Nasopharyngeal cancer, the symptoms of which are radically different from other types of cancer, is most often diagnosed in men over 45 years of age. But anyone can be at risk. Symptoms of cancer of the larynx, oropharynx, nasopharynx, nose are similar. The discomfort that this disease causes makes the patient turn to a doctor who prescribes a complete examination. Treatment will depend on the severity and extent of the cancer.

Features of the disease
A tumor formed in the nasopharynx can be of two types:
- benign;
- malignant.
Benign include:
- angiofibroma;
- hemangioma.
Benign growth is rare, most often diagnosed in children (may be congenital). But a malignant tumor of the nasopharynx is a problem of people aged, in mostcases - men.
Main causes of disease:
- Smoking. This group of people also includes those who are simply near a smoking person (passive smoking). The cells of the nasal mucosa are irritated by smoke, if you simply inhale it, but do not smoke it yourself. But people who smoke are much more likely to get cancer.
- Frequent use of foods treated with pesticides, various seasonings. Carcinogens are considered very harmful.
- Dentures. The mere fact of wearing prostheses does not mean that this is a guarantee of nasopharyngeal cancer. If a person has chosen a prosthesis incorrectly, it does not fit him well, that is, there is a risk of developing a tumor. When such a person also smokes, the material from which his prosthesis is made absorbs tobacco smoke. This becomes an additional risk factor.
- Alcohol abuse. Alcohol can irritate the mucous membrane of the pharynx, which leads to the development of the disease. How often does this cause nasopharyngeal cancer? Symptoms of the disease in 75% of cases of the total number of patients occur in those who love alcohol.
- Papillomavirus. If the human body has this virus, then the risk of getting cancer of the nasopharynx is high.
- Leukoplakia. This is a disease that is considered a precancerous condition. It manifests itself as white spots on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

Risk factors
There is a group of people who have a significantly higher chance of getting cancer:
- 40-50 year old men;
- exposure to Epstein-Barr virus;
- HIV and mononucleosis patients;
- received ionizing radiation;
- with an autoimmune condition.
How does nasopharyngeal cancer manifest itself? Symptoms of this tumor occur already in the early stages. The reason is that the nasopharynx is significantly limited by the bones, and this leads to squeezing of the tumor, which is just beginning to develop.

Symptoms of cancer of the nose and nasopharynx are similar:
- permanent nasal congestion (similar to allergic rhinitis or the common cold, but no other symptoms);
- purulent discharge appears from the nose, sometimes with blood impurities.
Cancer of the nasopharynx and pharynx - symptoms that may indicate both one and the other disease:
- pain while eating, and even when swallowing saliva;
- paroxysmal cough;
- hoarse voice;
- constant discomfort in the mouth;
- changing the timbre of the voice.
Other signs:
- hearing loss;
- speech problems;
- periodic double vision;
- headache.
In the later stages, body weight begins to decrease and cervical lymph nodes increase.
All of the above signs can speak of any other disease. Therefore, only a qualified doctor after a complete examination will be able to make an accurate diagnosis.
A person may himself suspect nasopharyngeal cancer. The symptoms are combined in a strange way: discharge from the nose simultaneously occurs with hoarseness, impaired speech.
Examination is started when the patient presents with characteristic symptoms. One of the main symptoms is an increase in cervical lymph nodes. Sometimes this symptom is the only one in nasopharyngeal cancer.

The doctor first of all pays attention to:
- signs reported by the patient;
- numbness of the skin;
- state of the lymph nodes.
Due to the deep location of the nasopharynx, it cannot be visually inspected without auxiliary devices. There are cases when the tumor is located under the mucous membrane, which requires a biopsy.
Diagnostic methods to be used to make an accurate diagnosis:
- X-ray of lungs. This examination is necessary in order to rule out lung metastases.
- CT and MRI. The doctor can examine the tumor in detail in section.
- Biopsy. With the help of a puncture, tissues are taken for examination.
- Blood test. Helps to determine if there are concomitant pathologies in the body.
Nasopharyngeal cancer is very tricky. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment depend on the stage of the disease. The doctor, before starting therapy, determines this stage. The size of the formation and its prevalence throughout the body are taken into account.
Therapyselected individually, depending on the stage of the disease. The age of the patient, his general state of he alth is also taken into account. Main Methods:
- radiotherapy;
- chemotherapy;
- operation.
Radiation therapy
This method of treatment is considered the main one. At the initial stages, only radiation therapy is used, and at later stages it is combined with other methods of treatment, in particular with chemotherapy. The principle of exposure is irradiation of the tumor and nearby tissues.
Radiotherapy affects cancer cells and slows down their growth. When the irradiation was carried out, then in the future the patient is shown additional procedures for the purpose of prevention. After all, sometimes particles of metastases remain in the lymph nodes. They cannot be seen because they are too small.

The disadvantage of this method of treatment is that it affects not only bad cells, but also the general he alth of a person. Radiation therapy is used before and after surgery.
With the help of this method of treatment, tumor cells are suppressed and destroyed. The doctor prescribes cytotoxic drugs that do their job from the inside.
Chemotherapy is combined with other treatments. But, as a rule, it is prescribed before radiation therapy and after surgery. The goal is to completely destroy tumor cells in all tissues.
Surgery to remove:
- tumor remnants;
- increasedlymph nodes.
If the tumor has not spread to other organs, then surgery should not cause any difficulties during operation. If metastases were found in other organs, then the surgeon excised part of the damaged organ.

As statistics show, nasopharyngeal cancer, the symptoms, the treatment of which depends on the stage, in most cases kills a person. If the disease is diagnosed at an early stage, then the chance of survival is 70% in cases where the patient's age is not more than 45 years. Older people aged 60-70 are less likely to survive with such a diagnosis - 35%. A tumor in the nasopharynx is more likely to form than in the oropharynx.
We must not lose sight of the fact that in recent years this diagnosis has been made less and less. Many people give up smoking, which is one of the common causes of cancer.
A he althy lifestyle is the main measure to prevent nasopharyngeal cancer. A person should stop smoking, stop drinking alcohol. If you have to work in a factory where various harmful substances are used, then you must wear a respirator to prevent chemical agents from entering the respiratory tract.
Everyone should have regular check-ups. If you follow this rule, you can determine the disease at the initial stage, which can be treated.

Nasopharyngeal cancer is considered very dangerous. Symptoms, treatment andprevention is the information that every person should know in order to prevent the development of the disease, and if the first signs appear, consult a doctor in time. If the cancer is at an early stage, then with a full examination and full treatment in a qualified medical center, there is a good chance to get rid of the tumor forever.