"Lincomycin ointment": instruction, price, analogues

"Lincomycin ointment": instruction, price, analogues
"Lincomycin ointment": instruction, price, analogues

Antibacterial ointments are widely used in surgery, cosmetology, pediatrics and other fields of medicine. The drugs are able to eliminate pathogens from the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. This, in turn, promotes wound healing. Many drugs are now known. One of them is lincomycin ointment. Instructions for using this tool will be presented to your attention. It is also worth learning about the analogues of this medication. But you should not choose them yourself. If necessary, see a doctor.

lincomycin ointment
lincomycin ointment

The cost of the drug and its composition

You can buy a medicine without a prescription in every pharmacy. On "Lincomycin" the price is in the range from 60 to 100 rubles. The cost of an antibiotic depends on the volume of the tube. The manufacturer produces the drug in a package of 10 and 15 grams.

The main active ingredient is lincomycin. In the preparation, it is present in the form of hydrochloride monohydrate. One gram of ointment contains 20mg of this component. That is why on the package you can see the name "Lincomycin ointment 2%".

lincomycin price
lincomycin price

Medication prescription

Lincomycin ointment is an antibiotic. Therefore, the drug is prescribed for bacterial diseases of the skin. The drug will be effective in case of sensitivity of microorganisms to it. Indications for the use of the ointment were infectious and purulent diseases: erysipelas, furunculosis, phlegmon, pyoderma and others. The tool can be used to treat acne. Before starting therapy, you need to see a doctor and clarify the dosage and duration of the composition.

It is not recommended to use the product in case of hypersensitivity to the active substance and its derivatives. The drug is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women, since the main component is able to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Also, the composition is not recommended for use in newborns up to 4-5 weeks of age.

lincomycin ointment instructions for use
lincomycin ointment instructions for use

Lincomycin ointment: application

The medication is applied to the affected areas of the skin and soft tissues up to 3 times a day. The composition of the medicine does not require preliminary cleansing of the wound from coarse growths and pus. If necessary, the medication can be used in the form of a compress. To do this, you will need a sterile tissue. The duration of therapy is determined by the patient's condition and usually does not exceed 2 weeks. But it is worth remembering that antibacterial drugs are not intended for single use. The duration of their application is at least three days.

During treatment, you may notice a rapid improvement and healing of the wound. But this does not mean that therapy should be interrupted. Be sure to continue using the drug as recommended by the doctor. Pay attention to the deterioration. The medication can cause side effects: dermatitis, urticaria, swelling. If additional damage appears on the treated area, then it is necessary to stop treatment and urgently contact the doctors.

Lincomycin ointment: analogues

In case of negative (adverse) reactions, the medication is replaced with another one. Currently, lincomycin ointment is a unique remedy in its composition. You will not be able to find a medicine in the same form of release with an identical composition. Therefore, you will have to look for another substitute. It could be:

  • Levomekol;
  • ichthyol ointment;
  • Vishnevsky's ointment;
  • "Sulfargin";
  • "Baneocin";
  • "Solcoseryl";
  • Eplan and others.

Please note that the price of the drug "Lincomycin" is quite affordable. Whereas its analogues can cost several times more.

lincomycin ointment analogues
lincomycin ointment analogues

In closing

Purulent wounds that do not heal for a long time require the use of antibacterial drugs. Such compounds help to clean the damaged surface, eliminate pathogens. Preparations improve and accelerate regeneration. But such medicines should not be used without medical advice.destination. Although many antibiotics are over-the-counter, their use should be considered by a doctor. If there is no effect within one week of treatment, you should also contact a specialist. All the best!
