Big buttocks are a huge problem for many of the fairer sex. The reasons for this body structure can be heredity, and malnutrition, and hormonal disorders, and a sedentary lifestyle. Due to physiological reasons, it is quite difficult for women to reduce large buttocks. After all, the amount of adipose tissue in this area in girls with normal weight can differ significantly from men of the same category (about 3 times).

In order to reduce the big buttocks, the fair sex will need maximum time, effort and patience. After all, the cells of adipose tissue, which are located in this area and on the hips, have a small number of receptors that are sensitive to biologically active substances, with the participation of which all the main processes occur, leading to intensive fat burning. In this regard, in women, the buttocks decrease in size in the very last turn. At the same time, they lose weight only up to a certain amount, despite long and strict diets and everyday physical exercises. It should also be noted that even with a slight increase in weightbeautiful ladies can immediately notice an increase in this particular part of the body.

But do not despair, because it is still possible to reduce large buttocks. This requires a radical change in your diet and lifestyle. At the same time, attention should be paid to active sports. And only if all these methods do not help you, you can contact a plastic surgeon.
As a rule, this method of buttock reduction is used if the patient has excess fat in the supragluteal, paralumbar and infragluteal regions. The operation is done using liposuction, which consists in the vacuum removal of excess subcutaneous fat after its ultrasonic or mechanical destruction. Before carrying out such a medical and aesthetic procedure, the surgeon must clearly determine the degree of elasticity of the patient's skin, and then choose the type of buttocks correction. As practice shows, it is enough for young people to carry out only one operation to reduce the volume in the area presented.

It is worth noting that after liposuction and recovery, the patient must definitely monitor his diet and mobility. This is due to the fact that the removed fat layers can easily come back.
If you do not intend to lie down on the surgical table, then it is better to actively engage in sports every day. After all, big elastic buttocks look much more attractive and sexier than flabby and saggy ones.
To those who no longer hopeto get a slender and small ass, it is worth saying that a sufficiently large number of men attract significant volumes in a woman in this area. By the way, the biggest buttocks belong to the famous model from the United States of America, 27-year-old Temeka Freeman. In 2010, she received the title of Miss Buttocks. According to her, it was curvaceous that made her happy, popular and rich.