Lymphoma: blood test. What will be the indicators?

Lymphoma: blood test. What will be the indicators?
Lymphoma: blood test. What will be the indicators?

A blood test for lymphoma is an important indicator of a patient's condition. The advantage of lymphoma over other cancers is that, with early diagnosis and timely treatment, it is possible not only to stop the development of the neoplasm, but also completely eliminate it. Pathology is a tumor formation that occurs as a result of the formation of abnormal lymphocytic cells, leading to damage to the vessels and structure of the lymph nodes present in several areas of the human body at once.

blood test for lymphoma
blood test for lymphoma

Lymphoma can be detected by blood tests.

Description and symptoms

Unlike other types of neoplasms, the development of lymphoma almost always proceeds in a latent form, that is, it does not manifest external symptoms. The first signs of the formation of lymphoma are chronic fatigue, increased fatigue and a slight increase in body temperature. It is often quite difficult to distinguish lymphoma from the common cold, which explains the late diagnosis.tumors.

The lack of diagnostic measures and ignoring the existing symptoms lead to the fact that the disease begins to develop rapidly and spread through the lymph nodes and blood vessels. It is also possible that metastases will spread to other organs and structures of the patient's body.

Never ignore the symptoms of lymphoma. Blood tests should be taken regularly.

Later stage symptoms

In the future, with the growth of the tumor, other symptoms appear, which can no longer be ignored. A characteristic symptom of lymphoma is swelling of the lymph nodes. They grow significantly and become dense on palpation. These can be lymph nodes under the armpits, on the neck and in the groin. Quite often, an increase in nodes is accompanied by hyperhidrosis, hyperthermia up to 39 degrees. In addition, doctors call the following signs of lymphoma:

1. Despite the increase in size, the lymph nodes are painless.

2. Unreasonable and abrupt weight loss.

3. Feeling of itching on the skin without exposure to irritants.

4. Decreased appetite leading to anorexia.

5. Unreasonable shortness of breath or cough.

6. Pain in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting.

blood test for lymphoma in adults
blood test for lymphoma in adults

With the progression of the oncological process, the lymph nodes increase even more and begin to put pressure on the structures located nearby, disrupting their normal functioning. If the pathological processlocalized in close proximity to the lungs, then patients complain of severe shortness of breath. Symptoms vary depending on the location of the tumor.

Common signs of cancer

An alarming sign is the spread of tumor cells into the bone marrow fluid, which disrupts the process of maturation of its cells. In this case, weakness, chronic fatigue, numbness of the limbs, soreness in the back, pain in the head are added to the main symptoms. In this situation, it is necessary to undergo a full examination and pass a series of blood tests, which will allow diagnosing the disease at an early stage of development and preventing irreversible processes.

Blood test for lymphoma: types and indicators

An important role in the diagnosis and treatment of lymphoma plays a blood test. The analysis of this particular fluid allows you to get a complete picture of the violations of the organic activity of the body. A general blood test is quite informative, but one analysis is not enough to diagnose lymphoma. Blood is made up of many cells, abnormalities of which indicate the presence of pathological conditions.

Decrease in hemoglobin and leukocytes

If we talk about blood counts in lymphosarcoma, studies show a pronounced decrease in hemoglobin and leukocytes in this pathology. At the same time, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases by more than 20 mm/hour. The levels of eosinophils and neutrophils also tend to increase to 5% and 6% (in the case of stab eosinophils), respectively.

What will be the blood test resultswith lymphoma, of interest to many.

complete blood count for lymphoma
complete blood count for lymphoma

Increased leukocyte cells

When lymphoma attacks bone marrow fluid, leukemia occurs. In this situation, there is an increase in leukocyte cells above 4.0 x 109 / l. In this case, a special study will reveal quite a lot of abnormal cells. Such indicators make it possible to assume a generalized type of oncoprocess. Treatment is carried out only through bone marrow transplantation. This is a complex and dangerous procedure, since the patient's immunity is completely eliminated before transplantation. After surgery, the donor's bone marrow may not engraft.

A decrease in hemoglobin in lymphoma blood tests below 120 g/l may also indicate anemia. The latter is much more common, so you should not panic when hemoglobin decreases. However, if anemia is accompanied by loss of appetite and nausea, additional testing should be performed. With such a course of the disease, anemia can be recorded when there are serious changes in the protein components in the biological fluid.

Biochemical analysis

Complete blood count for lymphoma is not enough for a complete diagnosis, so a biochemical analysis is also carried out. This study shows the work of organs and systems in the patient's body. Biochemical analysis clearly demonstrates how the kidneys and liver work. Thanks to this study, it is possible to timely identify inflammatory processes and metabolic disorders in the body. Biochemistry also givesthe ability to determine the stage of development of lymphoma.

Study for tumor markers

One of the key methods for diagnosing any types of tumors is the study of tumor markers. This blood test for lymphoma is prescribed without fail if lymphogranulomatosis or cancer is suspected. The study reveals specific protein compounds that indicate the presence of an oncological process in the body.

lymphoma diagnosis by blood test
lymphoma diagnosis by blood test

Increased protein

An indicator of the presence of lymphoma is an increased amount of a protein called beta-2-microglobulin. These are antibodies of protein origin, which are found in the blood in the presence of a tumor of the lymphoma type, regardless of its location. The more such cells, the more advanced the oncological process. A deviation from the norm is an indicator above 3.5 g / l.

The number of oncomarkers grows in proportion to the development of the pathological process. Their fall is observed against the background of chemotherapy or radiation, so a blood test can be used to assess the effectiveness of treatment. With early detection of tumor markers in the blood, the patient's chances for recovery increase.

Immunological analysis

The list of mandatory tests for suspected lymphoma also includes an immunological analysis. This diagnostic study shows the stage of development of the oncological process. This is due to the fact that human immunity directly depends on the work of the lymphatic system. By thiscause any disturbances in the work of the lymph, including the formation of tumors, provokes a pronounced suppression of the immune system.

Immunological analysis reveals the presence of B- and T-lymphocytes, which indicate the presence of a tumor. These lymphocyte cells have an abnormal structure.

How should adults prepare for a lymphoma blood test?

lymphoma blood test what will be the indicators
lymphoma blood test what will be the indicators

Preparing for analysis

To obtain the most reliable blood counts, it is important to properly prepare for the collection of material for research. During the day before donating blood, you should exclude the use of alcoholic beverages. An hour before the analysis, you should not smoke. In addition, it is necessary to stop taking any medications a day before the study, as some drugs can distort the results of the analysis. If it is impossible to exclude the use of medications, you need to inform the doctor about all the drugs. The specialist will decipher the results based on the information received from the patient.

Sampling of material for a blood test for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach. The last meal before donating blood should be at least 12 hours before. You can drink only water before the analysis. Emotional and physical stress before blood sampling is also not welcome.

How is the diagnosis of lymphoma by blood test now clear.

lymphoma symptoms blood test
lymphoma symptoms blood test

Other diagnostic methods

When a blood test indicates the presence of a tumor process in the body, it is necessary to undergoadditional examination to determine the localization of the disease.

Diagnostic measures to detect lymphoma include:

1. X-ray examination. Allows you to detect an increase in lymph nodes, as well as squeezing adjacent organs and tissues.

2. CT scan. The method is based on X-ray radiation, which is combined with data processing on a computer. The tomogram shows the size and shape of enlarged lymph nodes and other affected organs.

3. Ultrasound procedure. Allows you to determine the density of education, the composition and size of the lymph nodes. In addition, ultrasound makes it possible to examine organs for the presence of metastasized cells.

4. Endoscopy. It also evaluates the progression of the pathological process and the impact of the tumor on the internal organs.

5. Puncture of the bone marrow. It makes it possible to assess the state of the bone marrow and determine the presence of cancer cells in its fluid.

6. Biopsy. In fact, this is a surgical operation, involving the removal of the affected lymph node and its subsequent histological examination. A biopsy is performed not only with materials from the lymph node, but also from other organs.

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma blood test
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma blood test

The Importance of Early Diagnosis

Cancer prevention does not exist, so early diagnosis of tumor diseases is important. Experts recommend taking blood tests regularly, the presence of tumor markers should be checked at least once.once a year. If there is a family history of cancer patients, then the frequency of tests per year should be increased.

Although this is not a preventive measure in the full sense of the word, but maintaining a he althy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and the absence of bad habits, significantly increases the chances of not encountering cancer. In addition, you need to be attentive to your own he alth and not neglect the annual medical examination, as well as follow the instructions of a specialist when detecting lymphoma based on the results of the examination.

We looked at indicators and signs in blood tests for diagnosing lymphoma in adults.
