A fairly common problem that significantly worsens the quality of life is the so-called bone at the base of the big toe, scientifically called hallux valgus. This disease is dangerous because it develops almost imperceptibly, so that when there is an awareness of the presence of a problem, the situation already seems to be neglected and requires serious methods of treatment. In order to prevent such a scenario, it can be considered appropriate, at the slightest suspicion of the occurrence of this disease, to use the Valgus Plus corrector, the real reviews of people about the use of which indicate its effectiveness in preventing the occurrence of this pathology.

The concept of hallux valgus
This condition is an orthopedic problem in which the big toe deviates from its correct position, causing the first metatarsal to move inward and the second metatarsal to move outwards at the same time. At the same time, an angle is formed between them, from the outside looking like an overgrowth of the “bone”. As a result of the impactshoes and other factors, bursitis (inflammation of the articular bag) develops in this area, and in the later stages of the disease, bone growths are also possible.

Causes of disease development
This pathology refers to diseases in which it is difficult to establish the true cause of occurrence. We can assume that its development is influenced by several factors, some of which become predisposing, while others become triggers. A very important role is played by heredity, as well as features of the ligamentous and bone apparatus of the foot (weakness of the ligaments or a history of transverse flat feet). Against their background, traumatization of the joints (for example, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, inflammation of the metatarsophalangeal joint) or prolonged wearing of uncomfortable shoes (narrow, short or high heels) can “play”.
Consequences for the body as a whole
With this pathology, not only does the phalanges of the big toe shift from its axis, but the correct anatomy of the entire foot is also violated. The constant pressure of the shoes on the protruding area creates its stable irritation, which changes the condition of both the external integument (redness, roughness, calluses) and the joint as a whole. At the same time, deforming arthrosis of this joint, chronic bursitis (inflammation of the periarticular bursa) can develop, a longitudinal flatfoot is added to the existing transverse flatfoot, growths - exostoses can form on the bones of the metatarsus, which further exacerbates the deformity of the foot. All this leads, in addition to purely aesthetic problems and difficulties in the selection of shoes, to a constantdiscomfort and pain in the affected area.
In the very last stage of the disease, the big toe deviates so much from its usual position that it begins to go under neighboring fingers, as a result it is very difficult to step on the injured foot, this causes severe pain, apart from the fact that it is almost impossible to put on shoes. Untimely appeal for help leads to such neglected cases, when only surgical intervention will allow to correct the situation for some time. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of such a disease, you should try to eliminate harmful factors (for example, the wrong shoes) and pay attention to orthopedic devices, one of which is the Valgus Plus fixator.
Treatment methods
In the development of this disease, there are three stages - mild, moderate and severe. Treatment of the mild stage traditionally begins with the replacement of ordinary shoes with orthopedic ones (or more spacious ones with a special insole). If the cause of hallux valgus or its accompanying diseases (bursitis, gouty or rheumatoid arthritis) is identified, then they try to eliminate them. Among the general methods, the use of anti-inflammatory ointments or drugs that suppress inflammatory or degenerative processes in the articular cartilage can be distinguished. Physiotherapeutic procedures, such as massage, can be considered useful. In addition to choosing the right shoes, it is recommended to use various corrective devices, for example, the Valgus Plus corrector. Feedback from people who used it speaks of the convenience of the latchin everyday life, since its operation does not interfere with the wearing of ordinary shoes, that is, it does not change the usual rhythm.

More advanced cases require surgery. To date, many options for such an intervention of varying degrees of invasiveness have been developed. But all of them are quite complex and require compliance with a special regimen in the postoperative period. The surgical method radically solves the problem for some time, but the deformity of the big toe with continued exposure to the factors that caused it may reappear. Using the Valgus Plus finger corrector, it is possible to prevent the development of pathology. The main thing is to diagnose this problem in time.
Medicus Valgus Plus Concealer: Appearance
This device is a small elastic retainer made of hypoallergenic gel material that allows you to give the big toe the correct position relative to the foot, and also protect the deformed joint from pressure, which reduces pain and discomfort when walking or standing for a long time. The non-aggressive soft material makes it possible to wear the corrector for a long time, as it does not cause skin irritation or blistering.

This modern orthopedic product comes in packs of two, since the problem rarely affects only one leg, most often it occurs symmetrically. The use of a corrector involves long-term course wear - notless than 15 days for 10 - 12 hours a day for mild deformity and longer use for more advanced cases.
Indications for use
Valgus Plus toe corrector is used mainly for mild or moderate deformity of the big toe, as well as for the prevention of its development. With this disease, the metatarsal bones of the foot take a position different from the physiological one, deviate from their axis, which further changes the anatomical arch of the foot, and this causes further displacement of the phalanges of the big toe. A "vicious vicious circle" arises, which cannot be broken without the use of special methods. People who use the Valgus Plus corrector leave positive reviews about it, saying that this device allows you to return your toes to their natural position, which will eventually minimize this problem.
Contraindications for use
This method of prevention and treatment of thumb deformity has practically no contraindications. An indirect obstacle can be considered the case when the development of the pathology has gone so far that it is not possible to bring the position of this finger to the correct position without surgical intervention.
Another contraindication to the use of the Valgus Plus retainer is the presence of skin defects (rubbing, cuts, etc.) around the thumb, which will prevent it from being worn at a given time. However, after the skin has healed, the correction can be continued.
Justification of the therapeutic effect
As a type of orthopedic device, the Valgus Pro Plus thumb corrector is meant to be worn for a long time and does not provide instant results. It should also be noted that the sooner you start using it, the faster you can achieve a therapeutic effect. Its therapeutic effect is based on the fact that putting on the fixator in the right way on the toe allows you to return it to the anatomically correct position and keep it in it for a long period. Fixation of the metatarsal bones in a physiological state for a long time allows the ligaments and muscles to adapt to its maintenance, so it remains after the removal of the corrector. It is only necessary to take into account that if the cause that caused the development of this pathology is not eliminated, then after a while the painful condition may return, so it makes sense to regularly use the Valgus Plus corrector after treatment, real reviews of the use of which indicate its effectiveness in the prevention of relapses.

Expected therapeutic effect
According to the creators of the Valgus Plus fixator, its correct use leads to the disappearance of discomfort and pain when walking or standing for a long time, does not allow the joints of the thumb to deform, that is, they remain on their axis without deviating outward. Such a position will not allow the formation of false articular positions, and this eliminates the risk of developing combined or transverse forms of flat feet. Its use also helps to reduce the level of extraneous effects on the joint, protectingskin from redness, calluses, preventing the occurrence of bursitis. The use of a corrector unloads the forefoot, which prevents it from "flattening" in people employed in jobs associated with long standing.
Benefits of using Valgus Plus Concealer
There are several models of orthopedic devices designed to correct hallux valgus. One of them is the Valgus Plus corrector. The choice of this particular device is due to a number of advantages inherent in it:
- Valgus Plus fixative is made of hypoallergenic material, so it is convenient and comfortable to use and does not cause allergic reactions;
- the use of soft elastic material in the production process allows you to wear the corrector with almost any shoe, while maintaining an aesthetic appearance;
- no discomfort when wearing;
- the use of this method allows you to correct the pathology that has arisen without pain and complications, and the use of the device after treatment to prevent relapses can reduce the percentage of recurrence of the disease;
- This product has been clinically tested to make Valgus Plus Retainer safe to use.
Thus, we can assume that the above characteristics distinguish this corrector from other orthopedic devices designed to correct hallux valgus.
How to properly apply the Medicus Valgus Plus Fixator
According to the instructions, the corrector is necessaryuse continuously for two weeks, without removing it for 10-12 hours. With advanced disease, treatment takes longer. They put it on the big toe, which has a deformation, while paying attention that it has a snug fit, does not hang out and does not cause discomfort. At night, this device should be removed. When using the fixator, you must follow the rules of hygiene: before use, the feet are thoroughly washed and dried, after use, the device is also washed with soapy warm water and wiped dry. It should also be borne in mind that the corrector should not be exposed to direct sunlight or excessive heat from heaters.
Proper handling of orthopedic products will help get rid of the problem that has arisen and carry out timely preventive maintenance in the future.

Where to buy corrector
The best way to buy a Medicus Valgus Plus fixative, reviews of which position it as an effective means of combating "bone" on the legs, is to purchase it on the official page of the supplier company. This method guarantees the originality and quality of the supplied goods, as well as its mandatory availability in free sale. In addition, official representatives offer products at a lower price than in other online stores. It will not be possible to buy the Valgus Plus corrector in pharmacies, since at the moment it is not distributed through this network. Therefore, the only way to buy it today isorder online.
Customer Reviews
Appearing relatively recently on the market of medical devices, the Valgus Plus corrector, real reviews of the use of which position it as an effective treatment for hallux valgus deformity, caused quite a stir around itself. Along with a positive opinion about ease of use, body-friendly material, the absence of allergic and other adverse reactions, the ability to combine with street shoes, other judgments arise. They do not allow to characterize only positively such devices as the Valgus Plus corrector. Customer reviews are negative due to the fact that it is not always possible to achieve a therapeutic effect even with prolonged use of the fixative, since at a late stage of the disease often only surgery can help.

Thus, a novelty in the field of orthopedic devices designed to combat hallux valgus, the Valgus Plus corrector, the real reviews of the use of which confirm its effectiveness, has proven itself quite well, of course, with proper use. This fixative is advisable to use in the treatment of mild and moderate stages of this disease in conjunction with other methods aimed at eliminating the causes that caused it.