Contraceptive methods vary. Some women use oral contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Others use a condom, while others resort to injectable protection methods. There are also special patches and rings that prevent the fertilization process. And far from the last place in this list is the spiral. The Mirena system has been especially popular lately. Side effects from its use are not felt by all women. Some simply don't notice the IUD and consider it a great contraceptive.
Composition and description
Intrauterine device "Mirena" not only protects against unwanted pregnancy, but also heals. It contains the hormonal substance levonorgestrel in the amount of 52 ml. The secondary component in the spiral is polydimethylsiloxane elastomer.
The appearance of the intrauterine therapy system resembles the letter "T" placed in a speci altube conductor, which has a white core and has an elastomeric-hormonal filling. The body of the spiral is equipped on one side with a loop, on the other - with two shoulders. Threads are attached to the loop, with the help of which the spiral is removed from the vagina.
Pharmacological properties

The Mirena therapeutic intrauterine device (side effects from using the product are described in detail in the instructions for use, and they should be studied before using the system) has a local gestagenic effect by releasing levonorgestrel into the cavity of the uterine environment. This makes it possible to use the hormonal substance in the minimum daily dosage.
Over time, levonorgestrel accumulates in the endometrium, and its high content reduces the sensitivity of progesterone and estrogen receptors. As a result, the endometrium does not perceive estradiol and has an antiproliferative effect.
IUD "Mirena" (side effects and contraindications before using the therapeutic system must be taken into account) when used, it affects morphological changes in the endometrium. It causes a rather weak reaction of the body to the presence of a foreign body. Affects the thickening of the lining of the cervical canal, which prevents sperm from entering the uterus. The spiral prevents the process of fertilization, inhibits the activity of spermatozoa, their motor functions. There are women whose product inhibits ovulation.
The use of Mirena does not adversely affectfemale reproductive apparatus. As a rule, after the removal of the spiral, a woman becomes pregnant within a year.
In the early days of using a therapeutic intrauterine system, spotting may be a concern. Over time, the inhibition of the endometrium leads to a decrease in the duration of menstruation and a decrease in their abundance. The effect of the spiral on the woman's body does not affect the functioning of the ovaries and the amount of estradiol in the plasma.
It is allowed to use a spiral in the treatment of idiopathic menorrhagia, but on condition that the woman does not have gynecological and extragenital diseases, as well as ailments with severe hypocoagulation.
After 90 days after the insertion of the spiral into the uterus, the volume of menstrual flow decreases by 88%. If there is menorrhagia, which was caused by fibroids, then the result of treatment with a therapeutic system is not pronounced. Reducing the duration of menstruation reduces the likelihood of iron deficiency anemia. Reduces negative symptoms in dysmenorrhea.
The low content of the hormonal substance in the plasma virtually eliminates the systemic effect of the progestogen on the body. The introduction of levonorgestrel into the uterine environment improves its absorption and bioavailability, which is 90%. The drug is excreted in the form of metabolites through the liver and kidneys.
Indications and contraindications

What other reviews can you hear about Mirena? Side effects are very rare. According to women, the spiral can cause negative symptoms not only due to its incorrect use, but alsodue to individual intolerance of the body. In this case, doctors advise to remove the therapeutic system and select other methods of contraception.
The main indications for the use of the Mirena therapeutic system (side effects after using this spiral are observed in many women, only in some women they disappear over time, while in others the negative symptoms worsen, which forces the woman to abandon this medical product) are protection against unwanted pregnancy and idiopathic menorrhagia. The intrauterine device is recommended to prevent endometrial hyperplasia, which can occur with estrogen replacement treatment.
The use of Mirena should be abandoned during pregnancy and if there is even the slightest suspicion of it. Do not use a spiral for gynecological inflammatory diseases. The intrauterine system should be discarded if there are diseases of the genitourinary system, postpartum endometritis, cervical dysplasia, as well as malignant and benign formations in the body.
Do not use the spiral after a septic abortion, with cervicitis, bleeding of various origins, abnormalities of the uterine organ, liver diseases and hypersensitivity to the components that are part of the therapeutic system.
Mirena should be used only after consulting a specialist if the patient suffers from migraine, severe headaches and if there is arterial hypertension. With extreme caution, use a spiral for jaundice, impairedcirculation and after a stroke, myocardial infarction.
It is believed that in small doses levonorgestrel is able to penetrate into the milk of a nursing mother, but if the child is six weeks old, he is not able to harm the baby. Therefore, for the use of the spiral during breastfeeding, additional specialist advice is required.
Mirena. Instructions for use, dosage

The spiral is inserted into the uterine cavity. Its term of operation is five years. At the very beginning of the use of the spiral, the daily release rate of levonorgesgrel is 20 mcg. Over time, this figure decreases. Five years later, it is 11 mcg per day. The approximate average daily rate of release of a hormonal substance is 14 mcg.
Therapeutic uterine system can be used in women who have used hormone replacement therapy in their treatment. The most important thing is that the drugs used in the treatment contain estrogen, and not a progestogen. If the Mirena coil is properly installed, then the Pearl index is 0.1%.
The Mirena product is sold in sterile packaging. If at the time of purchase the product did not have sterile packaging, then it should not be used. It is also not necessary to store the spirals removed from the cervix, as they still have remnants of the hormonal substance.

The sterile packaging of the spiral is opened only before the introduction of the product into the body of a lady. Mirena should only be installed by an experienced doctor who hasrelevant experience in this area. Before introducing a therapeutic system, the doctor must familiarize the lady with contraindications and possible negative phenomena. Conduct a gynecological examination. Take a gynecological smear. Send the lady for a blood test. The doctor examines the mammary glands before installing the Mirena product. Side effects (the instructions warn of all the negative consequences that often occur after the introduction of the spiral) will be minimized if the patient is examined and the therapeutic system is installed correctly.
During the examination of the patient, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy, as well as ailments of an infectious and inflammatory nature. All detected diseases must be eliminated before the introduction of the spiral into the body of a woman.
Before you enter the spiral, study the uterus and the parameters of its cavity. It is considered correct to find "Mirena" at the bottom of the uterine organ. In this case, a uniform effect of the active substance of the product on the uterine environment is ensured.
The first time a lady after installing the spiral is examined after 3 months, then once a year. If necessary, the patient is examined more often.
If a woman is of childbearing age, then the spiral is established within seven days from the beginning of critical days. Mirena can be replaced with another intrauterine device at any convenient time. It is allowed to install an IUD immediately after an abortion, which was made in the first trimester.
After delivery, the spiral is allowed to be inserted six months afteruterine involution. If the involution occurs with a delay, then you should wait for its completion. If the insertion of an IUD occurs with complications, severe pain, or is accompanied by bleeding, an ultrasound should be performed as soon as possible to rule out the possibility of perforation.
With estrogen replacement therapy, to maintain the functions of the endometrium, women with a diagnosis of amenorrhea, the Mirena spiral is installed at any time. In patients with prolonged menstruation, the therapeutic system is administered in the last days of menstruation. The coil is not used for postcoital contraception.
The Mirena Therapeutic System is removed carefully by pulling the threads with forceps. If the threads could not be found, then a traction hook is used to extract the spiral. Sometimes cervical dilatation is required to remove an IUD.
The system, if there are no side effects, is removed after five years. If the lady wants to continue to use this method of contraception, then a new spiral is introduced immediately after the removal of the previous system.
Hormonal coil "Mirena". Side effects

Negative symptoms in patients may appear in the first days after the introduction of the therapeutic system into the uterus. So the body gets used to the foreign element. As a rule, if the coil is used for a long time, then the side effects soon disappear.
Quite often side effects after installing Mirena are the following symptoms:
- bleeding likevaginal and uterine;
- spotting bloody discharge;
- ovarian cysts;
- oligo- and amenoria;
- bad mood and nervousness;
- lower sex drive;
- migraine;
- pain in the lower abdomen and back;
- nausea;
- acne;
- tension and soreness in the area of the mammary glands;
- weight gain;
- hair loss;
- edema.
If negative phenomena appear, you should consult a gynecologist. When using the Mirena therapeutic system, many side effects appear almost immediately, but gradually the body gets used to the foreign element.
Special Instructions

Women during treatment with the Mirena therapeutic system should pay attention to the appearance of signs of venous thrombosis. When they appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor and take all measures to treat this disease.
Many women have experienced side effects with the therapeutic system. Reviews of the Mirena IUD note that when using this method of contraception in women, weight increased and acne appeared on the skin. If negative symptoms appear, the contraceptive should be removed from the body and replaced with another one.
With caution, the spiral should be used by women with problems with the valves of the heart organ. In this case, there is a risk of septic endocarditis. Such patients on the days of themanipulations associated with the installation and removal of the spiral, a course of antibiotics is prescribed to prevent the onset of this disease.
Low doses of levonorgestrel can affect glucose tolerance, so women with diabetes should have their blood sugar tested regularly while using the IUD.
In 20% of cases, Mirena can cause oligo- and amenorrhea. If menstruation does not appear in a lady for more than six months, then pregnancy must be completely excluded. Amenorrhea in women can be observed throughout the year if the coil is used along with other hormonal agents in estrogen replacement therapy.
VCM "Mirena" is removed for infectious and bacterial diseases of the vagina, endometritis, pain and bleeding. The therapeutic system should be removed from the uterus if it is placed incorrectly.
About how to check the threads of the product, the doctor notifies the woman immediately after he has installed the Mirena spiral. According to reviews, the side effects after the introduction of the IUD should alert the lady. When they appear, you should immediately visit a doctor to exclude possible complications and pathologies. Many patients are satisfied with the contraceptive, as it affects the absence of heavy periods and reliable contraception for five years of use.
Intrauterine device cost
The Mirena coil not only protects against unwanted pregnancy, but also heals. This explains the increased interest of women in this product. You can buy it at a pharmacy. Pricetherapeutic vaginal system fluctuates around 9-12 thousand rubles.
Positive feedback from women
Spiral "Mirena" reviews deserved both positive and negative. Ladies who were satisfied with the use of the IUD note the stabilization of the menstrual cycle, safe sex and long-term reliable contraception.
According to women, Mirena is not felt at all during intercourse. According to them, the therapeutic system is a godsend for women with menorrhagia, endometrial hyperplasia, fibroids and fibroids.
Many patients report discomfort in the first month of insertion of the coil. As a rule, these are pains in the abdomen and back, sensation of a foreign body, smearing the discharge. But, according to the ladies, after the first menstruation, these adverse reactions disappear and patients with a spiral feel much more comfortable.

Negative opinion about the spiral
Deserved and negative reviews of the hormonal spiral "Mirena". Side effects after its installation appear in almost everyone. It's just that for some they go away after a month, while others are worried for a longer period, and they have to remove the spiral.
Among the side effects, users note a strong weight gain, swelling, skin rashes, pain in the lower abdomen and back, sharp jumps in blood pressure, loss of sexual desire, spotting regular discharge. Some patients after the introduction of the Mirena spiral felt depression, constant nervousness and bad mood. They were worried about weakness, irritation andmood swings. There are those in whom this therapeutic system provoked the formation of a tumor, ovarian cysts, varicose veins and hair loss.
Some women claim that after the removal of the spiral, they were disturbed by heavy periods, which lasted continuously for about a month. There are those who immediately felt better after removing the IUD. In these patients, the state of mind returned to normal, pain disappeared, and menstruation stabilized.
What do doctors say about the spiral?
Side effects of the Mirena spiral do not appear in all women, so many ladies not only protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy with its help, but are also treated. This is confirmed by experienced professionals. They often recommend the system to women who have heavy and painful periods. Gynecologists strongly advise the IUD for fibroids and fibroids. According to them, this system is a real breakthrough in gynecology. It prevents endometrial hyperplasia and can be used in hormone replacement therapy.
As a rule, doctors are not surprised by the side effects that occur in the first time after the introduction of the spiral. They react to them calmly and warn the patients that this is normal, there is a period of addiction and after the first menstruation with a spiral everything will pass.
Doctors say that the levonorgestrel in this coil acts directly on the endometrial layer. Reduces its implantation ability, affects the reduction in the volume of menstruation and reduces their duration, removes menstrual pain. Contraception lasts for five years, which is verycomfortable for many women.
According to the doctors, it is not possible to immediately guess whether the spiral will suit a woman or not. Each lady tolerates the hormonal drug in her own way. But they warn that before installing the Mirena spiral, you should undergo a complete diagnosis in order to exclude the occurrence of various pathologies in the future. The spiral is not installed if malignant tumors are found, with diseases of the liver organ, heart and bleeding, the cause of which is unclear.