In the article, we will consider the benefits and harms of natural statins from cholesterol.
Dyslipidemia is a disease in which there is a change in the ratio and quantity of important components of lipid metabolism. The main danger of such a diagnosis is that it increases the likelihood of atherosclerotic disorders in the vessels of the brain, limbs, heart, kidneys and other organs and systems.

What are statins?
Treatment of hypercholesterolemia and mixed variants of dyslipidemia requires the use of special drugs called statins. These substances inhibit the production of endogenous cholesterol at the stage of mevalonate synthesis. There is also a group of substances that belong to the so-called natural statins, which will be discussed below.
Indications for statin treatment
Medications of this group are prescribed in cases where hypercholesterolemiawas detected by chance, and the indicators of cholesterol in the blood, according to the results of the analysis, exceed 7-8 mmol / l. At the initial stage of treatment, a special diet is prescribed, which can be followed only if there is no history of severe damage to the heart and blood vessels. There are also a number of conditions when, regardless of the indicators of cholesterol in the blood and low-density lipoproteins, statins (including natural ones) are prescribed, the purpose of which is to reduce the level of the described substances.
If the patient's history contains information about past heart attacks or strokes, the patient is prescribed special drugs, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the heart and blood vessels, as well as cleansing the bloodstream from excess cholesterol and toxins.
The most effective remedies
Recently, statins have become increasingly popular among cardiologists. The most effective drugs from this group are Atorvastatin and Simvastatin. According to doctors, these drugs can improve the prognosis of patients who have undergone serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Also, statins are prescribed in cases where echocardioscopy indicates a site of hypokinesis, and an electrocardiogram indicates the presence of scar tissue after a heart attack, which indicates the development of cardiosclerosis. In this case, a statin is prescribed, which inhibits the production of hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A-reductase.
Another area of application
Another areastatin use - an abnormal heart rhythm that increases the risk of blood clots. Diseases that affect the rhythm of heart contractions can be atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia, extrasystology, etc.
Natural statins
There are a number of drugs that are produced on the basis of the so-called HMG-CoA reductase blockers and are produced by a special type of filamentous fungi. These drugs are considered natural statins. Unlike synthesized drugs, such as Mevastatin and Lovastatin did not go through chemical processing.
Lovastatin is a substance that is produced on the basis of the fungus Aspergilus tereus. When released into the bloodstream, the filamentous fungus inhibits the production of hydroxymethyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A-reductase. Thus, it is possible to reduce the production of endogenous cholesterol, which is one of the components of the atherogenic fraction of lipoproteins. Lovastin is made from several drugs, including:
- Mevacor.
- "Cardiostatin".
- Lovastatin.
- Choletar.
Natural statin "Mevastatin" is made on the basis of waste products of a fungus called penicillium citrinum. The active ingredient of the drug is compactin. Doctors agree that Lovastatin is more effective than Mevastin.

The listed natural statins were the first to appear beforescientists have learned to synthesize and modify these substances. Such drugs from this category as Privastatin, Simvastatin, Rosuvastatin, etc. are produced chemically. Both natural and synthesized versions of substances are equally effective in the fight against dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis.
Pharmaceutics is in the process of developing new natural statins that will affect blood lipid levels. They affect the production of mevalonic acid, as well as the early and late stages of cholesterol synthesis. However, at the moment, the use of such substances is not practiced due to the small number of studies.
Statins in food
Natural statins also found in foods.
When the level of triacylglycerides and cholesterol is slightly higher than normal, while there are no symptoms of pathological changes in the structure of the heart, it is recommended to include natural products in the diet, which are responsible for reducing these indicators. If low-density lipoproteins and cholesterol do not return to normal after some time of dieting, it is necessary to turn to drug treatment methods.
So, let's see, what foods contain natural statins to lower cholesterol?

To effectively reduce blood cholesterol levels, you need to understand what foods can stimulate this process. The following products effectively cope with this task:
- Garlic.
- Linseed oil.
- High fiber foods.
- Oranges and other citrus fruits.
- Oats and lentils.
- Pistachios.
- Dark chocolate.
A diet based on the listed foods is indicated for those whose cholesterol levels are not critically higher than normal. In some cases, however, it may be necessary to include naturally occurring statins found in pharmaceutical products.
Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated compounds of organic origin. They prevent the development of atherosclerotic disorders in the body. At the same time, the content of high-density lipoprotein increases, while the level of total cholesterol decreases.
Omega-3 is found in fatty fish such as mackerel, herring or pink salmon. Other seafood also contains a sufficient amount of these acids, which can reduce the level of bad cholesterol by increasing the amount of high-density lipoprotein.
In addition to obtaining natural statins from food, you can additionally take various dietary supplements.

Dietary supplements
The modern pharmaceutical market is ready to offer a wide range of dietary supplements, which include omega acids.
The main principle of proper nutrition in dyslipidemia is to limit the amount of animal fats consumed. There is an opinion among people that vegetable oils also contain a large amount ofbad cholesterol, but this is an erroneous judgment. Cholesterol is a waste product of animals. Plants do not have the ability to produce this substance. When choosing vegetable oils, it is best to give preference to mustard, linseed, olive, etc. It is these oils that contain a sufficient amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Harm statins
Specialists believe that drugs based on natural substitutes for statins, as well as synthesized, are highly effective and well tolerated by the patient's body. However, their use, especially for a long time, does not pass without a trace for the he alth of the body. As a rule, statins are prescribed for a long course of administration, which can reach several years.
Impact on muscles
The human muscle system falls under the main blow, it is on it that the maximum negative effect of statins falls. Some patients show signs of myopathy, accompanied by soreness and weakness of the skeletal muscles. If you do not stop taking statins in a timely manner, this can lead to the development of rhabdomyolysis, which is a disease characterized by the breakdown of muscle fibers, which can cause acute kidney failure. The latter is due to the clogging of the kidney channels by the products of the breakdown of muscle tissue.

The risk of developing such pathological processes increases significantly if the patient takes other drugs along with statins. The most dangerous combinationtheir simultaneous administration with substances such as fibrates, Verapamil, Amiodarone, antibiotics, citrostatics is considered.
Increasing impact factors
In addition, there are a number of factors that can increase the negative impact of statins on the patient's body:
- Unbalanced and poor nutrition.
- The presence of pathologies in the chronic form of the course.
- Old age.
- Liver dysfunction.
- Previous surgeries.
- Taking a lot of drugs.
- Alcoholism.
To prevent adverse reactions to statin treatment, you should seek medical advice before starting these medicines. The doctor will help you choose the right drug, determine the dosage and duration of administration.
In addition, the patient is advised to undergo a thorough and complete examination before starting medication, including laboratory and instrumental studies. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will choose the drug and prescribe the appropriate treatment regimen. Self-medication with statins is strictly prohibited.
Thus, drugs aimed at lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the blood are far from always safe and harmless. With prolonged use, even statins can adversely affect the functioning of some organs and systems of the human body.
Reviews of natural statins for lowering cholesterol confirm this.

Recommendations from doctors
Doctors do not recommend taking statins in all cases. So, for patients of reproductive age, regardless of gender, experts advise first of all to reduce cholesterol levels by maintaining a balanced diet and adjusting lifestyle. However, this option is suitable for those whose blood cholesterol levels are not critically high. If the level of this substance is so high that it threatens the development of irreversible consequences for the cardiovascular system, the doctor decides to prescribe drugs, including statins.
Patient comments
There are patient reviews of these drugs. They are mostly positive.
Patients say that for successful therapy it is equally important to give up bad habits, alcohol and smoking, as well as the inclusion of moderate sports loads. Only in the aggregate of the measures taken, treatment with statins will give the appropriate result.