Pathogenic bacteria cause disease in humans and animals. They can have a different shape, appearance, virulence, as well as drug resistance. The most common forms of bacteria are rods and cocci. The first group includes intestinal, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, tuberculosis pathogens. Cocci have a rounded shape, may consist of a different number of spherical clusters. For example, the causative agent of gonorrhea includes 2 parts. Staphylococci are composed of many clusters of rounded cells and resemble a bunch of grapes in their shape. They have been known to science since the 19th century as one of the most common bacteria. If staphylococcus is stained according to the Gram method, then it will be visible in the smear, that is, it is positive.
Properties of staphylococci

The danger of these bacteria lies in their ability to produce exotoxin - a substance due to which they exert their pathogenic effect on the body. Staphylococci have 2 destructive properties:
- Cause hemolysis of red blood cells - because of this ability, the blood loses its normal structure.
- Contribute to tissue necrosis - due to this action of staphylococcus, body tissues undergo necrosis. The location and size of the lesion depends on the spread of bacteria in the body, immune forces, and the presence or absence of therapeutic measures.
Types of staphylococci

Bacteria of this genus have many varieties, of which only a small part is capable of spreading in the human body. Depending on which pathogen caused the disease, one can judge the symptoms and the correct treatment. The most common types of staphylococci that are pathogenic to humans are: Staphylococcus epidermidis, aureus, saprophyticus, haemolyticus. Each of them causes different disturbances. In addition, some species are the most dangerous, while others are almost harmless and do not require treatment.
Diseases caused by staphylococci
The main symptom of a staphylococcal infection in the body is purulent inflammation. In this case, the lesion can occur in any organ and tissue. The clinical manifestations of the disease, which can be very diverse, depend on the location of the inflammation. The pathogen enters the body through wound surfaces on the skin, with weakened immunity (with viral infections). Often, staphylococci are superimposed on the primary source of the disease, thereby worsening the human condition. Atpathogens entering the bloodstream and weakened immunity, bacteria are very difficult to treat (especially in children).
Staphylococcus epidermidis

The most harmless to humans of all types of pathogens is Staphylococcus epidermidis. Staphylococcus epidermidis is a conditionally pathogenic microflora. This means that the bacterium is constantly in the human body, even in the absence of disease. Epidermal staphylococcus lives on the skin, more precisely - in their upper layer. In addition, the pathogen can be found on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and outer ear. Like all opportunistic bacteria, staphylococcus does not cause lesions during normal functioning of the body. But with the appearance of any disorders, for example, wounds on the skin, various rashes, with inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, Staphylococcus epidermidis begins to multiply rapidly and acts as a secondary infection. In addition to these conditions, the pathogenicity of the microorganism increases with a significant decrease in the body's defenses, which is observed with prolonged chronic diseases, stress, hypothermia, and immunodeficiency states.
Normal and abnormal amounts of a microorganism

Virtually all people have Staphylococcus epidermidis in crops taken from the skin or mucous membranes. Nevertheless, not everyone has its amount exceeding normal values. It's connected withthe presence or absence of an infectious process caused by epidermal staphylococcus aureus. The number found in the bacterial culture depends on whether or not the disease is caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis. The norm of the pathogen in sowing is up to 10 to the 5th degree. If its amount goes beyond this figure, then etiological treatment should be used aimed at combating epidermal staphylococcus aureus.
Diseases caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis

Under the influence of adverse factors and a decrease in the functioning of the immune system, opportunistic microflora begins to multiply and cause various diseases in the body. Due to the fact that Staphylococcus epidermidis lives on the skin and mucous membranes, many organs can suffer when it increases. When setting venous and urinary catheters, Staphylococcus epidermidis penetrates into the internal organs, causing dangerous complications. These include diseases such as endocarditis - inflammation of the heart valves, including artificial ones. Infections of the genitourinary system caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis can be very diverse, for example, cystitis, pyelonephritis, vulvovaginitis, urethritis. With upward penetration of the pathogen, more severe diseases develop, such as endometritis, prostatitis, interstitial nephritis, etc. In case of joint injuries, endoprosthesis is often used, while artificial materials can also cause infection with epidermal staphylococcus aureus. The most dangerous spreadpathogen in newborns, as it is often complicated by sepsis.
Staphylococcus epidermidis during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a global restructuring that affects all organs and systems, including immunity. Protective forces during the period of bearing a child are significantly reduced, so infection with any microorganisms is dangerous. If a woman does not take vitamins during pregnancy, she gets cold, is exposed to stress, has chronic foci of infection, then the opportunistic flora in her body begins to activate and cause various diseases. Finding Staphylococcus epidermidis 103 in the analyzes of a pregnant woman (smear from the pharynx, nose, vagina) already forces the gynecologist to carefully examine her in order to avoid possible complications.
Treatment of diseases caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis
Despite the fact that Staphylococcus epidermidis is an opportunistic pathogen and is often present in he althy people, an increase in its level indicates the presence of the disease. Symptoms depend on the location of infection with Staphylococcus epidermidis, while treatment is specific to various organs and systems. Nevertheless, in all cases, antibiotic therapy is prescribed, aimed at destroying the direct causative agent of the disease - epidermal staphylococcus aureus. Often S. epidermidis is resistant to penicillin drugs, in such cases resort to morestrong drugs, a group of fluoroquinolones: rifampicin, vancomycin, etc. In addition, it is necessary to prescribe anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating agents. With frequent infection with opportunistic organisms, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia, contact with viral patients, stressful situations, damage to the skin and mucous membranes. If there are open wound surfaces, they must be carefully treated with antiseptic solutions and consult a doctor.