Inflammation of the adenoids is diagnosed in both adult patients and children. Moreover, the disease is more common in children. Usually, when such a diagnosis of II-III degree is made, otolaryngologists insist on an operation. However, both adult patients and parents of sick children are trying to find alternative, more benign methods of treatment. And it should be recognized that they exist: the treatment of adenoids with thuja oil, according to patients, gives excellent results.
The duration of treatment depends on the course of the disease, its degree and individual characteristics of the organism.
What are adenoids?
In the nasopharynx of each person there is a special organ that protects our body from various viruses and infections that we inhale with the air. These are the adenoids. In adults, they are small, since the formed immunity does not need additional care. The child has large adenoids, often before adolescence.

Causes of inflammation in children
Unfavorable factors, which include SARS, influenza, tonsillitis, cause inflammation. Against its background, the adenoids increase in size, thereby disrupting the natural nasal breathing. The baby begins to worry about frequent viral and infectious diseases, since the child's nasopharynx cannot yet clear itself of infections.

The result of ignoring the problem can be hearing loss, frequent headaches. If you notice that the child is not breathing well through the nose, do not waste time, go to an appointment with a specialist. Depending on the size of the adenoids and the overall clinical picture, doctors distinguish the following conditions:
- I degree - difficulty breathing, especially during sleep;
- II degree - during wakefulness, the child breathes through his mouth, and at night he snores;
- III degree - air does not pass through the nasal passages at all.
Adenoids in adults
In adult patients, the symptoms of the disease are so vivid that it is impossible not to pay attention to them. Unfortunately, many turn to a specialist only when the disease is already running. The following symptoms may indicate an increase in adenoids:
- difficulty in nasal breathing;
- excessive fatigue;
- headache;
- dizziness;
- excretion of purulent mucus in large volumes;
- snoring;
- nasive voice;
- cough;
- sleep disorders;
- Ear congestion and hearing loss.
Symptoms are mild at first but worsen as the disease progresses. If treatment is started in a timely manner, at the first symptoms of the disease, then it can be eliminated in a fairly short time and any complications can be avoided.

Causes of the development of the disease in children
Increase and inflammation of the adenoids in children is preceded by a number of reasons. For example, the impetus for the appearance of the first signs can be:
Heredity. In this case, we can talk about the presence in the child of even minor changes in the endocrine system that can provoke a weakening of the immune system
Infectious chronic diseases. Frequent colds, inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx can cause pathogenic growth of adenoids
External factors. These include permanent residence in regions with smoky dirty air, hot dry air in a room where a child stays for a long time
Causes of disease in adults
When the adenoids become inflamed, the lymphatic tissue that makes up this organ grows, which leads to the development of the disease. In adults, this process can be provoked by the following reasons:
- chronic diseases of the nasopharynx;
- smoking;
- endocrine disorders;
- allergic rhinitis;
- genetic predisposition.
In most cases, the disease develops against the background of infectious and viral diseases: adenoids have to more actively producelymphocytes. But after recovery, they tend to quickly return to their normal size. As you know, every rule has exceptions: in some patients, they remain inflamed and require urgent medical treatment.

Thuja oil: what is it?
A plant product obtained from cones and needles of adult trees (over 15 years old) is called arborvitae oil. In pharmacies, it can be purchased under the name "Edas-801". This is a unique tool with many useful properties. Tui oil is also used for other diseases, this is a truly unique product used to treat many diseases of the skin, respiratory tract, as an excellent cosmetic product. The beneficial properties of thuja oil include:
- ability to get rid of pathogens;
- removing inflammation on the skin and mucous membranes;
- stop minor bleeding;
- antiseptic, immunostimulating effect;
- toning effect;
- normalization of indicators of the biochemical composition of the blood.
Judging by the instructions, thuja oil for adenoids has proven itself well thanks to the active ingredients that make up its composition. This is a powerful immune stimulant, which is successfully used to improve the he alth of babies and adult patients.
Oil obtained from thuja needles contains:
- resin;
- pinin;
- tannins;
- pinipicrin;
- pylen;
- romadendrin;
- flavonoids;
- saponins;
- taxifolin.
Thuja oil for the treatment of adenoids
It is no coincidence that thuja has long been called the tree of life by the people. The use of oil made from the cones and needles of this tree can cure many infectious diseases, restore strength, and relieve fatigue. In alternative medicine, it is successfully used to treat the common cold, sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis and inflamed adenoids. Judging by the feedback from patients, this tool can help avoid surgery.

Pharmacological action
Today, homeopathic and essential oils are produced. Which thuja oil is better for adenoids? For inflammation, homeopathic formulations are used, since the essential oil is recommended only for external use due to its high toxicity. It is effective in the treatment of fungal, infectious skin lesions. It has a wound healing, tonic, analgesic effect.
Homeopathic oil improves metabolic processes in cells, significantly enhances the secretory function of mucous membranes. Expectorant, antiseptic effect is exerted by tannins. Thuja oil with adenoids fights microbes, effectively stopping their development. The vasoconstrictive properties of the drug increase the outflow of mucus from the nose, normalize breathing.
How to apply the oil?
Before starting treatment with this unique product, you must consult with your doctor. Instructions for usethuja oil for adenoids does not contain information about allergic reactions to the product, since they occur extremely rarely. However, they should be taken into account.
It is better to buy thuja oil (for adenoids) homeopathic 15% "Edas-801". The principles of treatment of adenoids with its help contain the following rules: the course of treatment should be long (at least two weeks), and to obtain the maximum effect, it must be repeated after a month.
Before starting treatment, the patient's nose should be flushed. Aerosols with sea water can be recommended for both children and adults - Physiomer, Aqualor, Aquamaris, Protorgol and others.

With the help of your doctor, you need to decide which of the existing two treatment regimens is best for you.
Treatment regimens
The first scheme involves the following sequence of procedures:
- drop 2 drops of an aqueous solution into each nasal passage for a child (adult 4) to clear and relieve inflammation;
- after 15 minutes, drip Edas-801, 2 drops for a child and 3 for an adult patient.
These procedures are carried out within a week. The next week, use "Protorgol", and the use of thuja oil for adenoids should be replaced with an antimicrobial drug, which includes colloidal silver - "Argolife". Thus, the procedures alternate for six weeks. Then the treatment is stopped for a week. After a break, thuja oil with adenoids is instilled three times a day, two drops in a child andthree for an adult in each nostril.
During the procedure, the patient must lie down. After injecting the oil, do not get up for 10 minutes.
Second scheme
The course of treatment in this case consists of a two-week set of procedures, including washing with sea water and instillation of homeopathic thuja oil for adenoids. This must be done three times a day. This is followed by a two-week break, after which the course of treatment is repeated.

Thuja oil shows good results when used as a preventive measure, if there is a predisposition to colds and inflammation of the adenoids. But even in this case, it is necessary to get the opinion of your doctor about such procedures.
According to the feedback from patients, inflammation of the adenoids can be prevented in most cases in adult patients. To do this, you must take the following preventive measures:
- carry out systematic hardening;
- be outdoors every day for at least an hour;
- quit smoking;
- timely treat inflammation of the nasopharynx;
- take immune boosters in spring and autumn.
These simple actions support the body's defenses, minimize the risk of inflammation of the adenoids. This disease is not to be taken lightly.
You should know that even surgery and adenotomy (removal of adenoids) does not guarantee that this problem will not occuragain. The decision to perform the operation is made not only by the doctor, but also by adult patients, as well as by the parents of babies suffering from this disease.
When making such a serious decision, remember that thuja oil can not only restore breathing, but also prevent further development of the disease over time.
Thuja oil for adenoids: patient reviews
According to most people suffering from this disease, thuja oil has helped many patients avoid surgery. Its regular use increases protective functions. After a full course of treatment with this homeopathic remedy, a stable ability of the body is developed to prevent the growth of lymphatic tissues (polyps and adenoids).