Surgical clamps are medical instruments that are designed to clamp tissues, organs or objects during surgery.
How are they made?
Clamps usually have a lock dividing two branches into a ring part and working jaws. Near the rings among most of these tools there is a cremalier. It provides automatic adherence of tissues and organs. The most common are cremalers with a stepped fixation. But they have a disadvantage, since they do not allow for dosage to increase compression as accurately as possible. Currently, foreign suppliers produce medical clamps with stepless ratchet, but such instruments are very large in size and rather complex in design.

Two types of clips
Surgical clamps are divided into two types: curved and straight. According to the method of influencing the tissues, the following categories of clamps are distinguished:
- Elastic. Their temporary imposition should in no case cause injury to organs. Indeed, in the postoperativea period of time, the covers fully restore their vital activity.
- The next type is rigid medical clamps. Their use can injure organs. Given this risk, they are usually applied to tissue to be removed during surgery.
Reliability requirements
The reliability of the clamps is subject to very strict requirements, since a malfunction of the instrument at the time of the operation can significantly complicate the work of the doctor and, as a result, adversely affect the result of its outcome. This small surgical kit is essential during surgery.

Hemostatic forceps
Hemostatic clamps are used to temporarily contain the resulting bleeding by compressing the vessel from which the blood comes. Next, a ligature is applied to it until the final stop of the oozing liquid occurs.
Hemostatic clamps include four types of instruments, such as:
- Mosquito Clip.
- Deep cavity device.
- Clamp equipped with Billroth thread.
- Kocher toothed straight clamp.
These hemostatic items are made of stainless steel, which has the necessary strength and elasticity.

Clamps for short-term clamping of vessels
There are three types of clamps that are intended for short-term clamping of blood vessels:
- Tool for kidneyMayo legs.
- Elastic Hepfner clamp.
- Negus, Well and Pott arterial devices.
For more gentle clamping of blood vessels, clamps are used, which in their appearance resemble tweezers with crossed brushes. They are also included in the small surgical kit.
When dissecting tissues at the moment of vascularization, as well as for the purpose of their temporary squeezing, dissectors are used, in which, in most cases, unlike clamps that stop blood, there is no cremaler and cutting on working sponges.

Medical fixation clamps are often called forceps. The main thing is not to confuse them with sharp similar tools. The main requirement for them is the absence of traumatization of organ tissues at the time of their capture. Depending on the purpose, various types of clamps are produced. For example, hemorrhoidal forceps, tools for grasping the lung or intestinal, which are used during operations on the intestinal wall, etc. This also includes forceps designed to take tools with which the doctor performs surgery.
Gastrointestinal clamps play the role of blocking the lumen of the stomach and intestines, thus preventing the contents from entering the wound. Such tools are divided into two types: elastic, which are suitable for the left part, and crushing, their other name is pulp. The latter type is capable of causing tissue damage, for this reason they are usedduring resection in relation to the removed part of the organ. There are also gastro-intestinal clamps, which are intermediate in the strength of their contraction, otherwise they are also called rigid.
Needle holders are used to hold surgical needles and pass them through tissue during suturing. In their design, the needle holders are identical to the clamps that stop the blood, but they have a short working part, as a result, to clamp the needle, you have to apply two or three more diligent efforts than when operating the hemostatic clamps. All this can be purchased at the Medtekhnika store.
Medical tweezers are instruments designed to grasp and briefly hold materials, tissues and small instruments during surgery and other manipulations.
Tweezers were known to mankind in Ancient Egypt. It is noteworthy that among the collection of surgical instruments presented at the Leipzig Institute of Medical History, there are similar instruments from the 5th-6th centuries BC.
Tweezers are a device consisting of a pair of iron spring plates that are welded or fixed together. They can also be soldered with a rivet at one end. From their edges are working branches, which are also called branches. They diverge at a certain angle.

Types of tweezers
The outer sides of the jaws of the tweezers have a fine corrugation, or they can be matted, and the working surface of the jaws is endowed with a transversenotch. Among the most common types of such a tool are:
- surgical;
- anatomical;
- deep cavity lock tweezers;
- Russian toothed-claw;
- a tool for applying and removing metal brackets.
The Medtechnika store offers a wide selection of surgical instruments.
Laundry Clips

It is customary to refer to clips for medical underwear:
- instruments designed for the purpose of fixing surgical sterile underwear in relation to the skin of a patient with a cremalier;
- Mikulich clamp, which is applicable for fixing the operating tissue to the peritoneum, with the help of which the working field is protected from various kinds of infections;
- plate pins;
- forceps - medical clamps designed to transfer sterile instruments, as well as dressings during operations, they are also suitable for introducing drains and tampons.
We looked at surgical instruments such as clamps. There are a large number of them. They must be reliable, since the success of the operation largely depends on this.