Complex fortified preparations are often used in the medical practice of musculoskeletal and neurological diseases. Vitamins from the "B" group are distinguished by their neurotropic effect, providing an analgesic effect and normalizing the activity of the nervous system, as well as improving the course of hematopoietic processes and contributing to the normalization of blood circulation. One of the drugs that meet these functions, which are highly effective, are Milgamma vitamins. The composition is shown below.

Fortified remedy "Milgamma" is a whole vitamin complex of group "B". These elements are used in the complex treatment of various pathologies of nervous tissues, which are characterized by impaired conduction of impulses, and, in addition, degenerative and inflammatory age-related changes.
The composition of vitamins "Milgamma" in tablets is of interestmany.
Issue form
This pharmaceutical product is available in several forms - injectable and in the form of conventional tablets. Injections are made in packs of five or ten brown ampoules. Tablets are sorted into thirty or sixty pieces.
The composition of vitamins and their effect on the human nervous system
The composition of Milgamma vitamins, as noted above, consists of a complex of B vitamins.
For injections in the form of injections, the following composition is typical:
Thiamin "B1" is designed to ensure normal carbohydrate metabolism, which contributes to the he althy state of nerve tissues. In the event that the human body is deficient in this element, this can provoke the accumulation of carbohydrate metabolites, which will lead to the development of a large number of pathological conditions.
milgamma what vitamins are included - Pyridoxine "B6" in the framework of metabolism is involved in the production of adrenaline, histamine, dopamine, serotonin and amino acid metabolism. In addition, "B6" is an active and indispensable participant in the processes associated with the formation of hemoglobin. What else is included in the Milgamma vitamins?
- Cyanocobalamin "B12" is associated with anti-anemic functions, in addition, it is indispensable against the background of the processes of synthesis of choline, methionine, creatinine and nucleic acids. The substance cyanocobalamin is considered an active participant in metabolic processes that has an analgesic effect.
Excipients in productioninjections are sodium hydroxide and polyphosphate, water, lidocaine hydrochloride along with potassium hexacyanoferrate.
The composition of Milgamma vitamin tablets includes the following components:
- Pyridoxine, which is indispensable in protein metabolism, taking part in the process of fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
- Benfotiamine, considered one of the forms of thiamine "B1", actively involved in carbohydrate metabolism.
Auxiliary substances in this case are colloidal silicon dioxide, as well as talc and povidone.
The composition of Milgamma vitamins is universal.

Indications for use
Experts recommend the use of "Milgamma" in situations where a person feels well:
- All kinds of osteochondrosis, as well as sciatica.
- The occurrence of diabetic or alcoholic polyneuropathies, which are defined as lesions of the peripheral nerves. Their manifestation is caused by violations of sensitivity, or paralysis.
- The presence of nerve paresis, that is, a sudden pathology of the nervous system that causes asymmetry of the facial muscles.
- The use of "Milgamma" is desirable as part of a general tonic.
- Against the background of neuritis or neuralgia, especially with its retrobulbar type.
- With varying severity of myalgia, that is, soreness in muscle tissues, which develops against the background of cell hypertonicity.
- Against the background of infections of herpes - viral etiology.
- Whenganglionitis - shingles.
- In the case of plexopathy, which is a different kind of disorders of the nerve plexuses.
- For nighttime muscle spasms.
Doctors conducted studies aimed at establishing the effectiveness of the Milgamma medical product in relation to patients with pathologies such as hypovitaminosis, brain diseases, multiple sclerosis and neuropathy. As a result, a large decrease in pathological phenomena was noticed.
The composition of vitamins in Milgamma tablets is given above.
Contraindications, as well as side effects from the application
The drug can cause side effects such as hives, itching, Quincke's edema, shortness of breath along with dyspnea, increased sweating, acne and tachycardia signs. In addition, anaphylactic shock, bradycardia, convulsive contractions of the calf muscles, nausea and dizziness can be observed. We know what vitamins are in Milgamma.

Such side effects mainly develop in situations of accelerated intramuscular injection of the drug, as well as as a result of excessive dosages of the drug.
Among the existing contraindications for the use of "Milgamma" indicate the following:
- Adolescent age up to sixteen years.
- Presence of myocardial conduction disorders.
- Danger of hypersensitivity or individual resistance to B vitamins.
- Heart failure in patients.
- Single use with spirits.
The composition of Milgamma vitamins in injections is the same as in tablets.
Instructions for the correct use of injections and tablets
The greatest therapeutic effect of the drug is achieved through intramuscular injection. The recommended dosage of the drug is two milligrams, and the drug should be administered once a day. In the event that the goal is maintenance therapy, then the required rate of the product is used once every two days.
The tablet form of this medicine is usually used as an adjuvant therapy, and the recommended dosage in this case is one tablet once a day. This is confirmed by the "Milgamma" instructions and reviews.
Due to the fact that the drug does not affect psychomotor reactions, there are no contraindications for its use in driving situations, or when interacting with other mechanisms as such.

In case of an overdose of the drug, patients may experience any manifestations of the listed adverse reactions, but in an even more pronounced form. Against the background of such situations, symptomatic treatment is indicated.
The composition of vitamins in mg of Milgamma tablets is indicated in the annotation.
Use during pregnancy
Given the fact that no studies have been conducted on the possible effect onthe fruit of this medicinal product, it is not recommended to use it during the lactation period and during childbearing.
Interaction of the drug with other medicines
With the simultaneous use of "Milgamma" with other substances, vitamin "B1" is completely decomposed in the body and does not provide proper treatment. In addition, any other elements cease to act, for this reason, a therapeutic effect cannot be expected in this situation.
The lack of the desired effect of therapy occurs against the background of the interaction of vitamin "B1" with the following components and substances:
- Magnesium sulfate or otherwise magnesia is a medicinal product that has a laxative, choleretic, sedative, antispasmodic, vasodilating, anticonvulsant, hypotensive and antiarrhythmic effects.
- Mercury chloride or sublimate serves as an antiseptic and disinfectant. The use of "Milgamma" according to reviews should be careful.
- Potassium iodide is used to treat overactive thyroid gland, endemic goiter, as well as hyperthyroidism, syphilis, eye and respiratory pathologies.
- Riboflavin and glucose.
- Ammonium iron citrate or otherwise food additive E381, as well as antioxidants and antioxidants.
- Acetates, in other words, esters, as well as s alts of acetic acid.
- Taninic acid, which is a fairly common ingredient in many medicines.
- Lithium carbonate,acting as a strong antipsychotic and sedative used in such phenomena as schizophrenia, chronic alcohol dependence, manic disorders, and so on. The composition of vitamins in "Milgamma" in mg must be taken into account.

In addition, the activity of vitamin "B1" may decrease as a result of an increase in the acid-base balance in the human body, and, in addition, against the background of interaction with drugs that contain copper.
The influence of vitamin "B6" reduces the effectiveness of drugs aimed at combating Parkinson's disease. For this reason, you can not use these drugs at the same time. Some s alts of heavy metals can deprive the vitamin of its beneficial functions and properties.
This confirms the instructions for use "Milgamma" and reviews.
Patient testimonials
People who take the drug "Milgamma" have an ambiguous opinion about this drug. The drug helped many patients, however, there are many examples of dissatisfaction associated with adverse reactions.
Patients suffering from myalgia for several years, which often brings them to terrible pain, say that on the advice of the attending physician, they began to inject the medical drug "Milgamma". With this treatment, their pain disappeared, and their general condition improved markedly, so that they no longer feel bad, as they used to. Judging by the comments, people are satisfied with this medicinal product, believe that it has helped them, and recommend it to other patients.

Patients suffering from neuritis tell about Milgamma that after treatment in the form of injections, the disease went away, but the consequences of vitamin injections remained, which were expressed in the fact that the entire face of the patients was covered with terrible and difficult to treat acne, and my legs often cramped at night. Therefore, patients are advised to consult with a specialist before starting taking this medication, since everyone has their own characteristics of the body and susceptibility to certain components contained in its composition.
People who have been suffering from pain for a long time due to vertebral osteochondrosis in the lumbar region find it hard to walk and sit down. Against the background of such symptoms, doctors also prescribe Milgamma to them. Patients note that after undergoing therapy with this remedy, they began to feel much better, and from now on pain bothers them much less often.
What are the downsides?
As for the adverse effects of the drug on the body, the reviews very often claim the occurrence of acne. In particular, we are talking about large pimples with white heads. But in general, given that the general condition has improved in most cases, we can say that Milgamma is actually quite a successful and effective pharmaceutical development.