Electronic cigarettes appeared not so long ago, but during their existence they have already won their fans. In this regard, manufacturers are trying to improve the characteristics of their products in order to get as many satisfied customers as possible. Clearomizers are among the latest advances in this industry.
E-cigarette device
The representative of the new generation of electronic cigarettes is the Joye eGo-CC clearomizer. Reviews online are mostly positive, thanks to its innovative steam technology.

At its core, electronic cigarettes are inhalers. They vaporize the flavored nicotine-containing liquid, producing thick and rich smoking vapor. Its advantage is that you can completely control the chemical composition of the inhaled vapor, which means you get less harmful substances than from smoking a regular cigarette.
By structure, this device consists of a battery, a vaporizer, a container for liquid and a mouthpiece. Clearomizers differ from other electronic cigarettes in the principle of operation of the liquid container.
Instead of cartridge
In the first models of electronic cigarettesused disposable or reusable cartridges. Their disadvantage was that they leaked a lot and did not convey the full taste of the liquid for smoking. A little later, the developers improved the vaporization system by removing impractical cartridges.
Today, the Joye eGo-CC clearomizer can be called the best representatives of the modern class of electronic cigarettes. Reviews about it say that at the moment it is difficult to find a system with a more convenient way to smoke.
Clearomizers don't leak. They can be used multiple times and refilled directly from the bottle. Thanks to the transparent window, it is easy to control the liquid level in order to top it up in time. This is the best vaporization system in electronic cigarettes at the moment.
Review of eGo-CC kit and clearomizer
On sale, clearomizers of this model are sold in two sets. The "One" set contains one set of electronic cigarette components. The basic set consists of double the main components: clearomizer, vaporizer, mouthpiece and battery. It is more convenient in every way.

Two clearomizers allow you to swap them out instead of cleaning them every time you want to change your e-liquid with a new flavor. Two batteries guarantee uninterrupted operation of the device if one of them runs out. A spare vaporizer makes it possible to use a cigarette if the first one fails.
The set also includes two chargers: for a 220 V network and for a computer with a USB connector.
AssembledThe Joye eGo-CC Clearomizer is 169mm long and only 14mm in diameter. This stylish device has two exterior finishes. One of them is black, pleasant to the touch surface, which does not leave fingerprints and smudges are not visible. The second is represented by polished steel. This option is suitable for more modern young people.
But Joye eGo-CC is valued for more than just looks. Reviews about this device say that it has convenient and useful features.
It is assembled on the basis of 510 threads, which allows you to freely replace parts in it with more suitable to your requirements. For example, a standard steam generator has a resistance of 2.2 ohms. But if you wish, you can put the part on 1.8 ohms, which will give a lot more vapor, but also reduce the life of a standard battery due to more energy consumption.

Modern air intake system is close to the mouthpiece. Thanks to this, the steam is saturated. It fully conveys the taste of the liquid. At the same time, the long length of the e-cigarette ensures that the vapor is completely cooled before it enters the smoker's mouth.
Low draft and steam production indicates that the steam generator is already worn out or the air intake ducts are clogged. Both are solved without outside help in a few minutes.
Mode with and without stabilization

Many praise the Joye eGo-CC clearomizer. Reviews about it are positive due to the presence of two modes of operation: withstabilization (3, 3 V) and without it (up to 4 V). The second mode makes it possible to increase the voltage to 4 V. But this consumes a lot of battery power. This switch gives a large amount of saturated cold vapor without changing the resistance of the evaporator.
In stabilization mode, the battery charge indicator works. Up to 50% it has a white glow. Up to 10% of the charge, the indicator glows with a light blue light, and less than 10% - with a rich blue. Thanks to this display system, you can charge the cigarette in time. A full charge lasts the equivalent of smoking 30-35 regular cigarettes.
This handy and versatile device is in demand for its versatility and ability to adapt to the needs of a particular consumer.
Fluid change rules
The convenience of using the Joye eGo-CC lies in the fact that it is quite easy to refill. True, only bubbles with a long spout are suitable for these purposes.
To fill the clearomizer, unscrew the vaporizer. At the bottom, liquid is poured into the hole at an angle of 45 degrees strictly along the walls. Otherwise, there is a chance to flood the intake ducts, causing fluid to leak.
After the clearomizer is filled, you need to collect the cigarette back and leave for a while. This will allow the liquid to completely soak the heating element.
To change the liquid to another, you must first empty the container from the previous one. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the tastes will mix or an unpleasant aftertaste of burning will appear. Clearthe clearomizer can be either under running water or by soaking the remaining liquid on its bottom and walls with a napkin.
There are times when liquid still enters the air intake ducts. Do not despair. Screw the device on from below and unscrew the mouthpiece. After that, make a few shaking movements over the sink, as if knocking down a mercury thermometer. Wipe with a dry cloth and the cigarette is ready to use again.
Maintenance and minor repairs
The guarantee of a long service life of any device is only proper operation and care. The Joye eGo-CC clearomizer is no exception. Reviews about this are the most positive. The device is very convenient to operate, and its maintenance is simple and clear.

The appearance of a burning taste indicates that the heating element needs to be replaced. This is done very simply. All connections in the e-cigarette are threaded. Therefore, it takes several minutes to replace the heater.
It is also necessary to ensure that the liquid in the container does not darken. If this happens, it is urgent to drain it, rinse the system with water. If the liquid begins to darken often, then you should pay attention to the steam generator. Most likely, it has already worn out and needs to be replaced.
It is also necessary to ensure that the air intake ducts are not clogged. This is fraught with a decrease in the quantity and quality of smoke.
Consumables and price

The eGo-CC clearomizer is also popular due to its price. Histhe cost fluctuates within $ 50, which is significantly lower than other analogues. At the same time, both branded liquids and those from other manufacturers can be used in the cigarette.
For DIY lovers, there is an opportunity to rewind the heating element on their own, since consumables for this purpose are not so expensive.