Today, allergic reactions, unfortunately, are not uncommon. Experts attribute this phenomenon to one of the most serious problems. After all, such reactions can affect any organ. Most often, allergies manifest themselves as a variety of skin rashes. Such defects complicate the life of the patient, delivering tangible discomfort. How to overcome this disease? What are the most effective skin allergy pills?
What is an affliction?
Many people, noticing a sudden redness or rash on their skin, do not attach any importance to them. Believing that such "decorations" were the result of an insect bite or a nettle sting, they take no action. Yes, and sometimes it looks completely harmless allergy on the skin. Red spots, slight swelling and small blisters really do not cause concern. Only one thing irritates - unbearable itching. It cannot be removed by home remedies. And only by applying an allergy remedy on the skin, a person experienceswelcome relief. Along with it comes the understanding that mosquitoes and nettles have nothing to do with it. This is about skin allergies.

Practically everyone has experienced such reactions. Skin allergy is considered one of the most difficult diseases to diagnose. And it is no coincidence. Sometimes it is quite difficult to distinguish the usual irritation from an allergic reaction. Quite often, only special tests can reveal the real cause of the symptoms.
Types of skin rashes
Illness can manifest itself in different ways. Depending on the type of reaction, the elements of the rash may differ. It is worth noting that often the allergy passes quite quickly. Spots on the skin, provided there is no contact with the "provocateur", disappear after a couple of days. However, there are times when the rash does not go away so quickly. On the contrary, every day they cause more and more discomfort. Such manifestations require special attention.
These include the following types of skin allergies:
- Hives. This form is characterized by blisters that appear in large numbers. They tend to merge. The strongest skin itch accompanies the urticaria. Patients are very difficult to tolerate this symptom. In some cases, patients who have an acute form of the disease are even hospitalized.
- Quincke's edema. Allergy resembles the above-described form - urticaria. A distinctive feature is the presence of pronounced edema. Quite often, such swelling is observed on the eyelids, in the lips.
- Contact dermatitis. Suchform occurs in direct contact with the allergen. Therefore, the rash appears only on those areas of the skin that have been in contact with a hazardous substance. As a rule, these are hands and a face.
Main causes of illness
All types of skin allergies result from exposure to a specific irritant. In other words, the disease cannot appear by chance. There are always factors that provoked an unpleasant reaction. There are quite a few of them.

According to statistics, doctors identify the following main sources of unpleasant manifestations:
- Food allergens. This group includes a wide variety of products. It should be understood that any substance can cause allergies. However, there are certain products that often lead to similar symptoms. These are honey, milk, exotic fruits, seafood. Quite often, the reaction to this group is manifested by a rash on the face.
- Animal hair, dust, plants. Often, all these substances cause conjunctivitis or rhinitis. However, there are cases when the body reacts to them with an allergic rash.
- Decorative cosmetics, household chemicals, individual metals. These substances can cause contact dermatitis. It is noticed that in most cases the body does not immediately react to such components. As a rule, a certain period of time passes, and the skin at the points of contact with them becomes covered with a rash.
Allergen Diagnosis
Before treating this ailment, one shouldeliminate annoying factors. Otherwise, no matter what highly effective skin allergy pills you take, you will not be able to defeat the disease. To determine the sources of irritation, you should go to an appointment with a doctor. It is he who will appoint the appropriate tests.
This method is quite simple. Small scratches are applied to the forearm with a scarifier. A prepared solution is dripped onto them, in which the alleged allergen is enclosed. This method makes it possible to test more than ten substances.
Samples are being watched closely. If a real allergen gets into the wound, the place swells and turns red. This allows you to identify substances that are unfavorable to the body. Quite often, patients themselves guess what exactly provoked such a reaction. In this case, the doctor can only confirm the guesses with the help of a sample.
Allergies in children
Unfortunately, no one is immune from this disease. It affects both adults and children. It is especially unpleasant when a child has an allergy to the skin.

In infants up to a year, the rash is localized on the cheeks, forearms, neck, buttocks. Initially, red spots appear. Over time, they acquire a brighter shade. Then they merge into one big red spot. The skin in these places is edematous. Then small bubbles with a clear liquid begin to form on the surface of the spots. The baby becomes very irritable, because such an allergy on the skin of a child causes unbearable itching.
The older guys get a rash on their forearms,face, stomach. As a rule, allergies appear in the form of dark pink or red spots. They give the impression of flaky skin. Sometimes a child may complain of drowsiness, headache. There are cases when the rash is accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting.
Treatment of allergies in children
Initially, it is worth emphasizing that these manifestations are not only a symptom of a serious illness. The rash can lead to serious complications. Combing the wounds, the baby opens access to the body to a variety of infections. And this, in turn, can provoke the development of various skin diseases. Therefore, it is important to take appropriate measures in a timely manner.
How to treat an allergy on the baby's skin, the doctor will tell. It is with a visit to the doctor that therapy should begin. Remember that it is necessary to diagnose the allergen, and only a doctor can prescribe this procedure. Neglect of such measures can provoke the development of a chronic form. As a result, the baby's skin acquires scars and scars that remain for life.
Having determined the allergen, the doctor prescribes medication. Antihistamines are used: Diazolin, Claritin. They perfectly relieve itching, neutralize the substances that caused such a reaction in the body as an allergy on the skin. Red spots are recommended to be lubricated with special ointments and gels. They also effectively relieve itching. And, importantly, they prevent the risk of infection.

You need to understand that some drugs have a sedative effect. These are means "Tavegil", "Dimedrol","Suprastin". They slow down the reaction and cause drowsiness. When prescribing such drugs, you should carefully monitor the behavior of the child. Use only medication prescribed by your pediatrician and strictly follow the recommended dosage.
When should I call an ambulance?
Watch your symptoms very carefully. Sometimes allergies can be very insidious. Spots on the skin are not the only manifestation of the disease. If the rash is accompanied by nasal congestion, watery eyes, swelling of the face - call an ambulance.
This symptom may indicate the development of Quincke's edema. It is dangerous with the possibility of swelling of the larynx and tongue. And this can lead to suffocation.
Allergy pills
Modern pharmacology provides a wide range of different drugs against this disease. Allergy tablets on the skin effectively relieve itching, tissue swelling, prevent the spread of a rash, and protect against blistering. Many preparations contain mainly natural ingredients.
One of the most famous and effective means in the fight against allergies is the medicine "Gistan". This medicine is available in the form of capsules, tablets, ointments. An effective remedy for skin allergies consists of extracts of medicinal herbs and vitamins.
It is very important not to forget about antihistamines. The drugs "Fenistil", "Zirtek", "Telfast" are quite effective. In severe cases, a doctor may prescribe corticosteroids.

Commonly recommended with these drugstake activated charcoal. Especially when it comes to children. Such a medicine relieves the manifestations of food allergies, and at the same time strengthens the immune system. By the way, activated charcoal is allowed to be given even to newborns. Sometimes the doctor may recommend the use of the laxative "Duphalac". As a rule, absorbents are also prescribed with it - "Polysorb" or "Enterosgel".
The most important rule that allows you to effectively and quickly defeat the disease is to take only those drugs that an experienced doctor will prescribe. Do not forget that self-medication can seriously harm the body.
Prescribing ointments
A qualified doctor, having determined the cause of skin hypersensitivity, will select the optimal treatment. It should be understood that for each individual case, the measures to combat the disease will be different. Thus, depending on the rash, the doctor will prescribe either a hormonal or a less radical ointment against skin allergies. Do not use drugs on your own, carefully coordinate your actions with your doctor.
Hormonal ointments include substances that block the further production of antibodies. There are a large number of these drugs. They differ in the strength of the effect on the body. The prescription of ointments containing hormones depends on the condition of the patient.
The list of such funds includes drugs:
- "Hydrocortisone", "Prednisolone". These ointments have a weak effect. They are used for minor manifestations of allergies. Such ointments can be used by pregnant women and children under 2 years old.
- "Afloderm", "Ftorokort", "Tsinakort". This is a group of ointments of moderate impact. They are intended for more severe allergic reactions.
- "Sinalar", "Advantan", "Apulein", "Elokom". Active drugs. As a rule, they are used if necessary to immediately stop the inflammatory process. The effectiveness of these ointments allows them to be used for eczema and dermatosis.
All hormonal drugs have a certain range of indications and a limited duration of use. That is why these drugs should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and only in prescribed doses. Otherwise, you risk getting an incredibly many side effects that will require separate treatment.

Non-hormonal drugs include the following drugs:
- "Psilo-balm", "Fenistil-gel". Great for itching.
- "Levosin", "Levomekol", "Fucidin". They have a bactericidal effect.
- "Solcoseryl", "Actovegin", "Radevit", "Videstim". Able to stimulate skin regeneration.
- "Panthenol", "Bepanthen". Accelerate healing and regeneration.
Any gel or cream for skin allergies that contains lanolin is quite effective. This component softens, moisturizes the surface, reduces peeling, protects against microcracks.
Folk remedies
It should be noted that these drugs must be combined with drug treatment. Only in this case, they will have a beneficial effect on the body and will allow you to quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms that the allergy on the skin provoked. Folk remedies created by nature are ways not only to fight the disease, but also to stimulate the protective functions of the body.
- Decoction of a string. It should replace the use of coffee or tea with this remedy. Take only fresh decoction. This drink is recommended to be consumed for several years. It is believed that he is able to completely heal the body. It should be brewed like tea. You need to insist the broth for about 20 minutes. The drink should be a beautiful golden color. If the broth becomes cloudy or green, then this series is completely unsuitable for use. The most effective are only those herbs for allergies on the skin, which were collected with their own hands. Traditional medicine does not recommend the use of a string sold in briquettes.
- Infusion of calendula. This remedy helps to get rid of itching. The affected areas should be wiped with alcohol infusion. A solution of soda is also quite effective. You need 1.5 tsp. dilute in a glass of water. Gently apply the prepared solution to the areas affected by the rash.
- Infusion of violets. Traditional medicine recommends this remedy for allergic skin manifestations. One liter should be added to the bath. Water procedures can also be used with the same portion of wild rosemary infusion.

Dietary recommendations
People suffering from various allergic skin reactions should switch to a hypoallergenic diet. The essence of this nutrition is as follows:
- low allergenic foods are preferred;
- diet should be age appropriate;
- energy value of the diet should be maintained at the proper level.
Nutrition for skin allergies is selected individually for each patient by a nutritionist. The basic principle of such a diet, as previously noted, is based on the rejection of highly allergenic foods. After all, they can stimulate unpleasant reactions.
Quite often the following foods exacerbate allergy symptoms:
- honey;
- seafood;
- chicken eggs;
- milk and cow and goat;
- coffee, cocoa;
- fruits or berries that are red and orange;
- smoked products (fish, meat);
- alcoholic beverages;
- chocolate;
- nuts;
- seasonings, sauces;
- mushrooms.
The exclusion of these products most favorably affects the healing process. Swelling is minimized, itching is reduced. Patient sees significantly better rash regression.
However, among the products there are also moderately allergenic ones. Their number in the diet should also be reduced.
These include:
- buckwheat or corn grits;
- wheat, rye;
- herbal teas;
- bananas, peaches, watermelons;
- legumes;
- potatoes.
Refusing and reducing the use of the above products, you should stop at low-allergenic ones. After all, it is on their predominance in the diet that the diet is built.

Their list includes:
- fermented milk products;
- mineral water without gas;
- low-fat boiled pork and beef;
- greens;
- olive oil;
- vegetables (turnip, cabbage);
- liver, kidney;
- dried fruits.
The high prevalence of allergic reactions, unpleasant, sometimes even painful symptoms cause many questions in people. Is it possible to get rid of the disease? Which skin allergy pills should I choose? What methods of struggle should be preferred?
Treatment that can stop the cascade of pathological reactions of the body can only be selected by a doctor. Do not self-medicate, entrust your priceless he alth to a professional.