Propolis is a sticky substance of dark brown, almost black color. It has medicinal properties and contains a lot of useful components. That is why it is often used in traditional medicine recipes in the form of alcohol or water infusions. It is extremely important, before making an aqueous solution of propolis, to learn all the intricacies of the procedure and the rules for its use.
What is propolis

This bee product is known to so many people. However, not every person knows what this substance consists of and how it is obtained. At its core, propolis is a glue. Bees use it to insulate their home, seal gaps in it and neutralize the negative effects of microbes. In order to collect the glue, the beekeeper has to scrape black plasticine from the walls of the hive every day throughout the season. Its quantity is so small that it is possible to collect literally no more than ten grams from one bee house. The beekeeper rolls the collected substance into balls, usesdestination.
Composition of propolis

In order to make glue, bees have to fly around the barely blossomed spring buds of trees. It is in them that they extract the future propolis. The composition of this substance differs markedly from other bee products. For example, it has a lot of resins. The composition of the adhesive half consists of vegetable resins. Wax takes up a quarter, and pollen only five percent. Quite a lot contains essential oils, vegetable balms and tannins.
The full composition of this unique substance is still not fully understood. But its useful properties are thoroughly known.
What is used for

Bee glue began to be used in ancient times. To date, it is known that the ancient Egyptian pharaohs actively used propolis to treat wounds. This substance was also used by the famous physician Avicenna.
- Propolis has proven itself in the treatment of skin diseases. Lotions from an aqueous solution are applied to boils, frostbite and burns. It is also used to treat herpes, psoriasis and chickenpox.
- Women soak tampons in an aqueous solution of propolis and insert them into the vagina. In this way, thrush or cervical erosion can be cured.
- Men use this substance to treat prostatitis and restore sexual function.
- Propolis solution can cure conjunctivitis and even improve eyesight.
- Very often it is used whentreatment of the upper respiratory tract, as well as pneumonia and tuberculosis.
- At the first signs of a cold, it is useful not only to use bee propolis inside, but also to instill water in the nose.
- This substance helps to heal stomach ulcers. It can be used in the complex treatment of this disease.
- During a sore throat or tonsillitis in the old days, they gargled with propolis in a water bath.
- With stomatitis, it is recommended to keep a piece of this substance in the mouth throughout the day.
And also with the help of this substance you can get rid of acne, blackheads and improve the condition of the hair. Bee glue also helps neutralize bad breath.
Aqueous solution

It can be purchased at a pharmacy or you can make your own water-based propolis. There are several popular methods, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. First of all, the glue should be frozen in the refrigerator, so that later you can grate it and melt the propolis without hindrance. Once it is cold enough, it can be used. If propolis is not crushed, it will take too long to dissolve. At the same time, unfrozen bee glue is almost impossible to grate.
For further preparation of an aqueous solution of propolis at home, you will need a container and warm boiled water. As a rule, the proportions for preparation are taken as follows: two tablespoons of grated glue will require four or five tablespoons of water. Next, the mixture must be heated. To do this, use only a water bath. This is done quite simply. The mixture should be in a glass jar, which is placed in the middle of the pan. Water is poured into the container and put on a slow fire.
As the water heats up, so will the mixture in the jar. As a rule, it is not boiled, but only thoroughly heated until the composition is completely dissolved. Thirty minutes later, the mixture is passed through double gauze and poured into a previously prepared container. After that, you can start using it. The resulting medicine can be stored for a long time.
Other ways
And you can also use other recipes for an aqueous solution of propolis. For example, you can pour crushed propolis with cold water, and after two hours put it in a water bath. The composition is heated for two hours, after which it must be filtered. The prepared product can be stored for no more than one week, provided the temperature is low.
How to cook propolis tincture in a thermos at home? The medicine in this case will be poorly stored, so it will have to be used on the first day. The composition is made as follows. Crushed propolis is poured into a thermos and poured with boiling water. After two hours, the infusion can be used.
Storage rules

At first glance it seems that storing water-based propolis is easy enough. In fact, if the temperature is below zero, then the bee glue solutionmay deteriorate. Experts say that the frozen composition loses a lot of useful properties and does not have the desired effect. And also it is highly not recommended to procure this tool in large quantities. The fact is that after fourteen days it will have to be thrown away. The preparation is prepared quickly enough, and therefore it can be easily prepared one more time.
Propolis on shungite water
Thanks to shungite, the properties of propolis are noticeably enhanced. How to prepare propolis tincture with shungite at home? For cooking, you need a glass container. You will also need shungite and propolis. Bee glue is rubbed on a coarse grater and transferred to a jar. Next, a stone weighing about 300 grams is placed and filled with water. After three days, the composition is filtered through double gauze and sent for storage in a dark, cool place. The resulting composition can be used to treat pulmonary tuberculosis, consumed orally to get rid of bad cholesterol, and also used in the complex treatment of hepatitis.
On silver water

Water infused with silver objects has antimicrobial properties and is often used to treat sore throats and skin rashes. How to make an aqueous solution of propolis with silver? For cooking, you can take any silver items: tableware or church items, jewelry, and so on. Before immersing in water, they should be cleaned with a brush and running water. Next, the container with silver objects is filled with water. Liquidinfused for twenty-four hours. In a day, silver water will be ready. If there are no things made of silver in the house, then you can purchase special silver ionizers.
The composition prepared with this water has unique healing properties. Its beneficial effects are reinforced with silver, and therefore extremely effective.
Solution dosage

For various diseases, their own consumption rate is applied. How to drink propolis:
- For a cold. For instillation into the nose, as a rule, no more than two drops are used three times a day. The course of treatment should be at least ten days. Then the treatment is stopped and a break is taken.
- How to take an aqueous solution of propolis for bronchitis? To treat the upper respiratory tract or bronchitis, you will need inhalation with propolis. To do this, steep boiling water is brewed and a small amount of alcohol or water tincture is poured into it. The patient leans over the container and breathes in steam. Phytoncides with the help of heat easily penetrate inside and affect the tissues of organs. After the procedure, it is also recommended to use a tablespoon of infusion.
- Inflammation of the ear. With the help of propolis tincture, acute or chronic otitis media, mild hearing loss and other ear problems can be cured. To do this, you need an alcohol tincture of propolis diluted in water. Before putting a compress, the ears should be cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. This procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a day. You can not keep too long in an inflamed earwet swab. Two or three minutes is enough.
- How to drink propolis in the treatment of thyroid diseases? In such cases, propolis infusion is consumed orally in an amount of not more than one tablespoon three times a day. Doctors advise drinking the drug thirty minutes before meals. In order for the composition to work, you need a daily intake for one month. Further, the treatment is interrupted and continued only after six months.
- Diabetes. Experts recommend taking bee glue with milk. For this, half a teaspoon of tincture is combined with half a glass of milk and consumed before meals. This remedy is used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Usually the course of treatment is one month, while the first two weeks the dosage should be less than the next fourteen days.
- The use of an aqueous solution of propolis in gynecology. A diluted tincture can be used for douching or washing. It helps to cope with thrush or cervical erosion. In order to get rid of the fungus, proceed as follows. One tablet of "Furacilin" is diluted in a glass of water and douching is done. Next, a cotton swab is moistened in a solution of bee glue and inserted into the vagina. It is advisable to do this procedure late in the evening before going to bed. If this is not possible, then the tampon can be inserted during the day. Doctors advise douching again after the tampon is removed.
- To prevent atherosclerosis and strengthen blood vessels, a course of treatment of one and a half months will be needed. During thistime use two tablespoons of the composition per day.
- In case of poisoning, accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, sufficiently large doses of propolis will be needed. Water tincture is diluted in boiled water in the ratio of two tablespoons per liter of liquid. Two liters of the composition should be drunk during the day. This tool not only neutralizes harmful microflora, but also restores water balance and saturates the body with lost trace elements.
- Diabetes. Propolis infusion can improve the condition of patients with diabetes mellitus. To do this, bee glue, dissolved in water, is consumed in the amount of fifteen milliliters no more than three times a day. The duration of the course is usually twenty-five or thirty days. To avoid addiction, treatment should be interrupted. Only after a few months you can continue taking the drug.
The same is done in the treatment of hemorrhoids. First, douching is carried out and only then a tampon soaked in infusion is inserted. And also with the help of a solution of bee glue, you can improve the condition of the hair and skin of the face.
Using a multicooker
To prepare an infusion of propolis, you can use a slow cooker. For example, to prepare a 30% infusion, you will need thirty grams of crushed propolis and half a cup of purified boiled water. How to make an aqueous solution of propolis in a slow cooker? Liquid with propolis is heated at a temperature of more than 50 degrees for eight hours. The composition should be stirred occasionally. The finished product is poured into a thermos and given to himbrew for another two days. Thus, the composition will turn out to be quite concentrated with the maximum amount of useful substances that will pass from propolis to water.
The shelf life of an aqueous solution of propolis with this method of preparation is quite long. It practically does not lose its properties for a whole month. Experts advise keeping the infusion in dark glass containers. If there is no such item, then you can take any glass jar and tie it with dark paper.
Propolis with chamomile
How to make an aqueous solution of propolis for the treatment of children? For cooking, you will need a small piece of propolis weighing no more than ten grams, a tablespoon of dry chamomile inflorescences and one cup of boiled water. You can also add natural linden honey to the composition.
Chamomile and propolis are placed in a glass jar and poured with boiling water. The jar is placed in a saucepan into which water is poured. Next, put the pan on a slow fire and bring the water to a boil. The composition should languish for one hour. After the heating is over, the mixture from the jar is poured into a thermos for further infusion. Instead of a thermos, you can use a heater. In this case, the jar is wrapped in a cloth and placed as close as possible to an electrical appliance or battery. In a day, the composition will be completely ready. Honey is added just before use. The medicine is stored in the refrigerator, and warms up slightly before use. Honey is stirred only in a slightly warm composition.
This remedy can be used to treat a cold in a child, andalso in case of indigestion caused by any infection or dysbacteriosis.