What should I do if I have ingrown hair on my legs?

What should I do if I have ingrown hair on my legs?
What should I do if I have ingrown hair on my legs?

Smooth skin is the dream of many girls. But despite the amazing variety of ways to remove hair, smoothness remains a challenge. The thing is that the hairs grow in, leaving unpleasant reddish tubercles on the skin. They may not go away for a long time and be quite noticeable.

Ingrown hair on legs
Ingrown hair on legs

The problem of ingrown hairs on their legs does not allow some to relax and undress even in the most intense heat. Why is this happening and is there a solution?

Why did the hair grow on my legs?

The reason leading to improper hair growth is a violation of the rules for their removal. It doesn't matter what you choose - shaving, sugaring or electrolysis. If the procedure was not done the way it should be, those same familiar bumps will soon appear on the skin. An ingrown hair cannot break out from under the skin, and therefore grows inward, which can lead to inflammation and even suppuration of the follicles. It could also be a matter of the skin. Sometimes the fact that the hair on the legs has grown in is to blame for nature, which endowed the girl with not too thin skin. Ingrown can manifest itself from childhood without any connection with epilation, if due to predisposition. Of course, the prevention and treatment of ingrown hairs on the legs is possible in this case.

Problemingrown hairs on legs
Problemingrown hairs on legs

However, wax or epilator is more often to blame.

What should I do if I have ingrown hair on my legs?

Affected areas must be treated, otherwise inflammation can damage the surface of the skin and leave dark spots behind. It is advisable to pull out the hairs from under the skin with a sterilized needle or tweezers, after steaming the skin in the shower or using a compress. Pierce the swollen follicle with a needle and pull out the tip of the hair with tweezers. Wipe the treated area with an antiseptic to avoid infections getting into the wound. Please note that this method is not suitable for everyone. If you have ingrown hairs on your legs, they should be located close to the surface of the skin. Deep ingrowths should be entrusted to a specialist. Under no circumstances should they be squeezed out. If the problem bothers you after each epilation, just try changing the selected method to another one.

Treatment for ingrown hairs on legs
Treatment for ingrown hairs on legs

Ingrown Prevention

In order not to face this problem and not to be afraid of possible inflammations, try to carry out the hair removal procedure at the professionals of this business. If you want to do everything at home, remember a few simple rules. First of all, you need to scrub your skin weekly. The day before or on the day of hair removal, it is advisable to repeat the peeling to get rid of impurities and dead cells that can get into the follicles. Remember that only areas with he althy skin without damage can be epilated. Before the procedure, it is desirable to steam the legs, so it will be easier and lesspainful. Treat the skin with an antiseptic and get down to business. Wax or sugar paste should move against hair growth, and shave in the opposite direction. If you choose to shave, never work on dry skin. Use a special gel or foam, move gently and gently, without pressing on the skin and without repeating the movement in the same area. It is best if the razor is with one blade. After the procedure, moisturize the skin with fruit or salicylic acid cream.
