Relaxing back massage: technique, benefits and reviews

Relaxing back massage: technique, benefits and reviews
Relaxing back massage: technique, benefits and reviews

Massage is not just a nice relaxing treatment. This is a whole range of techniques and actions that can reduce or increase muscle tone, improve posture, balance the nervous system, and simply relieve fatigue after a working day. The range of positive effects is very wide, but to achieve them you need to know the correct execution technique.

Benefits of massage

The procedure brings not only pleasant sensations and relaxation of tight muscles. Massage promotes lymphatic drainage in the skin, enhances blood circulation, improves immunity. With it, you can eliminate pain and correct impaired posture. With prolonged use, it is possible to improve the blood supply to some internal organs and restore their functions.

classic back massage technique
classic back massage technique

Classic massage

This type is used when the purpose of the procedure is to relax the body (or a separate part of it) or, conversely, increase the overall tone. It can be performed both independently and in addition to spa treatments.

Howdoing a classic back massage? The execution technique, regardless of the goal, always consists of 4 stages: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. These stages always go in that order.


This is the initial technique in which the body is superficially warmed up. You need to perform it without moving the skin, from the bottom up. The direction of stroking is from the lymphatic vessels to the nodes. When working on the back, the thumb should be set aside from the rest in order to increase the area of \u200b\u200bimpact. Stroking is performed without weights.

2 main types of stroking - planar and wrapping. This technique is performed by the entire surface of the hand, and it must be in full contact with the body of the person being massaged. Planar stroking is used on vast flat areas - back, abdomen, chest. The movements can be longitudinal, transverse, spiral or circular.

Ground stroking is used on the upper and lower extremities, lateral parts of the body, in the buttocks. The thumb is moved to the side to increase the area of influence.

back massage technique
back massage technique


This technique follows stroking when the skin is already warm enough. When massaging the back, it is performed with the supporting part of the hand. Can be rubbed with one or both hands at once, in straight, spiral or circular motions.

The impact at this stage can already be both superficial and deep, affecting not only the skin, but also the muscles. Can be done with weightsone hand is superimposed on the other, increasing the degree of pressure. The purpose of rubbing is to warm up tissues - muscles, ligaments, joints, preparing them for more intense exposure.


The back massage technique requires more than half of the session time to be devoted to this technique. Kneading consists in the fact that the area of impact of the hands narrows to a space that covers one hand. The pressure on the back increases, the force of pressing allows you to knead the deep layers of muscles. It goes without saying that by this point the muscles should be fully warmed up and relaxed.

The essence of the technique is to grab muscle tissue and press it against the bones. One brush is placed on top of the other for weighting. Three actions can be distinguished - the capture of a tissue area, pulling and squeezing, then a short relaxation of the hand, rolling and squeezing. Do not twist fabrics. Movements should be slow, with a gradual increase in intensity.

general back massage technique
general back massage technique


This technique is performed before kneading and in alternation with it. Particular attention is paid to him with swelling of the tissues. Squeezing is not a mandatory action, but in some situations it is complemented by a basic back massage. Technique: therapeutic technique implies that the movements will be carried out strictly along the course of the blood and lymphatic vessels. The pressing force is tangible, but does not cause painful discomfort to the person being massaged.

Squeezing is done in several ways. First - edgepalms: putting the thumb to the index finger, place the hand across the course of the vessels and move forward. The second way is to squeeze the base of the brush with the palm down, the direction is along the muscle fibers. The third - with two hands folded one on top of the other for weighting.

back massage technique
back massage technique


The essence of the reception consists in oscillatory effects on tissues in compliance with a certain frequency. There are several types of vibration: intermittent - patting, quilting, chopping, tapping, and continuous - shaking, pushing, shaking.

The intermittent execution of the reception consists in a series of small blows, following one after another. This promotes blood flow to the massaged tissues, increases muscle tone and activity of the nervous system. Tapping is performed with brushes slightly clenched into fists, usually two at the same time. Chopping - with outstretched palms, the little finger is facing the patient's body. It is performed along the course of large muscles and helps to saturate the tissues with oxygen and increase their tone.

Continuous vibration is performed without taking the massage therapist's hand off the patient's body. In this case, the terminal phalanges of one or more fingers work. The muscles of the body being massaged should be extremely relaxed. This technique improves lymph flow, relieves tension, including nervous.

Classic massage ends with stroking, if necessary or at will - applying creams or oils for the body.

General massage

This look has a lot in common with the classic, but it implies a studynot just the back, but the whole body. There are several systems by which general massage is done. Swedish implies a session lasting 35 minutes, Finnish - up to 50 minutes, Russian - as much as 60. Depending on the system by which a general back massage is performed, the execution technique may include different sequences and durations of working out body parts.

relaxing back massage technique
relaxing back massage technique

The most common scheme looks like this (with a 60-minute session): 30 minutes for kneading, rubbing with squeezing - 24 minutes, stroking and vibration - 6 minutes. They begin a general massage from the back and neck, after which you can choose to work out the upper limbs, neck, pelvis and legs, or in a different sequence - buttocks, lower limbs, arms, neck, chest, abdomen. There is a wide scope for the wishes and needs of the client.

A state of relaxation

Relaxing massage is one of the favorite varieties of this procedure. It is based on the impact on the body in such ways that will help relieve muscle tension, eliminate clamps, and balance the nervous system. During the session, the use of oil compositions and creams with essential oils with a calming effect is welcome.

The main purpose of the procedure is to reduce the tone of tense muscles. But the actual application is not limited to this. Insomnia, increased emotional excitability, frequent stress, overwork - this is not a complete list of conditions in which a relaxing back massage is indicated. The execution technique involves the same techniques,as in general, but excludes vibration techniques that tone muscles. You can devote more time to stroking and rubbing, to work out the cervical-collar zone - it is there that a particularly pronounced muscle tension is observed.

how to do a relaxing back massage technique
how to do a relaxing back massage technique

There are several opinions about how to do a relaxing back massage. The technique in one of the options involves starting from the feet - there are many nerve endings that communicate with all organs and systems. After that, you need to work out the legs from the ankles to the upper thighs, buttocks, and only then - the back. In another case, it is recommended to start from the cervical-collar zone, working out parts of the body from top to bottom. It is advisable to do a head massage in the final stage. After the session, it is advisable to cover the client with a blanket and let it lie down for 15-20 minutes.

Honey massage

This species stands out from the rest in that the powerful healing effect of honey joins the effect of massage procedures. According to the content and balance of components, honey is close to the composition of human blood plasma, and its use is quite physiological. It cleanses the skin well and adsorbs toxins, giving natural vitamins and nutrients in return. Honey massage is useful for reduced immunity, apathy, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurasthenia, sleep disorders. Its regular sessions help to cure osteochondrosis. It is not at all necessary to reduce its beneficial effect to a superficial anti-cellulite effect. When the correct technique for performing a honey back massage is observed, andthe lower back, and sore joints, and internal organs become noticeably better.

For the procedure, you can take liquid or lightly candied honey. You can add essential oils of your choice to it. Citrus oils will give a tonic effect, lavender, ylang-ylang, sandalwood and chamomile - soothing. Before applying honey, a short stroking and rubbing is carried out. The body must be prepared, it is undesirable to do the procedure on cold muscles.

Honey is distributed in large drops over the massaged areas. Then they begin to slowly rub it into the skin with a slight pressure. After a certain time (depending on the variety and density of the product), it thickens, and it becomes impossible to massage.

technique for performing honey massage of the back and lower back
technique for performing honey massage of the back and lower back

Then proceed to the next stage: press the hands to the patient's body and smoothly, starting from the base of the palm, "unstick" them. Movements can be accelerated, simultaneously consulting with the person being massaged, so as not to cause pain. Honey loses its fluidity and original texture, gradually turning into a grayish slurry. This releases toxins and dead skin cells.

When the honey completely turns into a gray mass, you can finish the massage. With a towel dipped in warm water, remove the "gruel" from the surface of the body. Waste honey should be washed off under a warm shower as soon as possible - it contains toxins removed from the body. Then it is advisable to apply a moisturizer.

Reviews about this type of massage indicate a feeling of lightness, vigor, a sense of harmony and balance. The skin becomes freshand updated. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to drink a cup of herbal tea after the session.
