Treatment of tonsillitis: reviews, methods, drugs and folk remedies

Treatment of tonsillitis: reviews, methods, drugs and folk remedies
Treatment of tonsillitis: reviews, methods, drugs and folk remedies

Judging by some reviews, a considerable number of people who are suffering from this disease need treatment for tonsillitis. And all because of the wide distribution, and not only among adults, but also children. The peak falls on the autumn-winter period, when you can meet not only the acute, but also the chronic stage of the development of the disease.

What kind of misfortune is this, are there any methods of treatment and how does tonsillitis manifest itself? In this article, we will try to answer these and, possibly, some other questions. And, perhaps, it is worth starting with an explanation of the disease and determining the causes of its occurrence.

What is it and what are the reasons?

Tonsillitis is a disease that (as we have already found out) can occur in acute or chronic form. In this case, the tissues of the palatine tonsils are affected. Often the causative agent is a bacterium β-hemolyticstreptococcus, but chronic tonsillitis can be caused by other pathogens:

  • green and hemolytic streptococci;
  • staph;
  • enterococcus;
  • adenoviruses.

The symptoms and treatment of tonsillitis in adults will be discussed below, but for now let's get to know him a little closer. And let's start with the acute form of this disease. It, as a rule, provokes hypothermia (general or local in the neck). The occurrence of infection is also facilitated by a decrease in immunity due to overwork, especially with a combination of these factors.

It may also be due to other reasons:

  • frequent sore throat;
  • allergy;
  • deviated septum;
  • presence of caries and gum disease;
  • inflammation in the sinuses;
  • wrong diet;
  • strong stress;
  • nervous tension that lasts constantly;
  • sudden temperature changes;
  • presence of bad habits, especially smoking.

But, as a rule, the disease begins to develop against the background of undertreated acute tonsillitis, which is popularly called simply a sore throat. It takes a chronic stage, and the infection affects the lymphatic tissues of the palatine tonsils. Under normal conditions, microorganisms are in "hibernation" and do not cause significant discomfort.

But under certain circumstances, timely treatment may be necessary. Exacerbation of tonsillitis can happen just due to the factors listed above. As a result, protective functionsimmunity are reduced, which leads to the formation of a favorable fauna for pathogenic microorganisms.

Classification of pathology

Tonsillitis can be not only acute or chronic, there are different types of it. In this case, the chronic form can also be different:

  • Compensated - the body does not react in any way, since the focus is in a dormant state.
  • Subcompensated - it is characterized by frequent but weak exacerbations.
  • Decompensated is a more serious condition in which rather severe exacerbations of a local or general nature develop (paratonsillitis, tonsillar sepsis, cardiotonsillar syndrome), including infectious and allergic diseases such as rheumatic damage to the heart, joints, kidneys.

As for acute tonsillitis, it can be:

  • catarrhal;
  • follicular;
  • lacunary;
  • ulcerative membranous;
  • necrotic.

Besides this, chronic tonsillitis is also divided into a simple and toxic-allergic form. Moreover, a simple chronic disease has only local symptoms, while with allergic tonsillitis the general condition of the body worsens noticeably.

Symptoms and treatment of tonsillitis in adults

Each stage has its own symptoms of manifestation. With the development of an acute form of the disease, the patient has a pronounced intoxication of the body: the body temperature rises to 39–40 ºС against the background of general weakness, chills, sweating, pain in the muscles and joints. Decreased appetite ordisappears altogether.

Visualization of the disease
Visualization of the disease

The first signs of the onset of tonsillitis appear, or at the same time there is a sore throat, which gradually increases. At the highest point of the disease, they become more pronounced and disturb not only during the daytime, but also at night. Because of this, the patient cannot sleep normally, insomnia appears. In addition, eating is difficult because pain interferes with swallowing.

Manifestation of a chronic form of the disease

The surest sign of chronic tonsillitis is when a person has a sore throat more than once a year. This stage of the disease is characterized by alternating stages of remission and exacerbation. At the same time, during the period of remission of compensated and subcompensated tonsillitis, the patient does not complain about anything and his condition is satisfactory. But often there is a slight increase in temperature, as a rule, no more than 37.1-37.3 ºС, and constantly.

Without effective treatment of tonsillitis can not be dispensed with, otherwise there may be serious complications. But we will touch on them a little lower, but for now we will continue to analyze its symptoms. In addition to those already listed, there may be a cough, and when swallowing, you may feel discomfort. At this stage of the disease, the diagnosis can be confirmed by visual examination of the tonsils. In the decompensated form of the disease, a serious condition is observed even between periods of exacerbation.

Tonsillitis is more severe in children than in adults. Severe sore throat preventsswallow, and then the child refuses to eat and drink. In children, fever can often be accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

However, regardless of the forms of manifestation of tonsillitis, its characteristic feature is an increase in the palatine tonsils, which is visible to the naked eye. In the acute stage of the disease, they are bright red, while in the case of chronic tonsillitis, they are stagnant red.

Effective treatment of tonsillitis or possible complications

Streptococcal infection, which actually is tonsillitis, is dangerous due to complications. Often this is post-streptococcal endocarditis, glomerulonephritis, or acute rheumatic fever.

Medicines for he alth
Medicines for he alth

Unfortunately, no one is immune from the human factor: an incorrect diagnosis may be made or the treatment of the disease will be carried out inappropriately. And people themselves do not always seek medical help on time. In this case, usually everything can end with other, no less serious complications:

  • Rheumatism, myocarditis or endocarditis.
  • Diseases of the urinary system.
  • Otitis media causing hearing loss.
  • Inflammation of the lungs.
  • Polyarthritis.
  • Exacerbation of allergic diseases.
  • Psoriasis.

Chronic tonsillitis itself is already a complication due to ignoring the treatment of angina (or not completing it), flu, colds. Often, due to the chronic form of tonsillitis, it beginsdevelop thyrotoxicosis, which jeopardizes the thyroid gland.

It is not for nothing that there is a standard treatment for tonsillitis and, if the necessary measures are not taken, this can threaten autoimmune diseases. In this case, antibodies are produced, which begin to perceive the body's own cells as foreign.


Diagnosis is usually easy for doctors. Suspicion may arise based on the patient's complaints and history data. To accurately confirm the disease, there are a number of examinations, including:

  • Pharingoscopy - you can detect an increase in the tonsils (one or both) along with their swelling, hyperemia, festering follicles.
  • PCR analysis (pharyngeal swab) - this study allows you to accurately determine the type of pathogenic microorganisms that caused the infection.
  • Complete blood count - allows you to detect signs of a bacterial infection, in particular an increase in leukocytes (leukocytosis) with a shift to the left side. An increase in ESR will also be detected.

Before using this or that course of treatment for tonsillitis, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. The pharyngoscopic picture in the acute form of the disease is the same as in chronic tonsillitis, therefore, in the latter case, it is more expedient to diagnose at the stage of remission.

One of the most common diseases
One of the most common diseases

The following signs may indicate this:

  • Hyperemia and thickening of the edges of the palatine arches.
  • Presence of interpalatal adhesionstonsils and temples.
  • The palatine tonsils themselves are also enlarged, compacted and loose with scars.
  • In the lacunae of the tonsils, the accumulation of liquid pus or caseous-purulent masses.
  • Increased anterior cervical and (or) submandibular lymph nodes.

Based on all the results obtained, the necessary course of treatment is prescribed.

Features of the treatment of the acute form of the disease

So we moved on to the analysis of ways to treat tonsillitis. In relation to the acute form of tonsillitis, an exclusively therapeutic method is used. In this case, the selection of drugs is carried out only by a doctor and individually in each case. To do this, the specialist is guided by the results of the diagnosis, the type of pathogen and the severity of the disease. When prescribing an inappropriate remedy or non-compliance with the dosage, treatment is unlikely to be effective. And since tonsillitis is an infectious disease, self-medication is unacceptable, only trained specialists should do this.

Sick people need to stay in bed. Walking is strictly not recommended. Also forbidden food that irritates the throat. These products include:

  • sauces;
  • seasonings;
  • smoked meats;
  • hot, cold food.

You should drink more fluids, the food you eat should be high in calories, but in moderation. It is worth giving preference to pureed cereals, soups, steamed meat, vegetable or fruit puree.

As for the drugs for treatmenttonsillitis, then local antiseptics are usually prescribed, as well as drugs with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Their use is due to the irrigation of the inflamed oral mucosa, which leads to a decrease in the number of pathogenic microorganisms that have settled on the tonsils and nearby tissues. Special tablets and lozenges for resorption will help soften the throat.

Right products
Right products

Bacterial infection is easiest to fight with antibiotics. Dangerous is tonsillitis, which is accompanied by severe swelling and difficulty breathing. In addition, you can cope with the infection with the help of antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial agents.

How is chronic tonsillitis treated?

Currently, chronic disease can be treated in several ways:

  • Medicine use.
  • Surgery.
  • Physiotherapy.

The listed regimens for the treatment of tonsillitis can be combined in various variations or follow each other. Basically, the treatment is done locally, which implies the following:

  • Washing the lacunae of the palatine tonsils, which allows you to remove purulent masses. Rinsing the mouth and throat with a copper-silver or saline solution with the inclusion of a number of antiseptics like Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Furacilin. The course is designed for 10-15 sessions.
  • Use of antibiotics.
  • The use of probiotics like"Hilak forte", "Linex", "Bifidumbacterin". This will prevent the occurrence of dysbacteriosis, which usually occurs during the use of antibiotics.
  • Medicines with emollient action are also indicated to eliminate dryness, itching and sore throats. A 3% hydrogen peroxide solution has the highest efficiency. They should gargle at least 1-2 times a day. The drug "Proposol" can also be useful due to herbal origin.
  • Besides this, the immunologist can prescribe such drugs as "Irs-19", "Bronchomunal", "Ribomunil". This will stabilize and strengthen the immune system.
  • Rehabilitation of the oral cavity, including the nose and paranasal sinuses.

The insidiousness of a chronic disease is that sometimes it is simply impossible to avoid an operation to remove the tonsils. And as many reviews note, the treatment of tonsillitis in this way has its pros and cons. More on this in the section below.

Exacerbation of tonsillitis
Exacerbation of tonsillitis

In order to increase the protective functions of the body, it must be saturated with vitamins, aloe preparation. Also effective is the injection of the Vitreous Body (gel-like substance) and the biogenic stimulant Fibs. In order to get rid of tonsillitis once and for all, it is necessary to approach treatment comprehensively and strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.


What do we do when we catch a cold? We are treated with heat: we wrap our neck in a scarf, we take a hot drink - all this helpseffectively fight colds. However, there is a modern technique that treats ENT diseases with the exact opposite - cold. In particular, we are talking about short-term exposure to a fairly low temperature on the affected area.

The cooling procedure itself is carried out with the patient in a sitting position. In this case, liquid nitrogen and special tools are used. The method is bloodless and therefore may be a better alternative to surgery. The specialist carefully, as they say, freezes the affected tissues of the tonsils. The depth of exposure is no more than 3-4 mm, and in time it lasts from several seconds to minutes.

During the treatment of tonsillitis with cryotherapy for 7-10 days, that part of the tissue that was exposed to cold begins to be rejected. Dead pieces are exfoliated, but it is impossible to get them out by rinsing or in any other way, since such actions disrupt the course of the natural regeneration of new tissues. Under the dead layer, a new and completely living mucous membrane is born without any scars and scars. If necessary, the procedure is performed several times with an interval of 7 to 10 days.

Exposure temperature ranges from -180 to -210 °C. At the same time, the blood circulation of the tissues improves, the same applies to the production of immunoglobulin. The procedure is equally applicable not only to adults, but also to children. And you can act with cold both on the tonsils and on the back of the throat or nasal sinuses.

No less modern, no less efficient

Ultrasound therapy used to treat tonsillitischronic form, is widespread among most otorhinolaryngologists. This effect is unique: protection against pathogenic microorganisms is activated, the inflammatory process is accelerated. All this contributes to the speedy descent of edema, elimination of pain and restoration of damaged tissues.

Location of the tonsils
Location of the tonsils

To increase the effectiveness of the treatment of tonsillitis with ultrasound, it is supplemented with drugs. As a result, the risk of developing autoimmune and other diseases is reduced. The results will not be long in coming, and many patients already in the process of undergoing a wellness course note the absence of discomfort in the pharynx. The tonsils and nearby lymph nodes decrease in size, the body temperature returns to normal, and the general condition of the body improves.

Immediately before the procedure, the pharyngeal mucosa is irrigated with an anesthetic solution, which avoids discomfort from manipulation. Then the applicator is applied to the tonsils. With its help, a solution of hydrogen peroxide will be supplied, which is activated by ultrasound. This is done in order to remove accumulated pus, mucus, bacteria. In addition, the tissues of the tonsils are saturated with oxygen formed during the decomposition of peroxide under the influence of ultrasonic wave vibrations.

Further on, a combination of a drug and low-frequency ultrasonic waves is applied to the tonsils, due to which the susceptibility of tissues increases, which ensures a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug accumulates in the tissues, due towhich the beneficial effect lasts for quite a long time. Ultimately, this technique can also be attributed to the modern treatment of tonsillitis.

One treatment course includes 8 to 10 procedures. A second course is scheduled after a few months. 30 days after the completion of the second course, it is necessary to undergo a control examination. And if this becomes necessary, preventive procedures with ultrasound are carried out 1-2 times a year.

Tough decision

For a procedure such as tonsillectomy, there are certain indications that doctors are guided by before prescribing such an operation. What is chronic tonsillitis? This is a constant localization of infection in the body, which does not benefit him. And therefore, before the removal of the tonsils was recommended to many people who often had a similar disease. At the same time, after the operation, the risk of catching a cold did not decrease at all, but even increased.

Modern technique - cryotherapy
Modern technique - cryotherapy

Yes, surgery allows you to completely get rid of chronic tonsillitis. But despite this, in our time, doctors try to prescribe an operation only as a last resort, when drugs for the treatment of tonsillitis and all other means have already lost their effectiveness.

This decision has a reasonable justification. The role of the tonsils for the human body is very important and they have many functions. In fact, this is a kind of gate that protects the entrance from infections and allergic pathogens. They produce macrophages andlymphocytes. After the removal of the tonsils, the body loses its worthy protection, and immunity is significantly reduced.

In this regard, you should not rush, it is better to use the available methods of treatment. Only in this case, the main thing is to seek medical help in a timely manner.

Folk technique

Even such a serious disease as tonsillitis can be treated with folk remedies. Only use them in combination with drug therapy. And first of all, it is worth mentioning warming applications. Sea or table s alt is taken, heated on a baking sheet and poured into a cloth bag. The resulting compress is applied to the inflamed lymph nodes and tied with a woolen scarf or any other warming cloth until it cools down.

Also, alternative treatment of tonsillitis involves the use of a widespread solution. Soda and s alt (one teaspoon each) and three drops of iodine are mixed in a glass, after which the throat and nasopharynx are rinsed with the resulting product. Thus, it is possible to clear the gaps from purulent masses and waste products of pathogenic microorganisms.

Don't forget the fuck too. Combine fresh aloe juice and horseradish with water and gargle. This not only relieves inflammation, but also has an antimicrobial effect.

Our grandmothers are always advised to use herbal preparations. To cope with a sore throat can help:

  • sage;
  • oak bark;
  • calendula;
  • burdock root;
  • linden;
  • chamomile.

To do this, you need to take onea tablespoon of the collection, pour 200 ml of boiling water, then let the broth cool and strain it. Rinse the nasopharynx 3 times a day, no less.

The effectiveness of folk remedies
The effectiveness of folk remedies

We all know how useful garlic is. With its help, epidemics and colds were treated. He is also good in the fight against tonsillitis. You need to squeeze a clove and mix it with 1 tsp. propolis and 1 tbsp. l. water. The resulting mass is carefully applied to the cleaned gaps with a cotton swab.

Compilation of reviews

The Internet in our time can perform a useful function. What are the numerous reviews about the treatment of tonsillitis from patients of different ages who have had their tonsils removed. People say that they do not regret the decision made: constant temperature rises, a lump in the throat and other surprises no longer prevail. Judging by the reviews, many are satisfied with the result.

According to a number of reviews about the treatment of tonsillitis, most people are worried that their immunity will be greatly weakened after the operation.

last resort
last resort

On the one hand, these fears are quite justified for obvious reasons. But on the other hand, chronic inflammation of the tonsils does not allow them to fully perform their function. This is already becoming a breeding ground for infections.
