Candles "Hexicon": a cheap analogue

Candles "Hexicon": a cheap analogue
Candles "Hexicon": a cheap analogue

One of the effective ways to prevent urogenital sexually transmitted diseases is the use of Hexicon suppositories, the active substance of which is chlorhexidine bikluconate, which has an antiseptic effect on pathogens. Let's look at the existing cheap analogues of Hexicon vaginal suppositories, their effectiveness in the treatment of thrush and the prevention of a number of sexually transmitted diseases.

Features of Hexicon vaginal suppositories

Before we look at what inexpensive counterparts Hexicon candles have, it is necessary to understand the features of this medication. Vaginal suppositories effectively destroy pathogenic bacteria that can cause diseases such as vaginal herpes, colpitis, syphilis, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis. The drug is used in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases during unprotected intercourse, however, it should be remembered that the use of candles should be carried out no later than 1-1.5 hours after coitus.

hexicon is a cheap analogue with the same composition
hexicon is a cheap analogue with the same composition

Because the active substance of "Hexicon"chlorhexidine has a weak effect on yeast fungi, then the use of suppositories to get rid of thrush (candidiasis) is an ineffective measure. However, candles can be used as an aid to relieve inflammation.

In what cases can Hexicon candles be used

To protect yourself from possible consequences as a result of unprotected intercourse, candles "Hexicon" (cheap analogue - "Chlorhexidine") must be in every woman's first aid kit. In addition, this medication is used in case of:

  • prenatal preparation;
  • in the preoperative period for many gynecological diseases;
  • treatment of colpitis and vaginitis;
  • on the eve of the uterine examinations prescribed by the doctor;
  • when installing mechanical contraceptives (spirals);
  • before the abortion operation.
hexicon cheap analogue
hexicon cheap analogue

You can buy Hexicon vaginal suppositories (the cheaper analogue also has a pronounced antibacterial effect) at a price of 290 rubles per package (10 pieces). They can be safely used during pregnancy.

Analogues of Hexicon

Does Hexicon vaginal suppositories have a cheap analogue with the same composition? Such a drug is Chlorhexidine. In terms of the spectrum of effects on microorganisms and in chemical composition, it is completely identical to the Hexicon candles. Similar drugs have a vaginal antiseptic effect, and some of themcontain the active substance chlorhexidine. We will look at them below.

"Chlorhexidine" (candles)

An analogue of "Hexicon" is cheaper - vaginal suppositories (candles) "Chlorhexidine", which are intended for local use as a prophylactic for a number of sexually transmitted diseases. The effectiveness of suppositories manifests itself in the first 2 hours after intercourse, so they must be used immediately. As well as candles "Hexicon" (we will analyze cheap analogues later), suppositories "Chlorhexidine" prevent the development of the following diseases:

  • chlamydia;
  • genital herpes;
  • syphilis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • trichomoniasis.

In the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, as well as in some forms of colpitis, Chlorhexidine suppositories are used twice a day for a week. Often, the drug is prescribed in gynecology to prevent inflammation before a series of operations. Candles can be used by pregnant women, as well as during lactation (with the permission of the attending physician). Do not use suppositories for children. You can buy Chlorhexidine intravaginal suppositories at a price of 170 rubles.

"Iodoxide" (candles)

Inexpensive drugs include a cheap analogue of Hexicon - Iodoxide candles, which are purchased at a pharmacy for 260 rubles. Antiseptic suppositories are used in gynecology as a topical preparation. Suppositories are active against a number of bacteria, viruses and some fungi."Iodoxide" is an analogue of "Hexicon" cheaper, which effectively fights bacterial vaginitis, as well as mixed types of genital infections (viruses, fungi, Trichomonas) that cause inflammatory diseases of the vaginal environment.

cheap hexicon analogues
cheap hexicon analogues

The use of candles can be prescribed to prevent the occurrence of inflammation during a number of gynecological operations. It is forbidden to use vaginal suppositories in the presence of dermatitis, thyrotoxicosis, as well as newborn children and people suffering from renal insufficiency. During lactation and nursing mothers are allowed to use "Iodoxide" after consultation with the attending specialist.

Depantol vaginal suppositories

Like vaginal suppositories "Hexicon", a cheap analogue of this drug "Depantol" also contains the active substance chlorhexidine. In "Depantol" there is an active component dexpanthenol (vitamin of group B). The package, the cost of which ranges from 340 rubles, contains 10 white or yellow-gray vaginal suppositories. This drug in the form of a cream can be purchased for only 210 rubles (for external use). "Depantol" has a strong antibacterial effect on a number of protozoa, dermatophytes and fungi.

cheap analogue of hexicon candles
cheap analogue of hexicon candles

The use of the drug is indicated for chronic and acute vaginitis, exo- and endocervitis, as well as for the prevention of diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea and ureaplasmosis. "Depantol" is able to oppressvital activity of staphylococcal and streptococcal infections. Suppositories effectively fight erosion. The product in the form of a cream can be applied to prevent infection of cuts, wounds, abrasions, scratches; they are treated with cracks and inflammation of the nipples in nursing mothers; in surgery it is used for the treatment of sutures and wounds.

Vaginal suppositories "Betadine"

Another drug that, by the nature of its effect on protozoa and some microorganisms, is similar to Hexicon suppositories, is a cheap analogue of the Betadine intravaginal agent, which has antiseptic and disinfectant properties. Candles quickly dissolve inside the vagina, and do not irritate the mucous membrane. Indications for the use of suppositories can be:

  • presence of nonspecific vaginitis;
  • sexual infections - genital herpes, trichomoniasis;
  • bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis.
analogue of hexicon is cheaper
analogue of hexicon is cheaper

Also, suppositories can be used as a prophylactic on the eve of some gynecological operations. Contraindications for use are hyperthyroidism, some forms of dermatitis and thyroid adenoma. Also, you can not use "Betadine" for children under 8 years of age and in parallel with iodine-containing drugs. Treatment of vaginitis is carried out within a week using 1-2 suppositories per day. You can buy Betadine for 360 rubles.

Zalain suppositories

We have already considered the features and antibacterial properties of Hexicon candles. Analogues of this drug are also cheapeffectively fight vaginal infections and a number of bacteria. One of the best drugs in the fight against candidiasis (thrush), as well as vulvovaginal candidiasis, are Zalain suppositories.

The active substance of the drug is sertaconazole nitrate. With characteristic signs of candidiasis, such as burning in the perineum, vaginal itching and specific discharge, it is necessary to consult a doctor who can determine the presence of fungi in the vaginal environment and confirm the advisability of using Zalain.

hexicon vaginal suppositories analog cheaper
hexicon vaginal suppositories analog cheaper

A characteristic feature of this remedy is the presence of one suppository in the package, which is enough to effectively cure candidiasis. Before using it, it is recommended to carry out the necessary hygiene procedures, and then install the suppository at bedtime. The possibility of using "Zalain" by pregnant women can be determined by a gynecologist. The cost of the suppository is 430 rubles.

Drug "Vagotil"

Candles "Hexicon" have a cheap analogue, which is used as a solution for external lubrication and douching, - the drug "Vagotil". The active substance is polymethylenecresolsulfonic acid (36% aqueous solution). Shows activity against Trichomonas infection, and is also used for treatment:

  • vaginal erosions and papillomas;
  • vulvitis;
  • Trichomonas vaginitis;
  • bleeding (after biopsy procedures and removal of polyps);
  • vaginal itchingand whiter;
  • bacterial infection of the genitourinary system.
hexicon similar drugs
hexicon similar drugs

Simultaneous use of Vagotil with various topical agents and preparations (including Hexicon suppositories, the cheap analogue of which is Chlorhexidine suppositories) is not allowed. It is impossible to carry out a course of treatment with a drug with the parallel use of antibiotics, alcohol intake, and you should also refrain from sexual activity at this time. During lactation and pregnant douching "Vagotil" is possible only with the permission of the attending specialist. You can buy an aqueous solution of Vagotil for 380 rubles.
