Phlebology is a branch of vascular surgery that has been separated into a separate area because there are a large number of venous pathologies. A doctor who deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of vein pathologies is called a phlebologist. A vascular surgeon is a different doctor. Many non-medical people believe that these are two names for the same speci alty. In our article, we will take a closer look at what a vascular surgeon and a phlebologist treat, so that the difference between these two specialists becomes clear.

What does a phlebologist do
The phlebologist's competence includes such common diseases:
- Trophic ulcers.
- Thrombophlebitis.
- Thrombosis.
- Varicose veins (usually in the lower extremities).
However, this is not the whole listpathologies that a phlebologist can diagnose and treat.
Competencies are similar to those of a vascular surgeon. More on this below.
Pathologies of veins are found in every third person. Since clinical manifestations of these diseases are often absent, a person may not be aware of his illness for a long period. Therefore, patients seek the help of a doctor when the disease is already at an advanced stage. Phlebology is a young science, but it has earned a lot of positive feedback, as vein diseases cause a lot of suffering.

The difference between a phlebologist and a vascular surgeon
Angiosurgeon (vascular surgeon) is a doctor who diagnoses and treats vascular pathologies. A phlebologist is a narrow specialist in the field of vascular surgery. He is engaged in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the veins located in the lower extremities. That is, the difference between these specialists is significant. Patients often do not know who to turn to - a phlebologist or a vascular surgeon.
The competence of the latter are diseases of the small and large circles of blood circulation. For example, in case of blockage of the carotid artery, it is the angiosurgeon who will deal with the therapy.
Not everyone knows the difference between a phlebologist and a vascular surgeon.
Phlebologist deals with varicose veins and other manifestations that occur against its background. If a patient with a severe form of venous insufficiency of the lower extremities seeks help from a vascular surgeon, he will redirect him to the rightdoctor.
Both specialists must have an appropriate medical education, complete an internship or residency, and receive the necessary practice.
These are important professions - vascular surgeon and phlebologist. It is better to find out the difference between them in advance.

Specialization of phlebologist
Before you turn to a phlebologist for help, you should understand his specialization. The competence of this specialist includes acquired and congenital pathologies of the veins:
- Elephantiasis of the legs, which is caused by lymphedema (impaired lymphostasis).
- Cosmetic skin defects, such as blue veins, spider veins.
- Post thrombotic syndrome.
- Venous bleeding.
- Trophic ulcers accompanied by bleeding.
- Thrombophlebitis, thrombosis.
- Phlebitis.
- Varicose veins in the lower extremities.
- Varicose.
- Venous insufficiency.
You can contact a specialist both planned and in emergency situations. One of these reasons is the occurrence of thromboembolism.

Reason for contacting a phlebologist
Often, patients turn to a specialist only when the disease is already in advanced form. This is due to the fact that pathological processes are hidden. Vein diseases can go unnoticed for a long time. In some cases, a person does not evenguesses that he has an illness. The reason for seeking help can be:
- Soreness after long walks, physical exertion.
- Occurrence of unidentified seals on the lower extremities.
- Swelling, visualization of a vein.
- The occurrence of sudden spasms in the calf muscles.
- Fatigue, heaviness in the legs.
- Protrusion of a vein with no other symptoms.
- Puffiness.
- Leg cramps at night.
These signs should be an alarm signal indicating the development of pathology. To refute or confirm concerns, it is worth consulting with a qualified specialist.
There are also categories of people who are at risk. Such patients are recommended examination even in the absence of clinical symptoms of venous pathologies. The risk group includes citizens of the following categories:
- People who heavily abuse smoking, drinking alcohol.
- Women who wear uncomfortable shoes everyday and do standing work.
- Persons who lead a sedentary lifestyle due to their activity or he alth condition.
- People who are overweight.
- Suffering from endocrine diseases (diabetes, hyperthyroidism).
- Pregnant women.
- People over the age of 45.
For preventive purposes, it is recommended to visit a specialist annually.

Doctor Visit
Before contacting both a cardiovascular surgeon and a phlebologist, it is important to consider some factors:
- How much experience the doctor has in this specialization.
- Does he have work experience.
- Having a doctor internship or residency in vascular surgery.
- Category that a specialist has.
Doctors accept - a vascular surgeon and a phlebologist, as a rule, in private specialized, and sometimes in state clinics, where there is modern diagnostic equipment.
Specialized phlebological clinics also have innovative diagnostic and therapy systems. There are several ways to get an appointment with a specialist:
- Paid.
- Having received a special referral to a diagnostic center from my GP.
Paid consultation
The cost of the primary paid admission is an average of 1200 rubles. The price will depend on the region of the country, the fame and qualifications of the doctor, the fame of the clinic.
In some regions of the country, the price can start from 2000 rubles. That is, it is difficult to call such a service cheap. In addition, after the examination, the doctor prescribes additional studies that will detect venous insufficiency.
We examined the differences between a phlebologist and a vascular surgeon.

Consultation procedure
Before contacting a specialist, it is recommended:
- Write down symptoms that worry you.
- If a person has previously visited a vascular surgeon or phlebologist, you should take the available examination results and conclusions with you.
Because the doctor will be examining the lower extremities, the patient is advised to prefer loose-fitting clothing over tight trousers and jeans.
The specialist receives the patient in several stages:
- Collection of information about the patient - his age, quality of life, complaints, symptoms, occupational area.
- Then there will be a visual examination of the patient - the doctor assesses the condition of the skin, its color, turgor.
- The next step is palpation. The doctor examines and evaluates the condition of the veins with the help of hands.
- In some cases, the specialist performs a diagnostic examination of the main veins located deep, using an elastic bandage or tourniquet. Such a study makes it possible to identify inflammation and determine the fullness of the main veins.
Often, methods of hardware research are used to make a diagnosis.

Specialist diagnostics can take two forms: preliminary and confirmatory.
Among the preliminary diagnostic methods should be noted the test of Prett, Troyanov-Trendelenburg, Delbe-Paters. To carry out these tests, the phlebologist uses an elastic bandage to pull the diseased limb.
The main diagnostic methods that allow you to get the best results are:
- Angiography with contrast agents.
- Phlebography, its derivatives - phleboscintigraphy, phlebomanometry.
- Angioscanning.
- Duplex Scan.
- CT, MRI.
- Ultrasound performed by the doctor himself.
In addition to diagnostics using modern equipment, some laboratory tests are shown to help establish or clarify the diagnosis:
- Immunoassay on a blood sample.
- Lipidogram.
- Thromboelastogram.
- Coagulogram.
Therapy Methods
The specialist determines the most appropriate method of therapy, taking into account the severity of the disease and the nature of its course. Pathology can be eliminated in several ways: surgery, conservative therapy.
The last option has recently been recognized as ineffective, as it causes various venous complications. For the purpose of drug therapy, drugs belonging to the following groups of pharmaceuticals are used:
- Antithrombotic drugs.
- Anticoagulants.
- Anspasmodics.
- Venotonics.
Medicines can be used orally and topically, in some cases - parenterally. In addition to these drugs, experts recommend taking vitamin and mineral complexes, observing a regimen of physical activity and nutrition.
Surgical methods for the treatment of venous pathologies
Failure of drug therapy andcritical stages of pathological processes involve surgical interventions.
Among the minimally invasive methods are:
- Radiofrequency ablation.
- Laser coagulation.
- Sclerosis of veins.
Among the traditional surgical methods are:
- Phlebectomy.
- Thromboectomy.
The doctor determines the type of surgical intervention on an individual basis, taking into account the symptoms of the disease and its severity. The phlebologist performs the operation.
Thus, a phlebologist is a vascular surgeon with a narrow specialization.