Testosterone propionate: application reviews

Testosterone propionate: application reviews
Testosterone propionate: application reviews

A beautiful male figure is primarily embossed muscles and broad shoulders, due to the lack of which teenagers are so complex. In fact, this dream is not as unattainable as you think. Of course, first of all, you need to gather your courage and sign up for a gym. However, it will not be superfluous to receive special funds for athletes. These can be protein shakes that provide muscle nutrition, as well as specialized drugs that stimulate the growth of lean muscle mass. As a result, you get stunning results in a short time. The only "but": if you stop going to the gym, you will just as quickly lose the achieved result.

testosterone propionate reviews
testosterone propionate reviews

Testosterone propionate: myths and truths

Should I take Testosterone Propionate? Reviews about him are mostly good, but there are also statements from newcomers who are poorly versed in the specifics of the issue. It is in these statements that arguments are most often heard that this drug, like all other steroids, is terrible.evil, and should not be used in any case. In this case, the main argument is the sagging of the muscles after the end of the course. This is partly true, but this phenomenon is also observed in natural bodybuilding. The fact is that only constant loads stimulate the body to build and maintain muscle mass. If a person begins to lead a passive lifestyle, the body will get rid of it, as this is an irrational consumption of nutrients.

We are all so different

However, individual characteristics play a big role. If by nature you have a strong physique, and muscle building went against the background of intensive training and quality nutrition, then even with a complete break, you will keep your shape for a long time. But if speed was the main criterion, then the basis of your outstanding forms will be water, which was delayed thanks to steroids. In this case, the return to the previous volumes will happen very quickly. Therefore, nothing terrible is testosterone propionate. Feedback from experienced athletes suggests that it allows you to increase the endurance of the body, which means that you can achieve your goals faster.

Medication description

Now let's take a closer look at what Testosterone Propionate is. Reviews make it clear that it is usually used only by professional athletes. It should be noted that this is the most beloved, popular and used testosterone ester in the world of bodybuilding. But beginners and amateurs know almost nothing about him. Why is this happening? First of all, because the duration of the action of the currentsubstances is only 1-2 days. That is, in order to achieve truly outstanding results, daily injections are required.

testosterone propionate instructions for use
testosterone propionate instructions for use

Visible benefits

Why do professional athletes choose testosterone propionate among hundreds of other steroids? Reviews here come to our aid, saying that it is with the help of this ether that you can very quickly achieve a visible result. And it will appear not because the drug mysteriously makes your muscles grow. Not at all, just almost instantly after the injection you feel an increase in strength and a huge supply of energy, which means you can give all your best in the gym to the fullest. This is primarily due to a jump in the level of the hormone in the body. However, it should be remembered that the remedy we are considering is not a complex of vitamins, but a steroid, that is, a serious drug with a well-pronounced anabolic and androgenic effect. A drug that is able to convert into estrogens.

The other side of the coin

Why is it that not everyone who dreams of an athlete's figure uses testosterone propionate solo? Reviews about taking this steroid are mixed. As you know, there are oral capsules that are easy to use, but according to professionals, they do not give an instant effect. The oil solution for injection is much more effective, but it must be used daily, and the injections are very painful. Injection sites almost always become inflamed, which means you always have tolook for something new. It can be the lower leg and biceps, deltas and other muscles. Often there is a fever, a jump in temperature. These unpleasant symptoms can last from a couple of hours to several days, but usually (at least as athletes say in their reviews) such a reaction occurs only in the first days.

testosterone propionate reviews after the course
testosterone propionate reviews after the course

Men or Women

Below we will take a closer look at how to take testosterone propionate. Instructions for use warns that for the most part it was produced for male athletes. However, it is also popular with women. As arguments "for" the latter name the possibility of avoiding intense androgenic effects on the body. In addition, the recovery period after hard training is significantly accelerated, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. However, the steroid is used in reduced doses, and only among professional athletes. If you are new to the world of sports, but decide to take testosterone propionate, the instructions for use recommend not exceeding a dosage of 25-30 mg, injections are done once a week. In this case, a woman can achieve excellent results without the slightest hint of masculinization. Of course, the effect will be more modest, but by increasing the dosage, you must be prepared for side effects. In addition, it must be borne in mind that testosterone ester is not recommended for women without extreme reasons.

testosterone propionate solo reviews on admission
testosterone propionate solo reviews on admission


The company that produces testosterone ester, ontoday is a lot.

  • The first most popular product is Moldovan Balkan Pharmaceuticals. It contains 100 mg of active ingredient per 1 ml. However, judging by the reviews, it is not worth buying. This is a heavy and thick oil that is very poorly absorbed, works sluggishly, as if the active substance in it is much less than it should be.
  • Next is Testovis (Italy, 100 mg per 2 ml). Everything seems to be the same, but, according to the reviews, the difference is very big. Very good, soft, and most importantly - perfectly working product.
  • But the Russian drug gained the most confidence on the market - it is of excellent quality and low price.
  • On the market you can find English and Japanese, as well as Indian testosterone ester, which are few in reviews due to their low popularity. In general, its cost is much lower than that of other steroids.

The cheapest Moldovan one will cost 156 rubles, for Russian and Italian you will have to pay about 500 rubles.

  • I would like to say separately about the Ukrainian product. The manufacturer that produces testosterone propionate there is Farmak. Feedback on the reception of this ether speaks of its highest efficiency and a fairly mild effect (the latter means that the number of bumps from injections will be minimal). Its cost is about 500 rubles.
  • testosterone propionate farmak reviews on admission
    testosterone propionate farmak reviews on admission

When you want more

Despite all the positive reviews about this drug, it is considered to be weak. Partly becauseaction lasts only one day. The peculiarity of this drug, according to experts, is the almost complete absence of such an effect as water retention in the body. However, this is also a moot point. On the one hand, the body receives a minimal load, and there is an increase in lean muscle mass, but you will not get more than 6-8 kg of mass per month, that is, it does not work well as an express method. On the other hand, athletes have learned to turn this effect to their advantage. To do this, they combine testosterone propionate and Turinabol. Reviews say that in this case an amazing effect is achieved: excess fat is burned and muscles grow. A reasonable question arises: is it worth using testosterone ester if another drug gives the effect? It may seem that the only advantage of the remedy we are considering is its low price, and only unsecured athletes take it. This is fundamentally wrong. Professional bodybuilders include testosterone propionate in their prepared cycle. Reviews after the course suggest that without this drug, training would not have been so effective. Testosterone ester begins to work immediately after it enters the body, and is just as quickly excreted. It can be used even before major competitions, and the doping test will not detect it.

So, "Turinabol" and testosterone ester can be used if you have already completed several light cycles and expect more impressive results. At the same time, the reception of Turinabol (tablets) is divided into three stages (morning, afternoon and evening, afterfood), and testosterone is given three times a week, 100 mg.

course of testosterone propionate and stanozolol reviews of athletes
course of testosterone propionate and stanozolol reviews of athletes

Instructions for use

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that these are not vitamins. It is impossible to take testosterone propionate uncontrollably. Indications for use are sexual underdevelopment and disorders of the reproductive system of a functional nature, as well as diseases of the nervous system. But in the world of sports, it is used solely to get a powerful burst of energy and potential for muscle growth.

The patient is injected intramuscularly with a 1 or 5 percent solution. The interval between injections is 1-2 days. The course can last from several weeks to several months. At the same time, the attending physician or fitness instructor, if he has the appropriate qualifications, should draw up a regimen. It should be mentioned that doctors do not recommend taking the drug to he althy people, but this does not reduce its popularity among athletes.

Testosterone propionate and Stanozolol

Another great example of the use of steroids for muscle growth is a combination of two drugs. The anabolic with which testosterone propionate is combined is Stanozolol. Admission reviews allow us to conclude that this is one of the most effective complexes for athletes. At the end of the eight-week course, the results are pleasantly surprising: according to athletes, a set of lean muscle mass is accompanied by a fat-burning effect. That is, all loose folds will tighten and give way to relief muscles. It's simpledream. However, after such a course, maintenance therapy is necessary so that there is no sharp collapse in muscle mass.

What is the course? Testosterone propionate and Stanozolol (reviews of athletes confirm this information) are best taken as follows: injections of testosterone ester are given every other day for eight weeks, and Stanozolol is drunk 60 mg per day, dividing this dosage into 3 doses. To consolidate the effect obtained, from the ninth week we connect Clenbuterol (120 μg) and Proviron (50 mg). Such a scheme, according to bodybuilders, will allow you to gain 6 kg of muscle mass in a course and significantly reduce body fat, but the effect will be achieved only with proper nutrition.

testosterone propionate stanozolol reviews on admission
testosterone propionate stanozolol reviews on admission


Despite the fact that testosterone ester is a drug, it is also used with great success by athletes. It helps increase stamina and speed up the muscle building process. Remarkably, testosterone propionate does not retain water in the body, which means that your success will be maintained for a long time even if there is a break in training. However, this drug also has contraindications, as well as a number of side effects, that is, it is necessary to consult a doctor before taking it.
