"Sinupret": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Sinupret": instructions for use, analogues and reviews
"Sinupret": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

What in children, what in adults, a frequent companion of any cold or viral disease is such an unpleasant symptom as a runny nose. At first, it manifests itself in the form of a profuse flow of clear mucus from the nose, which becomes thick after a few days, as a result of which breathing is significantly difficult.

In the absence of timely measures for treatment, the likelihood of complications is high. For example, sinusitis and / or otitis media. In such a situation, you can not do without the use of additional medicines.

An excellent helper for a speedy recovery can be the German drug "Sinupret" produced by the well-known pharmaceutical company Bionorica.

free breathing
free breathing

Release form, description and composition

The drug is produced in two dosage forms:

  • dree;
  • oral solution.

Dragees have a round biconvex shape and green color. They are packed in aluminum blisters of 25 pieces, which are then placed in 2 pieces in a cardboard box along with instructions. Sinupreta.

The solution is a clear brown liquid with a characteristic herbal odor. The appearance of turbidity or sediment is acceptable, which disappears with vigorous shaking. The solution is poured into 100 ml bottles made of dark glass. A dosing device is placed on top, then the bottle is closed with a screw cap and, together with the Sinupret instructions, is packed in a cardboard box.

Packaging "Sinupret"
Packaging "Sinupret"

Composition and properties of the drug

Sinupret includes the following herbal ingredients:

  • Gentian Root - 6 mg dragee (0.2 g/100 in solution);
  • primrose flowers - 18 mg dragee (0.6 g/100 in solution);
  • sorrel herb - 18mg dragee (0.6g/100 in solution);
  • Elderflower - 18mg dragee (0.6g/100 in solution);
  • Verbena herb - 18mg dragee (0.6g/100 in solution).

It is worth noting that the solution contains ethyl alcohol in the amount of 16–19 vol.%.

Each of the components has its own therapeutic effect, the combination of which determines the high therapeutic effect of the drug.

  • Gentian - lat. Gentiana. The root of the plant contains glycosides, which have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Primrose - lat. Primula veris. The flowers contain a complex of saponins and flavonoids and help thin the thick exudate in the sinuses.
  • Sorrel - lat. Rumex. There are many substances in this herb that have a pronounced antibacterial effect.
  • Black elderberry - lat. Sambucus nigra. It has a pronounced antiviral and antimicrobial effect.
  • Verbena officinalis - lat. Verbena officinalis. Promotes the removal of exudate from the body.

Thus, due to its composition, Sinupret has a number of functions, namely:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • secretolytic;
  • decongestant;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral.

Indications for use

Instructions for the use of Sinupret tablets indicate that it is advisable to use them for rhinitis and sinusitis, that is, for inflammation of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses. The drug has a therapeutic effect both in the acute stage of the disease and in its chronic course.

Indications also include frontal sinusitis and sinusitis.

Contraindications for use

The main contraindication is the presence of an allergy to any of the components of the drug.

Dragee should not be taken by patients with lactose intolerance, and the solution should not be taken by people with alcohol dependence.

Restriction for treatment with Sinupret is also children's age. The Sinupret instruction for children indicates that taking the solution is prohibited up to two years, and pills - up to six.

Runny nose in a child
Runny nose in a child

Use with care

Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract using the drug "Sinupret" should be carried out with great caution in people suffering from diseases of the liver or brainbrain.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

According to the information specified in the instructions for the Sinupret tablets, the treatment of pregnant women is permissible, but only when prescribed by a doctor. Due to the content of ethyl alcohol in the liquid dosage form, taking dragees is especially relevant for this group of patients.

Women who are breastfeeding should refrain from taking the drug. The fact is that at present there are no clinical studies that could guarantee the safety of the drug for the baby's body.

Waiting for replenishment
Waiting for replenishment

Unwanted adverse reactions

Like any other drug, Sinupret can have a negative effect on the patient's body, but the list of possible side effects is small.

The most common adverse effect is the occurrence of allergic reactions in the form of an itchy skin rash, angioedema, shortness of breath.

Rarely, abdominal pain and nausea may occur.

The listed adverse reactions quickly disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

Drug Interactions

As a rule, "Sinupret" is prescribed in combination with antibacterial drugs. This drug combination is rational and expedient, as it reduces the duration of the disease and reduces the risk of complications.

Method of application and dosage

Both formulations are intended for oral use.

Dragee should be swallowed without chewing with water. The solution can be used in pure form or dissolved in a small amount of water. Scheme of taking pills: 2 (for children 1) pills three times a day. Drops: 50 drops (for children from 2 to 6 years old, 15 drops, from 6 to 18 - 25 drops) 3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is from one to two weeks.


Possible in case of neglecting the dosing rules and using the drug in large quantities or at too short intervals. An overdose is manifested by an increase in the severity of side effects.

When taking the solution, consider the presence of alcohol in it. So, when using one bottle of the drug with a volume of 100 ml, 16-19 grams of ethanol will be in the body.

Drug cost

The price of dragee and solution is approximately the same and is in the same range. The packaging of the drug will cost the buyer 350-450 rubles. It is worth pointing out that before buying, you should consult with a specialist and read the Sinupret instructions. The price depends on the region, city and pharmacy chain.

If we make small calculations, we can come to the conclusion that the solution and pills are purchased with the same benefit.

For an average course treatment of an adult lasting 10 days, 30 tablets will be needed, according to the instructions of Sinupret. The price of one package is about 400 rubles, and it will only be enough for one full course, since the remaining 20 tablets are not enough for the next course.

In a similar situation, you will need 150 drops of the solution per day, or 7.5 ml. That is, for ten daysthe course will require 75 ml of solution. The remaining 25 ml will also not be enough for the next possible cycle.

Storage conditions and expiration date

According to Sinupret's instructions, it should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25°C and away from sunlight. It is very important to keep the medication package out of the reach of small children.

The shelf life from the date of production is 3 years, after which the use of the drug inside is unacceptable.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

According to the information on the packaging and in the instructions, "Sinupret" is an over-the-counter remedy. Therefore, the buyer can meet it on the shelves of any pharmacy and purchase it for their own use without any difficulties.


Judging by the reviews, Sinupret is a drug that doctors trust. Pediatricians, therapists and otorhinolaryngologists are satisfied with the therapeutic effect and confidently prescribe it to their patients. In practice, from adverse reactions, they sometimes occur with the occurrence of an allergic reaction, but it is impossible to predict this, as with the appointment of any other drug.

People who have undergone Sinupret treatment also leave extremely positive feedback. The main advantages of the drug, they call a quick and pronounced therapeutic effect, safety of use and natural composition. Another advantage of the drug, patients note the clear and understandable instructions for the use of Sinupret tablets.


If this drug cannot be prescribed for some reasonthe patient, a remedy with a similar pharmacological action is selected, indicated in the instructions for use of Sinupret. Analogues in any case will not be complete, as they have a different composition.

The most common replacement is with the help of the drug "Sinuforte", the active ingredient of which is cyclamen. The drug eliminates swelling and redness of the nasal mucosa, promotes the removal of purulent exudate to the outside.

The main advantage of this remedy is a quick and pronounced therapeutic effect.

Produced as a nasal aerosol, approved for use from 12 years old, subject to instructions. The price of the analogue of "Sinupret" is high: one package will cost the patient 2700-3000 rubles. Therefore, the main disadvantage of Sinuforte is the high cost of treatment.

Sinuforte packaging
Sinuforte packaging

Another alternative could be the homeopathic remedy Korizalia.

Combats swelling and nasal congestion, accelerates recovery, prevents the development of complications.

Produced in the form of lozenges, allowed from 6 years of age (as indicated in the instructions for Sinupret tablets). However, if necessary, it can be used in younger children. Only in this case, the tablet will need to be pre-dissolved in a small amount of water.

A package containing 40 tablets will cost the buyer about 250–350 rubles.

Packaging "Korisalia"
Packaging "Korisalia"

Similar to Sinupret, the herbal preparation Gelomirtol has an effectforte , the therapeutic substance of which is myrtol. It has a liquefying and antimicrobial effect, activates the ciliary activity of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and promotes the removal of pathological exudate from the nasal cavity and bronchi. It is possible to use in children whose age has reached 6 years, this is indicated in the instructions for the Sinupret analogue.

The drug is produced in enteric capsules. One package contains 20 pieces. Their cost is in the range from 300 to 400 rubles.

Packing "Gelomyrtol forte"
Packing "Gelomyrtol forte"


"Sinupret" is a unique herbal preparation that includes the action of five medicinal herbs. Due to its rich and natural composition, it has a pronounced therapeutic effect. Its great advantage is the safety of use and a small list of side effects. Among such medicines, Sinupret is the best value for money. The main thing in the treatment of this drug is to follow the rules of administration specified in the instructions for use of Sinupret.

The price of the drug, in comparison with analogues, is in the average price range.
