Citrulline malate: description, application. The drug "Stimol"

Citrulline malate: description, application. The drug "Stimol"
Citrulline malate: description, application. The drug "Stimol"

Asthenic syndrome is now found in many people. On the one hand, fatigue can be called a normal response of the body to stress, and on the other hand, its constant occurrence indicates the development of pathology. To normalize the condition, you can use citrulline malate. Let's take a closer look at what this substance is and how to use it correctly.

citrulline malate
citrulline malate

General Description

Different groups of medicines will help to cope with asthenic syndrome. One of the most effective are metabolic agents. These are drugs that positively affect the metabolic processes in the body. They are usually prescribed for neurological disorders. A complex of amino acids, citrulline malate, acts at the level of cellular metabolism. At the same time, it is a completely natural remedy. It is produced in powder form for dietary supplements.

An amino acid that is not involved in the construction of proteins is citrulline. It is necessary for the production of arginine, which stimulates nitric oxide. The latter has the property of dilating blood vessels. When combined with citrullinewith malic acid, it is possible to significantly increase the energy resources of the body and stimulate all metabolic processes. Malate (malic acid) is a compound of s alts. Contained in fruits, giving them a sour taste. As an independent substance, malate helps to reduce fatigue and remove lactic acid from the system.

citrulline malate reviews
citrulline malate reviews

Indications for appointment

Citrulline malate (reviews will be discussed below) significantly improves the immune system, has a positive effect on energy potential. Due to these properties, the complex of amino acids is used both in medical practice and in sports. It is often used to treat asthenia of various origins: physical, mental, sexual, postoperative, endocrine. The remedy will also be effective in case of general weakness, constant drowsiness, decreased performance.

stimol citrulline malate
stimol citrulline malate

Application in sports

According to studies, the use of citrulline malate before exercise leads to a decrease in muscle fatigue, an increase in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and an increase in the concentration of phosphocreatinine after exercise. The tool is a powerful energy. It can improve results in various sports and increase the intensity of training loads. The optimal daily dose of amino acids is 6 grams. In some cases, it is increased to 18 g. According to reviews, the maximum effectiveness occurs 14 days after the start of administration. The first results can be assessedfor 3-4 days now. Duration of application - 2 months.

What is the drug "Stimol"?

Citrulline malate is present in the preparation "Stimol". It is part of a group of medicines that affect metabolism and the digestive system. Citrulline is found in urea and contributes to its rapid removal from the body. Malate - malic acid - stimulates the Krebs cycle, activates the processes of energy production at the cellular level. That is, the tool has two effects at once - it improves metabolic processes and cleanses the body.

citrulline malate
citrulline malate

Instructions for use

The manufacturer recommends using the product if the patient is diagnosed with:

  • Physical asthenia.
  • Endocrine asthenia caused by diabetes.
  • Hypotonia on the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Increased sleepiness.
  • Asthenic syndrome provoked by sports loads.
  • Alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
  • Psycho-emotional asthenia.


Citrulline malate is considered by many experts to be an effective remedy. They recommend using it for fatigue caused by various factors. "Stimol" should be taken with painful sensations in the muscles, provoked by serious physical exertion. The tool has undergone numerous studies that confirmed its safety for the body. The drug has no toxic and mental effects. Therefore, it can be used in sports.
