If a cough occurs, in combination with medicines, you can also use traditional medicine. They are also able to provide effective relief for colds. But not everyone knows that cocoa butter when coughing is a remedy that quickly relieves the symptoms of the disease and restores the body's defenses as a whole.
Cocoa butter is a natural product that is obtained from the grains of the fruit of the chocolate tree. It is widely used in confectionery, cosmetology, perfumery and medicine.
The oil has a firm texture, white color and a characteristic smell of chocolate. The product begins to melt at a temperature of 36-37 degrees, and also melts on contact with the skin.

The composition of the natural product includes:
- oleic, lauric and palm acids;
- triglycerides;
- tannins;
- vitamins A, E and C;
- minerals.
Thanks to a specialThe composition uses cocoa butter for coughs and other unpleasant symptoms of a cold. The interaction of the components of the product gives it a truly useful qualities.
Positive properties
Cocoa butter for cough is a great alternative to synthetic medicines due to its natural composition:
- Vitamins included in the product have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects.
- Suppresses coughing fits and has an expectorant effect.
- It has an analgesic effect, which helps to relieve discomfort in the patient's throat.
- The product has a general strengthening effect on the body and promotes rapid healing of the inflamed mucosa.
- When applied externally in the form of rubbing, it improves microcirculation in tissues, thereby accelerating the process of removing pathogenic microflora from the body.
The antitussive effect of cocoa butter is due to the presence of theobromine alkaloid in its composition. Its synthetic analogue is widely used in the treatment of bronchitis, bronchial asthma and other diseases.

Due to the positive properties of cocoa butter and the use of cough will be effective, given the characteristics of the reception.
How to apply
Most often the product is used for the prevention and treatment of colds.
To get rid of a cough, milk and cocoa butter are mixed. Be sure to observe the correct ratio. Melt 1/2 tsp in a glass of hot milk.l. cocoa butter. Stir and drink.

This method of therapy is suitable for both adults and children, but if they are not allergic to the main component.
To help the body quickly, pure cocoa butter will help. To do this, a piece of the product is absorbed in the mouth. 5-6 such procedures are enough per day. After several sessions, the sore throat disappears, the cough decreases.
Cough Recipes
Most often, to achieve a positive effect, cocoa butter is mixed with other ingredients. They have a natural composition and enhance the effect of the product.
Cough recipe with cocoa butter and honey as the main ingredients is quite easy to prepare. To obtain it, the following components are taken: 400 ml of milk, 10 ml of cocoa butter and 2 tsp. honey.
2 cups of milk are heated in a water bath. Add cocoa butter to it and wait until it melts. Honey is added to the cooled mass. If you are allergic to a bee product, it is best not to add it.
The remedy can be divided into 4 doses. As a result of taking the drink, pain, coughing attacks and other manifestations of a cold are reduced.

The following recipe includes chocolate. The main ingredients include: 2 cups of milk, cocoa butter (15 ml) and 1/4 bar of dark chocolate.
Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Then add cocoa butter. Milk is heated and combined with chocolate mass.
Mixture accept2 tbsp. spoons no more than 6 times a day. It eliminates sore throat, and also reduces pain. The sweet taste makes it great for treating coughs in children.
For cough therapy, a mixture is prepared, which consists of 15 ml of badger fat and cocoa butter (pre-melt). Mix the components, wait for the mass to cool completely. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day.
Remedy due to the high content of fat should not be used by people suffering from diseases of the pancreas and gallbladder.
After taking the mixture, the patient feels an improvement in his condition. It helps to cope with the effects of colds and antibiotics. The tool has expectorant properties, which is especially important when coughing.
Outdoor use
Cocoa butter for coughing can be used in this way:
- For a massage. The procedure carried out with cocoa butter in the area of the lungs will increase blood flow to the organs. This alleviates the condition and speeds up the healing process for colds.
- To lubricate the nasal passages. Applying cocoa butter to the nasal mucosa helps speed up recovery from colds and can be used to prevent them.
- For inhalation. For the procedure, a mixture of cocoa butter and tea tree essential oil is used. For this, a small amount of the product is added to hot water, and the patient inhales the vapors.

Using cocoa butter externallyalso helps reduce coughing and other symptoms of a cold.
Peculiarities of admission by children and pregnant women
Many babies love cocoa-based drinks, and they are not only tasty, but also have benefits for the body.
When children get sick, it is quite difficult to get them to take certain drugs. And they will like this drink.
How to take cocoa butter for cough? Such a remedy is added to milk and drunk 3-4 glasses daily, unless otherwise prescribed by a pediatrician. It is important to consult with him before starting the reception. In the absence of allergies, a little honey is added to the drink.

After the baby has drunk milk with cocoa butter, you need to wrap the baby up and put him to bed. It suppresses the cough reflex and soothes inflammation in the throat.
To enhance the effect of the treatment, you can rub the chest and back with cocoa butter and lubricate the nasal mucosa with the product.
During pregnancy, a woman's immunity is weakened, which leads to frequent colds. At this time, taking many medicines is prohibited.
If you are not allergic to cocoa butter, it can be used effectively to reduce coughs and other symptoms of a cold.
Before taking it is important to consult a specialist, as well as follow the instructions for use, dosage and timing of administration.
Cocoa butter for coughs and other symptoms of a cold, despite its unique properties, has a number ofadmission restrictions. Before using the product, you should familiarize yourself with its features and, if possible, consult a doctor. It is not recommended to use it in the following situations:
- If you have allergies, because cocoa butter is one of the strongest irritants.
- Reception during pregnancy is carried out after consultation with the doctor. After all, the remedy refers to allergens, and the woman's body during this period reacts more sharply to such substances. In addition, cocoa can impair the absorption of calcium by the body, which is undesirable when carrying a child. The element is necessary for the proper development of the fetus.
- Before sleep and for insomnia. The product has a stimulating effect.
- It is not recommended to take cocoa butter for obesity and diabetes.
- When body temperature is high.
- When blood pressure rises.
With stones in the gallbladder, the remedy is taken with caution. It has a choleretic effect. Without expert advice and ultrasound data, cocoa butter can lead to negative consequences.
According to reviews, cocoa butter from a cough allows you to quickly achieve a positive result. Almost all available opinions are positive. However, in some patients, when taking cocoa butter, there was no complete relief from cough and other symptoms. As for the rest, the remedy had a positive effect on the body.
One group of patients is satisfied with the effectiveness of the product. Most of all, he helped them with a sore throat, and with a special coughthey saw no improvement.

The second group of patients used cocoa butter on the advice of a doctor in the event of colds. Now they began to constantly take the remedy when a cough occurs. It is especially effective for dry coughs and sore throats. Take cocoa butter in its pure form for resorption or with milk. As a result, it wraps around the throat, which reduces pain.
The third group of patients use cocoa butter to get rid of cough not only in themselves, but also in their children. To do this, they store the pieces of the product in a jar in the refrigerator. At the first sign, parents give their children in the form of sweets, which gives them special pleasure. This reduces cough and sore throat.
Cocoa butter is an effective remedy that is used in the treatment of coughs in adults and children. To achieve a positive result, you must follow the rules of admission and dosage.
Due to the fact that cocoa butter is a product that can cause allergies, you should study all available contraindications before taking it.