High cholesterol has long been a common problem. In a particularly neglected case, the use of medications is recommended. In the early stages, you can get by with medicinal herbs, which are a powerful tool for stabilizing cholesterol levels.
The benefits of herbal teas have been known for a very long time, with their help you can improve both the whole body and individual organs. Herbs for lowering cholesterol in the blood are an excellent natural remedy for improving the condition of blood vessels. But it is important to use them wisely.
What is the danger of high cholesterol
Excess cholesterol in the body leads to narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, which negatively affects blood flow and leads to disruption of organs and systems. As a result, there may be violations such as:
- hypertension;
- ischemia;
- angina;
- heart attack;
- stroke;
- endarteritis;
- lower limb thrombosis.

Suchconditions often lead to disability or even death. Initially, a person does not notice that there is an accumulation of fatty fractions in the body, but after a while the symptoms become more pronounced. The main signs include memory impairment, pain in the limbs and chest, the appearance of yellow neoplasms on the face and eyelids.
Composition of plants
Medicinal herbs for lowering cholesterol in the blood owe their action to the special components included in their composition, in particular such as:
- satin;
- lecithin;
- flavonoids;
- vegetable fiber;
- phytosterol.
Thanks to satin, the production of cholesterol is reduced. They also contribute to the faster removal of harmful compounds from the body. Satin is found in eleutherococcus root, chaga mushroom, plantain leaves, ginseng.
Lecithin prevents the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Almost all herbs contain this substance, however, soybean and sunflower oil are especially rich in it. Flavonoids are known for their anti-cholesterol properties. A large amount of this element is found in St. John's wort, garlic, green tea and citrus fruits.
Vegetable fiber found in cholesterol-lowering herbs helps to remove bile from the body and prevents absorption. Thanks to phytosterol, the concentration of cholesterol decreases. There is a lot of this substance in legumes, vegetable oil, and cereals.
The herbs of the studied group contain all the necessary components, in addition, they are safe andperformance.
Pharmacological action
Medicinal herbs for lowering blood cholesterol are very popular. The thing is that many people note their healing effect. In this case, you can use the roots of plants, fruits, juice and leaves. Properly selected medicinal plants contribute to:
- blood thinning;
- slow down the process of lipid production;
- reduce cholesterol absorption;
- strengthening blood vessels;
- pressure reduction;
- prevent blood clots.
Herbs for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood are a good prophylactic against thrombosis. The process of its occurrence is associated with the accumulation of a harmful compound. When its amount begins to increase sharply, the lipids simply do not have time to break down.
With an increased cholesterol level, plaques are actively formed, which accumulate in significant quantities on the walls of blood vessels. Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs help prevent this process. Significantly reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.
Which herbs to choose
Herbs and fees for lowering cholesterol in the blood show a high level of effectiveness. After all, they help cleanse blood vessels and normalize well-being. However, despite the effectiveness of plant materials, it is still necessary to use these funds in combination with medications. And better under medical supervision.
The best herbs of the study group:
- golden mustache;
- hawthorn;
- clover;
- licorice;
- alfalfa;
- calendula;
- linden.
You can use these plants separately or as part of healing fees. For complex cleansing of blood vessels and improvement of fat metabolism.
Recipes for lowering cholesterol

In the fight against the problem, licorice root helps a lot. This herb for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood helps to normalize lipid levels, protects blood vessels from plaque formation. You should drink the drug for a month, preparing a new portion daily according to the recipe below.
Take 30-40 g of chopped licorice root, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for 10-12 minutes. Then filter the cooled liquid, put 1 tsp in it. honey and juice of 1 garlic clove. Drink the drug in 80-100 ml.
Answering the question of which herbs are best used to lower cholesterol, it must be said that Dioscorea Caucasian has a good result. This is due to the ability of the plant to have a complex effect on the heart and blood vessels, thereby solving many he alth problems. Dioscorea affects the functioning of various organs and systems. The plant promotes the expansion of blood vessels to natural sizes, reduces the heart rate, and also reduces pressure. Among all medicinal herbs for lowering blood cholesterol, this plant is rightfully considered the leader. It is used alone or in combination with other herbs.
- For tincturetake 7-8 dessert spoons of pre-crushed rhizome of the plant and pour 1.5 liters of vodka. Leave to brew for 14-15 days. Add ready-made tincture 1 tsp. in tea and drink three times a day. The duration of therapy is 4 months.
- For a decoction, take 0.5 tsp. Dioscorea powder prepared from the roots of the plant, pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil. Remove from heat after 10 minutes and cool. Add honey to the cooled liquid. Drink the drink in small sips three times a day.
- Take equal proportions of Caucasian Dioscorea, chamomile and linden flowers. Then pour 20-30 g of the mixture with boiling water and boil for 5-7 minutes. Let the broth stand, add honey and lemon juice. Drink a healing remedy instead of tea for 10 days.
Among herbs for lowering cholesterol and healing the body, you need to highlight the golden mustache. Decoctions, balms, and infusions for internal use are prepared from the plant.
- Take a large leaf of the plant, cut into small pieces and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 6-8 hours.
- You can make a vodka tincture. On its basis, a medicinal balm is prepared. Take 50 ml of alcohol tincture, add 70-80 ml of linseed oil, a glass of golden mustache infusion, mix and drink 1 tsp. 3-4 times daily. For a better taste, you can add honey and lemon juice to the remedy.
To improve vascular tone, it is better to use hawthorn tincture, which should be added to tea in 1 tsp. This remedy has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, the planthelps lower cholesterol. Hawthorn tincture can be used for a long time, however, in the presence of other he alth problems, a doctor's consultation is required.
Hawthorn juice contains many vitamins. This remedy is also used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Take ½ kg of ripe hawthorn berries, grind a little in a mortar and transfer to an enamel bowl. Pour ½ tbsp. water and heat up to about 40 degrees. Transfer the resulting healing mixture to a juicer and squeeze the juice. Drink 1 tbsp. l. before meals three times a day.
Take 20 g of strawberry leaves, chop and transfer to an enamel bowl. Pour 220 ml of boiling water, close the lid and boil over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Leave to infuse for 2 hours, wrap the container with the decoction with a warm towel. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.
Chop a little rose hips and pour into a glass bottle by 60%. Pour in vodka and seal tightly. Put the container in a dark place and leave for 14 days, shaking daily. Filter and drink 20 drops twice a day. You can drip the tincture on a piece of sugar.

Grind dried ginger to a powder state in a coffee grinder. Drink 1 tsp. powder per day. If desired, you can add to dishes of vegetables and fish.
Multi-component herbal preparations for lowering cholesterol will help to remove harmful lipids much faster and more efficiently. However, it is important to combine them correctly. Let's take a look at the best recipes next.
Take 4 g of arnica flowers, 1 tbsp. l. hypericum andyarrow. Mix everything and pour 220 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 30 minutes. Drink before meals no more than 1/3 tbsp. in one go. The course lasts 6 weeks, and then a break is made for the same period.
Take 20 g of chamomile, celandine, tansy flowers and motherwort. Add 1 tsp. lingonberry leaves, licorice root, juniper fruit. Mix everything well. Take 60 g of raw materials and pour 8 tbsp. water. Put the composition on the stove and boil for 4 hours on low heat. Then cool and filter. Drink 100 ml of decoction one hour after meals. The course is 4 weeks. This collection helps to cleanse the vessels of cholesterol, as well as strengthen the heart and blood vessels.
Among herbs for lowering cholesterol in women, it is important to highlight milk thistle. For treatment, you need to prepare a tincture from the seeds of this plant. Take a bottle of dark glass, place 50 g of seeds in it and pour 500 ml of vodka. Put the mixture for 2 weeks to infuse in a dark place. Drink 20 drops three times a day. The monthly course of therapy should be repeated twice a year. During breaks, it is recommended to drink freshly prepared milk thistle seed tea. For this, 1 tsp. raw materials pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave to brew for 10 minutes.
Recipes for cleansing blood vessels
There are many herbs for cleaning blood vessels and lowering cholesterol, however, they need to be selected very competently, and when preparing medicinal fees, strictly adhere to the dosage and recipe.
Before using herbal remedies, you should consult your doctor. Only he can say if there are any contraindications for suchnon-traditional treatment. It is not wise to experiment if you are allergic to plants.
When choosing herbs to lower cholesterol and improve the liver, you need to pay attention to lime blossom. It normalizes the hormonal background, helps to cope with stress, removes harmful and toxic substances from the body. This plant contains phytosterols, which prevent the absorption of incoming cholesterol from the intestines. At the initial stage, lime color slows down the process of plaque formation.

For treatment, an aqueous infusion of this plant is used. Take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, cool and drink 2 times daily. You can also use dry powder of crushed linden flowers. Take orally 1 tsp. 3 times a day. The therapeutic course lasts 2 months, and then a break of the same duration follows.
Linden blossom almost does not cause side effects, it is contraindicated only in the presence of allergies. Take it effectively with a slight increase in lipid levels, when cholesterol plaques are very thin. Then the effect of lime on the vascular system will be as positive as possible.
Another good remedy is red clover. This plant helps to speed up the metabolic process, and also quickly removes accumulated lipids. Clover also helps to increase immunity, having a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels. For treatment, it is best to use the flowers of the plant. Take 1 tbsp. dried raw materials, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. Cover the dish with a lid, let it brew andfilter out. Drink 2 tbsp. l. funds three times a day. The therapeutic course is 2 months.
Clover effectively copes with cholesterol plaques if lipids have been elevated for a long time. However, you should not expect a very quick result, as it takes a long time to stabilize the indicators.
Herbs for lowering cholesterol levels are designed for complex cleaning of blood vessels. Calendula is considered a good folk remedy. This plant helps to reduce the rate of harmful lipids, and also makes blood vessels stronger. You need to drink 30 drops of ready-made tincture of calendula three times a day. The course of treatment lasts no more than 1 month, and then a break.
This is a fairly strong remedy, so you can use it only when the level of cholesterol in the blood has been elevated for a long time. Combined with a well-balanced diet, regular intake of calendula tincture will help slow down the process of new plaque formation.
Plantain, in addition to anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action, helps cleanse blood vessels and lower cholesterol. In addition, the beneficial substances contained in this plant relax blood vessels, improve metabolism and help the liver work. For treatment, it is best to use psyllium seeds.
Take 1 tbsp. l. seeds, pour boiling water and leave to cool completely. Then filter and drink the finished infusion, 1 tbsp. l. several times a day for a month. After that, take a break for 1 month and repeat the course of therapy.
In the pharmacy you can buy ready-made tea "Herbs of Altai" to reducecholesterol in the blood. It contains medicinal plants that help dissolve cholesterol plaques and strengthen blood vessels.
Dandelion root also helps. It is necessary to take the part of the plant dried and crushed to a state of powder, 1 tsp each. 30 minutes before eating. The powder should be taken with water. The course of treatment is 6 months.
To strengthen capillaries and normalize blood cholesterol levels, you can drink green tea. Only it should not be packaged. 2 cups a day is enough.
Recipes to reduce pressure
For complex therapy, you need to use not only a collection of herbs to lower cholesterol, but also plants that normalize blood pressure. This is especially necessary if medications provoke allergies.
However, it is worth remembering that not all plants will be appropriate and useful, which is why a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required, who will give all the necessary recommendations.

Hawthorn, mint, motherwort, sweet clover have the strongest and most pronounced properties. They have a hypotensive effect, calm the nervous system.
Take in equal proportions of 1 tbsp. l. hawthorn and wild rose berries, dill seeds. Pour them with 0.5 liters of boiling water, cover the dishes, leave for 3 hours. Ready to drink for 2 times. In the complex, you can make tea from viburnum berries and consume throughout the day.
Drink 100 ml of rowan juice daily for 2 weeks. This will help make you feel better.
Other Cholesterol Remedies
You can also use other, no less effective means. It is recommended to use flaxseed oil to lower blood cholesterol. The main component is Omega-3. This substance contributes to the reduction of low-density joint performance in the shortest possible time. Even a very high concentration of a fat-like substance decreases within a few weeks if the oil of the plant is taken regularly.

You can add flax seeds to food. It contributes to the complex cleansing of the body. However, some caution must be exercised in doing so. If there are disorders in the reproductive system in women, then you need to stop taking this medicine.
Every day you need to eat fresh apples and dill, as these products improve the patency of blood vessels, saturate the body with essential, beneficial substances, and also remove toxins. Honey has proven to lower cholesterol. It is recommended to consume it for complex cleansing of the body. You can eat sandwiches with amber substance and cinnamon. Onions and garlic will also be useful.
Experts advise making a he althy celery salad. It normalizes the water-s alt balance in the body, lowers cholesterol levels and has a positive effect on kidney function. Cut the celery stalks and dip in boiling water for 2 minutes. Drain the water, and pour the stems with olive oil, sprinkle with sesame seeds and sugar. You can add nuts and avocados. These products are also good for cleaning blood vessels and lowering cholesterol. ForFor a more hearty dish, include salmon in your recipe. It is permissible to eat such a salad at any time.

Not only herbs and fees help to lower blood cholesterol, but also proper nutrition. The level of lipids in the body largely depends on the choice of products. To bring the pressure back to normal, clean the blood vessels, stabilize the level of a harmful compound, you need to follow these rules:
- consume white meats;
- increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet;
- avoid trans fat foods;
- do not drink alcohol, coffee, energy drinks, packaged juices and sugary soda drinks;
- increase seafood consumption;
- drink at least 2 liters of water daily;
- reduce consumption of rice, white muffins, pasta;
- introduce nuts, dairy products, berries into the diet;
- give up mayonnaise, fast food, fatty, fried and s alty foods.
If a person smokes, it is important to try to get rid of this addiction. Tobacco smoke negatively affects the condition of blood vessels, they become fragile and brittle.
Recommendations for use
Before starting herbal therapy, you should consult your doctor. He will be able to determine which plants are best to take, as well as determine the dosage and duration of the therapeutic course. Each person has his own he alth characteristics, ailments and predispositions to them, so only a doctor can determine the effect of one or anothertherapy.

You should not count on the fast action of herbal teas. Herbs take a long time to cleanse the body of excess cholesterol. They can be perceived by the immune system as an allergen, therefore, you need to take them very carefully. Some of the herbs and plants can increase blood clotting, which can lead to thrombosis.
It is important not only to know what herb to drink to lower cholesterol, but also to familiarize yourself with the contraindications of this type of treatment. You should not engage in self-healing, because it is important to determine the therapy correctly, evaluating the characteristics of a particular case. It is best to purchase herbs in a pharmacy.
Each of the plants has its own properties and contraindications, which must be studied. Most copies are unacceptable during pregnancy and lactation.
To keep blood vessels normal and not worry about cholesterol, you need to take care of your he alth. Practice a variety of physical activities, proper and balanced nutrition, use herbal teas and herbal infusions. It's quite simple, isn't it?