If your ears hurt, how to treat and what are the reasons?

If your ears hurt, how to treat and what are the reasons?
If your ears hurt, how to treat and what are the reasons?
earache how to treat
earache how to treat

Pain in the ears are different: pulsating and constant. Moreover, there are many different reasons for the appearance of such sensations: infections, atmospheric pressure, trauma, boils, otitis externa, etc. Some diseases are fraught not only with discomfort in the ears, but also with other manifestations. From a cold, for example, when the nose is stuffed up, pains in the right ear or left are aggravated. In addition, there are injuries and injuries. All this needs to be treated, but how?

Ears hurt. How to treat if the diagnosis is dermatitis

One of the diseases of the ears can be called dermatitis, which appears due to minor injuries, pus, eczema. It is treated every day with ether or alcohol. In order not to torment the itching, it is necessary to powder the wound with talc or zinc oxide. And the crusts are first removed with sunflower oil, then the sore spot is treated with prednisolone ointment.

Ears hurt. How to treat if the diagnosis is furunculosis

right ear pain
right ear pain

On human skin there are always staphylococci that cause a disease such as furunculosis. Bacteria enter through cracks. Therefore, with otitis, the area around the ear should be smeared with petroleum jelly, menthol ointment or baby cream. But wash your hair and wet itplace is not possible. It is also forbidden to put cotton wool deep into the ear. It is necessary to do short quartzing. And also put a bandage with zinc ointment and cauterize the cracks in the ear canal with lapis. Inside you need to take brewer's yeast. At the same time, a warming compress should be made from 2 tablespoons of drilling fluid in a glass of water or from lead water in half with alcohol. At the same time, put a cotton swab with menthol on the ear canal for half an hour. Repeat this procedure twice a day. You can also heat your ear with a Blue Light Ember device up to three times a day.

Ears hurt. How to treat if the diagnosis is perichondritis and subsequent complications

When the auricle is injured, Pseudomonas aeruginosa can get into the ear. It causes a disease such as perichondritis. In this case, only antibiotic treatment is required. These are the preparations "Pyocyanin", "Sanazin". Lotions are also made with drilling fluid. You can lubricate the ear with iodine. Be sure to do UHF or ultraviolet irradiation. But it also happens that taking antibiotics causes dysbacteriosis, forming molds on the walls of the external auditory canal with the disease otomycosis. This disease manifests itself with allergies or metabolic disorders with subsequent hormonal failure, as well as due to dirty work. Otomycosis is treated with antifungal drugs such as Nystatin, Nitrofungin. The ear is also treated with hydrogen peroxide and nystatin ointment. Antihistamines "Dimedrol" and "Suprastin" are used.

ear hurts andtemperature
ear hurts andtemperature

Ears hurt. How to treat if the diagnosis is otitis media

This disease manifests itself for the most part not as an independent phenomenon, but as a complication of the flu or a cold. Therefore, if the ear hurts and the temperature is elevated, then the diagnosis is likely to be otitis media. With such diseases, you must first cure a runny nose, using vasoconstrictor drops in the nose. And then apply half-alcohol compresses (camphor or vodka) on the ear, and cover with polyethylene on top, then with a layer of cotton and put on a woolen scarf for several hours. You can additionally drop a drop of 3% boric acid, a solution of the drug "Levomycetin" or "Furacilin" into the ear. At home, tie the ear with a scarf made of natural wool, such as goat, camel or sheep. If otitis media has dragged on, then inflammation can be stopped by means of Ampicillin, Ampiox, Tetracycline.

But remember, self-medication is dangerous for your he alth! Please consult your doctor before using any medication!
