The drug "Traumeel" with lactostasis: reviews

The drug "Traumeel" with lactostasis: reviews
The drug "Traumeel" with lactostasis: reviews

Probably, without exception, all women know about the existence of such a problem as lactostasis. This is an unpleasant condition in which pain is excruciating. To eliminate symptoms, doctors sometimes recommend using Traumeel ointment for lactostasis. Reviews and instructions should be studied before using the medicine.

What is lactostasis

Lactostasis is a problem that some women experience during breastfeeding. This term is understood in medicine as a dysfunctional state of the lactating mammary gland. In simpler terms, lactostasis is the stagnation of milk. This process begins abruptly. Usually, its symptoms appear 3-4 days after birth. Basically, this problem is faced by those mothers who, for whatever reason, do not feed the child.

Lactostasis is manifested by an increase in the mammary glands, their compaction. They get hot. Pain is felt on palpation. Due to lactostasis, it becomes difficult to express milk, the body temperature rises. This problem requirestake measures. If lactostasis is not stopped within 3-5 days, then pathogenic microorganisms begin to accumulate in the milk ducts. The result of the lack of treatment is the development of lactational mastitis.

The causes and factors leading to lactostasis are varied. In non-nursing women, this process develops due to the fact that they do not express milk or do it incorrectly. In nursing mothers, lactostasis occurs due to improper attachment of the baby to the breast. Also, overwork, stress, wearing a tight bra, sleeping on the stomach, etc. can affect the launch of the pathological process.

To prevent lactostasis from developing into a more serious problem, you need to seek help from a specialist. Both an obstetrician-gynecologist and a pediatrician can help, who not only monitors the he alth and development of the child, but also resolves issues of breastfeeding support. Expert advice is different. Sometimes it is recommended to use Traumeel ointment. How to use this remedy for lactostasis? Let's look into this matter.

Lactostasis and "Traumeel"
Lactostasis and "Traumeel"

Why is Traumeel prescribed

Inflammation in lactostasis is a rather complex process. The body reacts in this way to a pathological change - stagnation of milk. Inflammation disrupts the balance between anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory cytokines. Anti-inflammatory cytokines are proteins that suppress inflammation, while pro-inflammatory cytokines are proteins that increase inflammation. Traumeel is able to restore balance and reduce inflammation.

The drug does not pose a danger to the human body. This is a homeopathic remedy, consisting of natural ingredients. Before considering the features of the use of "Traumeel" in lactostasis, reviews, let's pay attention to the composition of the drug and the effects of its components.

Composition of the drug

"Traumeel" in its composition has 14 useful components:

  • chamomile - helps to eliminate pain;
  • St. John's wort - also reduces pain;
  • Echinacea angustifolia - supports immunity;
  • Echinacea purpurea - also helps to maintain the immune system;
  • comfrey - this component is useful for joints, because it is in them that comfrey relieves pain;
  • soluble mercury according to Hahnemann - helps to reduce edema;
  • witch hazel virginia - reduces tissue swelling, relieves pain;
  • sulphurous calcium liver - leads to a decrease in swelling and painful sensitivity;
  • calendula - stimulates healing processes;
  • yarrow - this component is useful for injuries, because it has a hemostatic effect;
  • daisy - effective for pain, swelling of tissues;
  • belladonna - reduces pain and swelling;
  • mountain arnica - reduces swelling, stimulates healing;
  • Klobuchkovy wrestler - effective for injuries, as it helps to relieve pain.

Another number of auxiliary components is included in the "Traumeel" used for lactostasis. The description of the drug states the presence in the compositionhydrophilic base stabilized with 13.8% (v/v) ethanol. The hydrophilic base, in turn, includes emulsifying cetylstearyl alcohol, liquid paraffin, white petrolatum, ethanol 96% (v/v).

The composition of "Traumeel"
The composition of "Traumeel"

How to use

Before using the medicine, you should wash your chest using a hygiene product. Cleansed skin absorbs the beneficial components of the ointment much better. As evidenced by the reviews of "Traumeel", with lactostasis, the ointment is applied to the inflamed area. The medicine can have both white and yellowish-white, pinkish-white color, so do not be afraid of the shade. The ointment has a slight characteristic odor. Only a rancid smell should not be felt.

The drug is applied in a thin layer and rubbed with light massage movements into the skin. Apply "Traumeel" 2 or 3 times a day. The duration of treatment with this drug is discussed with the doctor.

Side effects and contraindications

Traumeel's reviews and instructions do not mention the occurrence of any serious side effects. With lactostasis, some women experience hypersensitivity reactions (allergic skin reactions). At the same time, the manufacturer (and it is a German company) warns that other side effects may occur. They must be reported to the doctor.

However, it is worth noting that other side effects are unlikely to occur. "Traumeel" has been used in the field of medicine for more than 70 years. During all this time, significant problems with the safety of this drugnot registered.

Despite the natural composition, the drug has contraindications. According to people in the reviews, "Traumeel" with lactostasis should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to components - both active and auxiliary. The list of contraindications also includes the following diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • collagenoses;
  • leukemia;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • acquired immunodeficiency syndrome;
  • human immunodeficiency virus;
  • other autoimmune diseases.

The period of breastfeeding is not among the contraindications, as well as pregnancy. However, the manufacturer in the instructions noted that women in such periods of life should definitely consult a doctor before use. It is likely that the specialist will recommend something else.

The doctor's consultation
The doctor's consultation

Note to patients

At the beginning of the use of the medicine, the observed symptoms may temporarily worsen. This feature is called primary degradation. This is encountered not only when using the drug "Traumeel" with lactostasis. In the reviews, people say that the primary deterioration can occur when using absolutely any homeopathic remedy. If symptoms worsen, stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Tube with ointment must be stored in a place protected from light. The recommended temperature is not less than 15 degrees and not more than 25 degrees. In no case should the product be frozen and overheated. Shelf life - 3 years. After the expiration date, the ointment cannot be used.

Do not confuse ointment and gel. These are 2 forms of the drug "Traumeel". However, the gel is considered cosmetic. It is designed to eliminate the consequences of negative external influences. Negative external influences include fitness, cosmetic procedures.

Application of ointment
Application of ointment


People who use the ointment (or as many say - gel) "Traumeel" with lactostasis, the reviews are mostly positive. This indicates that the remedy is effective. He is recommended to each other by women. The drug relieves inflammation, relieves pain.

Some women use Traumeel not only for lactostasis, but also for sprains, tendon and muscle damage, arthritis, back pain, etc. Are such people doing the right thing? It is worth noting that the drug can really help with different conditions. The official instructions indicate that the ointment can be prescribed for inflammatory diseases of various tissues and organs, post-traumatic conditions. Doctors most often include Traumeel in their treatment regimens for diseases of the musculoskeletal system (periarthritis, bursitis, etc.).

One drawback is indicated by people in the reviews of Traumeel ointment. With lactostasis, some women refuse this medicine, because it does not belong to cheap medicines. Approximate price - 550 rubles per tube with 50 g of ointment.

Reviews about "Traumel"
Reviews about "Traumel"

What else is important to know about Traumeel

"Traumeel" is produced not only in the form of medicalointment and cosmetic gel. Other dosage forms of the drug:

  1. Lozenges. Their use is indicated for injuries, inflammation of the musculoskeletal system. With lactostasis, tablets are not prescribed, because the most effective in this condition is the ointment from the Traumeel line.
  2. Drops for oral administration. The indications are the same as for tablets.

During the period of treatment with Traumeel, it is worth reconsidering your lifestyle. With absolutely any inflammatory process, heat is harmful. A bath, a long warm bath - this is something that should be deleted from your life for a while. Due to heat at the site of inflammation, swelling increases. Alcohol has a negative effect. When it enters the human body, it enters the bloodstream. At the site of inflammation, due to the effect of alcohol, swelling increases, and the rate of tissue healing decreases.

How to use Traumeel cream for lactostasis, what kind of reviews prevail about this drug - these are not the only questions that interest people. Often people ask where you can buy the product. To purchase any dosage form, you need to contact any pharmacy. A prescription is not required. This is an over-the-counter drug.

Additional information

With absolutely all dosage forms of the drug, there were no cases of overdose. This condition has not been registered by any specialist who prescribes Traumeel to his patients. However, the instructions cannot be ignored. It is necessary to strictly observe the doses indicated in it. It is possible that even with a slight excess of the doseany unwanted effects may occur. Each person is different, which means that each body reacts differently.

"Traumeel" is allowed to be used against the background of any treatment. The drug does not interact with other drugs, i.e. does not affect their effectiveness, metabolism, excretion.

"Traumeel" in any dosage form does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and work with dangerous machinery.

Instructions for use
Instructions for use

What can replace "Traumeel"

The doctor may prescribe some other remedy instead of Traumeel ointment for lactostasis with fever. In the reviews, women often mention the Progestogel gel. This tool can really help with severe lactostasis. The drug contains transdermal progesterone. Studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the gel. In one of them, the parents were applied to the skin of the mammary glands 2.5 g of the gel, which contained 0.025 g of progesterone. The effect came very quickly. In women with lactostasis, edema quickly decreased, symptoms such as engorgement and soreness of the mammary glands disappeared. Quick results made it possible to start expressing milk in 15–20 minutes. The study also showed that many women got rid of lactostasis after a single application of Progestogel gel with transdermal progesterone. A small number of women required another application of the drug to achieve the desired clinical effect.

With lactostasis, you can still userecipes of traditional medicine. They are sometimes recommended by doctors. For example, some women refuse Traumeel with lactostasis. How to use the cabbage leaf - that's what they think about. To use such a traditional medicine, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Prepare 10-15 cabbage leaves. Beat each of them with a hammer for beating meat. This will soften the leaves. Vegetable juice containing a lot of useful substances will stand out from them.
  2. Apply one prepared cabbage leaf to the chest. Top cover with gauze folded in 4 layers.
  3. Keep a cabbage leaf on your chest until it warms up. After that, replace the sheet with a new one.

People, telling in reviews how to use "Traumeel" for lactostasis, pay attention to the need to prevent this condition. Mothers are advised not to expose themselves to great physical exertion, avoid stressful situations, wear specialized underwear for nursing, monitor the correct attachment of the baby to the breast, and avoid long breaks between feedings.

Replacing Traumeel with folk remedies for lactostasis
Replacing Traumeel with folk remedies for lactostasis

So, we looked at how to use "Traumeel" with lactostasis. Reviews have shown that this is a really good remedy, when using which you can not worry about your he alth. This drug is safe compared to the usual for many non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. NSAIDs have a fairly wide list of side effects and contraindications. At the same time, it is also important to remember that the effectiveness and safety of Traumeel does not negate the need to consult a doctor before starting use.
