Recently, people have increasingly become hypersensitivity to certain stimuli. Moreover, signs of allergy in adults are found in contact with both synthetic substances and very ordinary products and materials. This state of affairs causes a lot of inconvenience, but it is still possible to solve this problem.

How to distinguish allergies from other diseases
The first signs of an allergy are often similar to the symptoms of various diseases. However, in order not to confuse them, it is necessary to conduct a little independent research. First, it is important to remember whether similar symptoms arose when exposed to a particular stimulus, while staying in similar conditions or eating certain foods. For greater reliability, you can take an allergy remedy. If there is a disappearance of symptoms, then this may already indicate the presence of increased sensitivity of the body. But a more complete picture can be obtained by contactinghelp from a specialist. It is he who can conduct tests, the result of which will indicate the presence of an allergy or its absence.
Main symptoms of hypersensitivity
Signs of allergies in adults can be both local and general. The first category includes rhinitis (clear discharge from the nose, its swelling, redness), conjunctivitis (eyes begin to itch, tears flow, swelling of the organs of vision is possible). Respiratory organs often suffer, shortness of breath appears. Some patients also develop allergic otitis media. You can also observe the manifestation of an allergy on the face: the skin becomes covered with spots, rashes, itches. Well, common signs are considered to be shortness of breath, itching, swelling. If all the symptoms are pronounced, then we can talk about anaphylactic shock.

Why allergies are on the rise
First of all, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of development of an allergic reaction. When a foreign protein enters our body, the immune system fights with an unexpected guest. At the same time, data on the type and structure of the allergen are stored in its memory. Re-penetration of the substance causes a violent reaction, which is characterized by its hyperactivity. As a result, signs of allergies in adults appear. Specialists do not name the specific cause of the onset, however, they identify a number of factors that can lead to the development of the disease. First of all, it is the chemicals around us. We meet it everywhere: in food, in the air, in everyday life. Total usesynthetic products during washing, cleaning does not leave not only harmful, but also beneficial microorganisms.

In addition, the entire environment is saturated with fragrances, dyes and other potential allergens. Antibiotics, which are widely used in breeding chickens and pigs, only exacerbate the situation. Another point that scientists highlight is the state of stress.
What types of allergies exist
Depending on what caused the increased sensitivity of the body, the following types of disease are distinguished. One of the most common is food allergies. Seasonal or so-called spring allergies are also common. The flowering of all kinds of plants, their pollen can cause a lot of problems for people with increased susceptibility.

Another subspecies is the body's reaction to cold (or, conversely, to the sun's rays). Atopic dermatitis is manifested by constant rashes on the skin, itching. Do not forget about drug allergies. Knowing which drugs are capable of provoking a reaction in the body can simply save a life. The danger of allergy is that Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock may develop. In the first case, swelling of the larynx can cause suffocation. In the second, breathing slows down, the pressure drops. If these signs of allergy are recorded in adults, then emergency assistance is needed in such situations.
Food allergy
Because we eat foodevery day, the development of sensitivity to certain foods can significantly impair the quality of life. Almost every product can become an allergen. But there is a list of the most common food allergens. These include chicken eggs, chocolate, tomatoes, citrus fruits. Also, people prone to this disease should use honey, milk, strawberries, nuts with caution. Allergic reactions can also cause seafood. Wheat, cereals are also potentially unsafe products. Signs of food allergies are as follows: nausea, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, all kinds of skin reactions, headache, including migraine, inflammation in the colon, gastric mucosa.

Treatment of a food allergy is one thing - it is the exclusion from the diet of a certain product. However, alternatives can also be found. If you are allergic to chicken egg protein, then it is quite safe to use the yolk. Boiling milk for a long time (25 minutes or more) destroys harmful allergens.
Seasonal allergies
While the approach to treating food sensitivities is clear and relatively simple, seasonal allergies are not. During the period of active flowering of certain plants, the well-being of allergy sufferers deteriorates sharply. Spring allergies are manifested by stuffy nose, conjunctivitis, sneezing and other similar symptoms. The main problem is that it is simply impossible to lock yourself in the house and sit there for several weeks. Therefore, to facilitateconditions, specialists prescribe special drugs. In addition, during the period of active distribution of pollen, it is important to adhere to some rules: it is better to postpone picnics and long walks in nature for later, after coming from the yard, you need to wash and change clothes. Doctors recommend washing clothes as often as possible, because a lot of allergens settle on them. Wet cleaning should be done daily.

Allergic reactions to drugs
Sensitivity to the components of certain drugs is a fairly common allergy. Itching, characteristic signs on the skin, rhinitis, shortness of breath, fever - this is an incomplete list of symptoms of this disease. In this case, the medicine does not have the desired effect, and its administration, even in microdoses, can cause serious consequences. To prevent this condition, all allergic reactions should be noted on the first page of medical records. It is extremely dangerous if you have an allergy to drugs to prescribe any treatment for yourself, as the reaction can also manifest itself in components of other medicines and tablets that are similar in structure.