Melatonin, which can be harmful if used improperly, is a hormone produced naturally. It can also be a product of the pharmaceutical industry. The supplement is often used as a sleeping pill. The substance is safe, but excessive popularity has caused reasonable concerns among experts. They are mainly associated with the lack of a sufficient number of laboratory studies regarding the consequences of uncontrolled intake of melatonin, as well as with possible side effects. Further in the article, we will consider the features of the hormone and drugs based on a synthetic substance, potential harmful effects, as well as ways to naturally increase the production of melatonin in the body.

Melatonin - what is it
Melatonin is a neurohormone produced in the brain. With the onset of dusk, its activation begins, which prepares a person for sleep.
Used as a sleeping pillartificially created melatonin. In a pharmacy, you can buy such drugs without a doctor's prescription. They help a person not only fall asleep, but also improve the quality and duration of sleep. However, many note that the drug is not as effective as the usual sleeping pills.
Not the only function of the body is sleep, which is affected by melatonin. The hormone is necessary for the production of antioxidants to protect the body from aging. In addition, the substance regulates cortisol levels, blood pressure and body temperature, immune and sexual function.
Availability in pharmacies
In Russia and the US, Melatonin for sleep can be purchased without a prescription. However, this will be difficult to do in European countries. The drug is usually prescribed to elderly patients who have been diagnosed with a sleep disorder. Requires a prescription to purchase.
The hormone in the form of a drug supplement is becoming more and more popular. For specialists, this demand is of concern because there are no accurate studies on possible side effects.

Negative Consequences
Whether Melatonin is harmful is not fully understood. There have been several studies that have examined the safety of these drugs. As a result, no serious side effects were identified and no dependence or withdrawal syndrome was found.
Despite the positive findings, many experts are concerned that artificially produced hormone can affect the production of naturalmelatonin. In addition, the results of the studies were short-term, which does not give grounds to assert that there will be no problems in the future.
However, general unpleasant symptoms have been recorded. During the appointment, patients complained:
- excited;
- headache;
- nausea;
- dizziness.
Sleeping pills "Melatonin" is considered relatively safe. In the future (short-term), it is even allowed to take pills with an increased dosage. But doctors believe that more research is needed to clarify some controversial points.

Drug "Melatonin" in childhood
Sometimes parents offer melatonin supplements to their children who have difficulty falling asleep. But pediatricians do not approve of this approach because there is no accurate data on the safety of using the drug in childhood.
European experts consider these drugs to be prescription drugs. These medications are intended for older patients.
Drug and drowsiness
Melatonin for sleep is necessary in the dark. If you use the supplement at other times, unwanted drowsiness is possible. This effect is not considered a side effect, but rather a consequence of taking the drug. But it must be understood that with the appearance of drowsiness, a decrease in reaction is possible.
Problems when using Melatonin
Accurate data on the effect of an artificial hormone onorganism is not. However, several problems have been identified:
- Decrease in body temperature. The hormone provokes a slight decrease in body temperature. He althy people are not affected, but patients who have difficulty with thermoregulation should take this into account
- Interaction with sleeping pills. If melatonin-based preparations are taken with classical sleeping pills, then the side effects increase many times over. At the same time, muscle reactions also worsen.
- Blood thinning. Melatonin helps to reduce blood clotting. Therefore, before using such drugs, especially in high doses against the background of treatment with Warfarin, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
Thus "Melatonin" is a medicine that can interact with other medicines. When using it, it is recommended to inform the doctor about it.

Instructions for the use of synthetically produced hormone
In order for the sleeping pill "Melatonin" not to bring harm, the patient must take it according to the instructions. Since not all drugs are the same, you should carefully study the annotation.
Usually "Melatonin" dosage has the following:
- Before going to sleep, you need to drink from 1 to 10 mg of the active substance.
- The optimal number has not been officially established.
It is important for patients to know that all over-the-counter supplements are not regulated by the he alth authorities. Therefore, preference should be given to companies that have proven themselves with the besthand.
Contraindications for use
"Melatonin" can cause harm. In Russia, doctors tend to attribute the following factors to contraindications to taking sleeping pills:
- pregnancy;
- lactation;
- childhood and adolescence.
The synthetic, engineered hormone is known to pass into breast milk. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such sleeping pills for lactating women. Otherwise, the medication may cause excessive sleepiness and lethargy in infants.
How to improve sleep quality
If you increase the natural production of melatonin without the use of supplements, you can significantly improve the quality of sleep. Usually, experts recommend performing a certain ritual:
- turn off bright lights a couple of hours before bedtime, use only subdued ones;
- it is advisable to avoid working at the computer, watching TV, using the phone.
It's also worth finding out which foods contain melatonin. To use before bed.

Natural melatonin foods
Hormone levels can be increased naturally. To do this, you should find out which products contain melatonin. A high concentration of a synthetic substance contained in preparations can be harmful to he alth. An overdose will not happen if you raise the level of melatonin with a balanced diet.
So it is useful to include in the menu:
- tomatoes;
- bran bread;
- cherries;
- pine nuts;
- bananas;
- barley;
- carrot;
- corn;
- radish;
- fig.
In addition, the amino acid tryptophan contributes to the formation of a natural hormone. It is found in nuts, legumes, grains, dairy products, poultry and cocoa.
Clinically proven that the benefits of products bring their positive effect, but there are no side effects.
It should be remembered that alcohol, caffeine and a lack of carbohydrates in the menu, as well as smoking, significantly lower the level of the hormone in the blood. Therefore, it is necessary to completely abandon bad habits, eat chocolate in reasonable doses and drink cocoa to restore the quality of sleep.

Useful properties of melatonin
The substance is a sleep hormone. It regulates the cycle of rest and wakefulness. Useful properties are based primarily on improving the quality of sleep. Taking the drug helps patients get rid of insomnia, sleep better, and at the same time eliminates the feeling of weakness in the morning
When using a medication containing artificial melatonin, patients note that they no longer wake up often at night and at the same time get up completely rested in the morning. In addition, the medicine is necessary for those people who often change time zones.
However, experts say that melatonin is not necessarily used as a drug. It is quite possible to confine ourselves to obtaining it fromrecommended foods. At the same time, the risks of overdose do not arise, and the quality and performance of sleep improve.

Melatonin helps to lose weight
Women often use drugs containing artificial melatonin to lose weight. At the same time, even nutritionists sometimes recommend these biological supplements to their patients. They justify their appointment with the following facts:
- quick adjustment of substances;
- appetite control and curbing the desire to eat fatty and sweet;
- normalization of sleep;
- support in the body of the necessary proportion of body fat.
Melatonin significantly increases heat transfer, and hence the loss of calories. Thus, even in the absence of physical activity, the loss of extra pounds occurs.
Summing up
Many people know what melatonin is for. Without the production of this hormone, full sleep is impossible. Laboratory studies have shown that supplements do not cause serious side effects, even when used at high doses. However, most experts believe that the evidence is insufficient and more research is needed to reveal the effect of drugs in the long term.
It is always important to consult a specialist before taking funds for people who are sensitive to various kinds of medicines, pregnant, lactating women. Children should not use Melatonin sleeping pills.
It is known that synthetically produced hormone has shown in studieshigh level of security. Judging by the reviews, the drug is an effective sleeping pill. However, for those who often experience sleep problems, it is recommended to try more targeted drugs.