Climax is a state of the female body, which is characterized by the completion of the reproductive age, the cessation of the menstrual cycle, a decrease in estrogen production and a rather serious restructuring of the hormonal background. These changes do not go unnoticed by the woman. At the same time, for some, this period proceeds without being accompanied by serious symptoms, and does not require special correction. However, in some cases, a severe clinical picture is noted.

Treatment of pathological menopause
First and foremost, symptoms are supposed to be relieved. In particular, if a woman is concerned about hot flashes, it is recommended to wear light clothing. In this case, cimicifuga is prescribed (in homeopathic concentration). It has an estrogen-like effect. Soy protein is used, but the effectiveness of this remedy has not been proven. Treatment of menopause in women involves acupuncture, vitamin E, herbal medicines. To improve sleep and relieve tension, gymnastic classes are prescribed. Exercise should be done regularly. Non-hormonal treatment of menopause in women involves the appointmentdrugs that selectively suppress serotonin. These drugs include medicines "Sertraline", "Paroxetine", "Fluoxetine". Serotonin and noradrenaline uptake inhibitors (Venlafaxine) are also prescribed. Therapeutic dosage may vary. So, the initial number of drugs can be small. Large dosages are recommended for depression. The amount of funds accepted can be adjusted according to the condition. Vaginal dryness that accompanies menopause is relieved with moisturizing creams and lubricants. In addition, measures are being taken to prevent and eliminate osteoporosis.

Additional activities to relieve symptoms
It should be noted that the treatment of menopause in women involves a certain diet. According to many experts, a he althy diet promotes self-discipline, adaptation to psychological and physical changes in the body. During this period, it is strongly recommended to be careful about the food that a woman consumes. Nutritionists recommend including cereals, vegetables, salads, lean meats in the diet. Calories should be closely monitored, as being overweight can add problems. During the menopause, there is a slowdown in metabolic processes and the accumulation of fatty tissue.

An important condition for effective treatment of menopause in women is the presence in the diet of a component of bone tissue - calcium. diet,saturated with this element in combination with vitamin D, is a preventive measure for the prevention and development of osteoporosis. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of alcohol during menopause. In addition, experts recommend trying to give up bad habits. Do not forget about moderate physical activity. It allows you to keep the shape, tone, emotional background stable.