Bee perga: contraindications, useful properties, instructions for use

Bee perga: contraindications, useful properties, instructions for use
Bee perga: contraindications, useful properties, instructions for use

Pergoy is commonly called bee pollen preserved with a special honey-enzyme composition, folded and tamped by bees into honeycombs, which has undergone special lactic acid fermentation. As a result of this whole event, pollen grains begin to turn into "bread" - this is how it is customary to call bee bread among beekeepers for its high importance for both bees and people. Let's take a closer look at the properties and contraindications of pollen, its composition and use.

General information

Perga is called pollen, mixed with enzymes and rammed into honeycombs by bees. Further, this substance undergoes lactic acid fermentation and is covered with a thin layer of honey. Perga is a food product for bees, which, as a rule, honey plants consume in the spring, before flowering, and in non-flying weather. Bee pollen is perfectly absorbed, because thisthe product is sterile (lactic acid kills all bacteria). If we talk about beekeeping in general, it can be noted that this substance has no equal in nutritional value. Perga contains three times more energy reserves than pollen.

bee on a flower
bee on a flower


Perga contains amino acids, vitamins and enzymes that have biological value and antimicrobial properties. Perga is a great natural, and therefore a safe anabolic.

The bee bread contains many vitamins: B, C, A, P, E, B1, B2, B6, D. About 4-7% of bee bread is mineral s alts, organic acids account for 1-5%. One of the main features of this substance can be called an increased content of vitamin K, because it is this vitamin that plays one of the main roles in the process of blood clotting.

Bee perga contains much more carbohydrates than pollen, and this substance is absorbed much better than any other beekeeping product, including the first honey. Perga contains a large number of essential amino acids, including isoleucine, leucine, methionine, lysine, threonine, valine, tryptophan and phenylalanine. All of these amino acids are easily absorbed as the pollen coat is broken down during fermentation.

Perga in a cup
Perga in a cup

Bee bread is rich in minerals: potassium (42%), magnesium (24%), iron (19%), calcium (16%). As you know, potassium in the human body regulates the functioning of the heart muscle, is involved in metabolism and the removal of toxins. Magnesiumthe human body uses in regulating the functioning of the nervous system, and iron contributes to the functioning of the circulatory system. The functions of calcium in the body are strengthening, growth and regeneration of bone tissue. Each “harvest” of bee bread is truly unique, because pollen collected from different plants growing in different regions gives a slightly different composition of bee bread microelements. For example, bee pollen, which contains dandelion pollen, is saturated with carotenoids from 1.5 to 2.1 mg/g. Carotenoids in the human body are synthesized into retinol, which maintains visual acuity. Daily use of bee bread for 2-3 weeks will replenish the supply of retinol in the human body for a long period, for its subsequent recovery in case of deficiency. In addition to carotenoids, other elements will be replenished, for example, sterols that stimulate the generation of calciferol to strengthen bones.

Where does it come from?

Part of the pollen is used immediately by young bees, which thereby produce larval food. The rest of the forager bees are placed in cells that are located on top and also on the side of the brood. Insects fill the cells with this obnozhka approximately 0.4-0.8 deep. The bees then preserve the pollen, resulting in the final product of this process, bee pollen.

bee collecting nectar
bee collecting nectar

Thus, a considerable reserve of valuable protein food is created, which is essential for bees with the advent of spring. Perga, which cannot be said about pollen, is quite sterile and is better digested and absorbed by the brood.

Using perga

The most important effect of pollen is a pronounced tonic and immunostimulating effect. Any person who listens to his body can feel it, including young and he althy people. Increases physical strength, endurance, you start to run like clockwork, hence the mood. Moreover, this effect does not have the nature of drug addiction - there is no depression and loss of strength when the intake is stopped. Hence the conclusion: bee pollen is one of the best dietary supplements in existence, a truly divine creation of nature, unique for mortals.

Perga contraindications
Perga contraindications

Satisfactory prophylactic dose of pollen ~ 10-50 grams per day, an hour or two before meals. In the case of treatment of acute crises, more may be needed. It is not recommended to use at night - insomnia may occur.

Product Features

What are the beneficial properties and contraindications of bee pollen? Accordingly, perga can also be used for healing:

  • Biostimulant in the treatment of premature decrepitude of the body, stimulant of male potency at a high level until old age; powerful anti-sclerotic agent.
  • Excellent sports nutrition product. Perga stimulates the formation of proteins in the human body, while affecting the distribution of lipids and phospholipids. Normalizes the intestinal microflora.
  • Contains yeast fungi, which to a large extent affects the strengthening of the human body's defenses. Amino acids are absorbed quickly, pass into tissueswithout changes. This property is applicable in the treatment of exhaustion and after long illnesses and operations.
  • Perga turns off the natural mechanism of eating, saving us from the lack of those substances that we do not get, limiting ourselves to monotonous food.
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels. Affects the circulatory system. Improves the activity of the heart and the circulatory system as a whole.
  • Increases iron levels in anemia.
  • Harmonizes the work of the endocrine glands. (Caution needed for goiter.)
bee in pollen
bee in pollen

However, please note that bee pollen has contraindications. We'll look at them later.

Bee perga in medicine

Useful properties and contraindications of pollen have been known to people since ancient times. Today, perga is often used to treat diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, cholecystitis, and hepatitis. This beekeeping product is considered the best way to increase hemoglobin, so you can’t do without it for anemia. This popularity of bee bread is explained very simply: this product contains everything necessary for hematopoiesis. Thanks to these qualities, perga can be used to treat adults and children.

Properties of bee pollen and contraindications must be studied before its use. Bee pollen can be called a natural energy drink, it gives a surge of strength even during the period of spring beriberi. This product is recommended to use after surgery to accelerate the recovery of damaged tissues. Moreover, many experts agreein the opinion that regular consumption of bee pollen in some cases allows you to avoid surgery altogether.

Useful properties of perga
Useful properties of perga

Instructions for use

A single dose of perga for children is 1 teaspoon, for adults - no more than three teaspoons. You can’t increase the dose, because the body will take as much as it needs.

Contraindications for perga

This product has many useful properties. However, it is worth paying attention to the contraindications of perga before using it. Otherwise, you will only exacerbate the problem. What are the contraindications of pollen?

Compared to other bee products, this one has a weak pronounced allergic activity. But in rare cases, bee pollen can still cause some side effects, such as pollen allergies.

Perga contraindications
Perga contraindications

But there are still contraindications for pollen. Patients with a tendency to bleeding, allergies or diseases in the acute stage should use bee bread with great care, preferably under the supervision of a physician. Do not ignore this recommendation when using honey with bee bread. Contraindications can be a serious he alth hazard.
