensitivity of the skin.
- Presence of mechanical damage at the site of application of medicinal pads.
- Electric current intolerance.
- Medication allergy.
- If electrodes are supposed to be placed on the area of the uterus and ovaries, then menstruation is a contraindication.
In any case, even if you think that you have no contraindications to the procedure, drug electrophoresis is possible only after consulting a doctor. Every detail must be taken into account.

The therapeutic effect of electrophoresis
If drug electrophoresis is prescribed, any technique, in principle, will be of great benefit, since the procedure produces the following therapeutic effect:
- Reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes.
- Has a decongestant effect.
- Relieves pain.
- Reduces spasm of muscle fibers.
- It has a calming effect on the nervous system.
- Accelerating tissue regeneration.
- Activates the human immune system.

At the time of the procedure, the effect also depends on the dominant electrode. If it is the cathode then:
- Dilation of blood and lymph vessels occurs.
- Relaxation.
- Exchange is normalizingsubstances.
- The work of the endocrine glands stabilizes.
- Production of biologically active substances is stimulated.
The positive electrode - the anode - has the following effect:
- Promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body.
- Pain reliever.
- Reduces inflammation.
There is no doubt about the benefits of such a procedure, but the main thing is that all contraindications are taken into account, otherwise it may lead to undesirable consequences.
Side effects of electrophoresis
If the procedure is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the patient's condition and his illness, then drug electrophoresis rarely gives undesirable effects. Most often, these are allergic reactions to the drug, which can be manifested by burning, redness, rash and swelling. After the end of the procedure, all symptoms quickly disappear.

Some patients after several sessions notice an increase in soreness, a slight increase in body temperature. Usually, by the end of the course of therapy, all sensations pass without medical intervention.
Steps of the procedure
If a drug electrophoresis procedure is scheduled, the algorithm should be as follows:
- A nurse or doctor must check the he alth of the device before the procedure.
- View doctor's appointment in patient card.
- Explain in detail, especially if a person is doing electrophoresis for the first time, what sensations canbe.
- Help the patient into a comfortable position.
- Make sure the integrity of the skin in the place where the pad is applied.
- Prepare pads appropriate to the place of application, soak them in warm water.
- Apply them to the patient's body.
- A lead plate is placed on top, which will be connected by a wire to the device.
- Calculate the current strength for the procedure.
- Check that the current intensity regulator is in the leftmost position.
- Connect the device to the network.
- Set the shunt switch to "5" if the patient is a child or the procedure is done on the head, and "50" for adult patients and other parts of the body.
- Gradually increase the current to the required value.
- If the patient tolerates the procedure well, then he can be covered, but be warned that if he feels any discomfort, he must inform the nurse.
- Time the electrophoresis.
- After the end, set the current regulator to the “0” position.
- Disconnect the appliance from the mains.
- Remove the electrodes from the patient's body and examine the skin for redness and irritation.
- Remind the patient when they are due for their next procedure.
This execution algorithm should be known to any nurse.
Any physiotherapeutic procedures will provide significant assistance in complex therapy, but only when they are prescribed taking into account the pathology and individual characteristics of the patient, and are also performedhigh-quality, competent specialist. Do not neglect electrophoresis, this procedure will help to cope with the disease faster.