Sesame seed oil is an incredibly he althy product. Even our ancestors proved its beneficial effect on the human body. It is equally beneficial for both men and women.
Sesame oil can be used as a food product and as a medicine. It is rich in provitamin A, vitamin E and B vitamins, and is high in copper, iron, selenium, manganese, zinc and dietary fiber.
In this article we will try to figure out what sesame oil is. Benefit and harm, reviews of this unique product will also be considered.
What is sesame oil?
Heat-loving sesame plant has been known since ancient times. In another way it is called sesame. In the countries of the East, the seeds of this plant are very popular, adding to almost all dishes. According to one of the legends, sesame seeds were part of the elixir of immortality, which still haunts many.
In fact, sesame seeds have miraculous properties and, in addition to cooking, they are also used for medicinal purposes. From the seeds, a very he althy oil is obtained, which smells a little of nuts, but it tastesincredibly delicious.

If raw sesame seeds are pressed, the oil will be light in color with the usual taste and aroma, but if they are fried, the oil will be dark, with a delicate aroma and rich taste.
This product may have certain contraindications, so the benefits and harms of sesame oil for the body will be discussed further.
The value of sesame oil lies in the fact that its composition includes many useful substances that support the beauty and he alth of a person. Thanks to the content of fatty acids such as omega-6 and omega-9, it strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the reproductive, nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems, and normalizes blood sugar levels.
In cosmetology, this product has become popular due to the vitamins A, C and E contained in it, which strengthen hair and nails, and also promote skin regeneration.
What are the benefits of sesame oil?
The benefits of sesame oil for the body are very large. Numerous studies have confirmed its effectiveness in the treatment of cancer, it also helps restore immunity and increases resistance to colds. The oil is beneficial in lung diseases. When coughing, it is used as a rub. To do this, it is heated to 38 degrees, the chest is rubbed and the patient is well wrapped. After this procedure, it is desirable to use bed rest. To relieve a cough,take sesame oil internally. The benefits of it come even when using one tablespoon of this remedy a day.
One well-known he alth science recommends rinsing your mouth with sesame seed oil every day, as a result of which the mouth receptors are activated, the gums become stronger, the development of caries is prevented and the mucous membrane is restored. The active ingredients contained in the oil help to remove toxins from the oral cavity. This method is especially effective for ENT infections, especially if you lubricate the nasal mucosa with this product.
Insomnia and headaches will no longer be bothered by rubbing temples, feet and big toes with warm oil. With frequent dizziness, it is recommended to make lotions from it.

With hypertension or high blood pressure, sesame oil also helps very well. The benefits of it are also great for the thyroid gland, the function of which returns to normal and the metabolism is normalized. In addition, it helps fight anemia, diabetes, malnutrition, and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Under the power of him to cope not only with hypertension, but also with a stomach ulcer. Only in this case, the oil is taken before meals.
Due to the high content of calcium in the oil, the skeletal system is perfectly strengthened. Therefore, it is extremely useful for the elderly, children and pregnant women. It also heals wounds well and is very effective for severe burns.
Benefits of oil for the nervous system
Thanks to the content inoil of vitamin E and phosphorus, it is very useful for the nervous system, preventing the development of brain diseases. It is very important for people whose work is connected with active brain activity to use this product. It has been observed to improve memory and fight attention deficit disorders.

Sesame oil contains sesamolin, which helps the body cope with stress and strain. It is a wonderful antidepressant that improves well-being and mood. It is also used as a preventive measure against the occurrence of diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. The systematic use of this product allows you to forget about such ailments as apathy, insomnia, depression, fatigue.
Harm of sesame oil
Not all sesame oil is equally useful. This useful product should be taken with caution by those who have increased blood clotting. Direct contraindication - varicose veins.
Not recommended for people taking aspirin and products containing oxalic acid. Sadly, these are tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers, parsley, fruits, berries loved by many. If, nevertheless, a person continues to use them, then problems with the genitourinary system may occur. Stones start to form there. In rare cases, individual intolerance occurs to the oil.
Benefits for women
The benefits of sesame oil for women are great. Sesame seeds contain twophytoestrogens considered unique: sesamin and sesamolin, which are plant analogues of female sex hormones. This is especially important for women over 50 years old. Hair masks made from oil very quickly restore their structure, restoring their shine.

Sesame oil helps women fight cellulite. To do this, add 1 tbsp to the body moisturizing cream. l. oils and the resulting mixture are applied morning and evening. The result comes very quickly.
Benefits for men

The benefits of sesame oil for men are also invaluable. Thanks to vitamins A and E, as well as magnesium, phytosterols, squalene and zinc, prostate function improves, erections increase and sperm production increases.
Sesame oil in cosmetology
Face care using sesame oil is very simple and effective, thanks to which the skin retains its youth and elasticity. Thanks to the phospholipids, polyunsaturated acids, antibacterial components, vitamin E and lecithin contained in this product, the epidermis begins to smooth out, protein synthesis is accelerated, cell membranes are restored, wrinkles are prevented, skin irritations disappear.
Have you decided to start using sesame oil? The benefits and harms in cosmetology depend on compliance with all recommended proportions, method of application, frequency of procedures.
Sesame oil for he althy hair
Hair dye, heat from styling tools, non-natural shampoos - all this spoils women's hair very much. If you use sesame oil for your hair, the benefits will be amazing. It can dissolve acids, promote growth, soothe the scalp, block UV rays, and prevent itching.
In order to give hair a he althy shine, a few drops of sesame oil are often added to the shampoo during shampooing. In such a simple way, a lifeless mop of hair turns into a he althy head of hair.
Also, the following recipe will help restore hair. It is necessary to warm up 3 tbsp. l. honey, add to it the same amount of butter and 3 egg yolks. Balm in a warm form is applied to damaged hair, put on a cap and after 30 minutes everything is washed off. This procedure must be done every time before washing your hair until complete recovery.
Sesame oil recipes
There are many recipes that contain sesame oil. The benefits of it are very great.
- To soften and moisturize the skin, take half a cup of sesame seed oil, add ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar and the same amount of water to it. Stir and apply the resulting mixture on the face. Vinegar whitens the skin and kills bacteria.
- To soften the feet and relieve heels from dryness and cracks, rub sesame oil into these places with massage movements and leave it to soak overnight, wearing cotton socks.
- For getting rid of wrinkles beforesleep should wipe the eyelids and face with oil. You can also make a mask for 15 minutes by mixing unrefined sesame seed oil and cocoa powder in equal proportions.
- To detoxify, prepare a mixture of sesame oil and turmeric: 2 sec. l. turmeric is diluted with oil until a thick mass is formed. It should be applied to the body and washed off after 10 minutes. You should be wary of the occurrence of allergic reactions, so check the sensitivity of the skin in advance.
Is it possible to lose weight with sesame oil?
To reduce weight and normalize metabolism, you can include such a wonderful product in your diet. What is the use of sesame oil in this case? Reviews of women confirm that it helps to lose weight. To do this, you need to take 2.5 tbsp every day. l. oil and lead a normal life without any physical exertion. But be aware that stopping this product leads to weight gain again.

The oil's polyunsaturated fats help increase plasma levels of leptin, a hormone that regulates energy balance and suppresses hunger. If every day you take 1 tbsp. l. of this product, the body is saturated with important elements and vitamins for the whole day. But do not get carried away, as 100 g of butter contains 900 kcal.
How to take sesame oil?
We figured out what sesame oil is (benefit and harm). How to take it for maximum benefit to the body?

Every day you need to take 1 tsp. sesame oil. This will provide the body with the necessary amount of nutrients. It should be remembered that the oil is very high in calories, so overweight people should use it in small quantities.
Thus, we figured out what sesame oil is. Its benefits are simply enormous. Due to its unique composition, it is used to treat a large number of diseases. It has found its application in cosmetology. But still, when using oil, it is necessary to monitor how the body reacts to it, as its intolerance may occur.