Skin is the largest human organ. She is exposed to the environment every day. With strong immunity, changes do not occur or are not noticeable. Reduced protective functions of the body, unfavorable heredity can lead to various skin diseases or dermatitis.
What is dermatitis
Dermatitis is a general term for inflammation of the skin. Most often, these processes are caused by allergens of various origins. Today, doctors believe that allergic reactions are becoming global, but just 100 years ago, the vast majority of the population did not encounter such phenomena. Most often, dermatitis appears from external stimuli, but there are cases of skin reactions caused by malfunctions in the hormonal system, metabolism, dysbacteriosis and other diseases nesting in the gastrointestinal tract.
The risk group includes people with a congenital or acquired tendency to dermatitis. An acquired allergic reaction may be the result of prolonged use of medications, an unbalanced monotonous diet, a general weakening of the immune system,fungal infections and many other reasons. Since the manifestation of irritations are observed on the skin, the most common treatment is ointment for dermatitis.
Types of diseases
A remedy for dermatitis had to be bought at least once in a lifetime by every person. Every day there are a lot of causes, exogenous, endogenous factors that act on the body and cause reactive irritation.

Today, experts distinguish the following types of dermatitis:
- Xerosis (dry dermatitis). Most often observed in elderly people on the feet in the form of peeling. The cause of the occurrence are psychosomatic factors, a reaction to cold dry air, some chronic diseases. Treatment is implemented by eliminating the root cause, for external use dermatitis ointments with a moisturizing effect are used, as well as emollients - fat-like substances that have a softening effect on the stratum corneum.
- Contact allergic dermatitis - is a reaction to irritating agents (animal hair, fish food, plant pollen, etc.). It is recommended to eliminate the cause of the allergy, as well as the use of hormonal ointments for dermatitis in the treatment.
- Contact dermatitis. The cause of the occurrence is a reaction to chemicals - washing powder, perfumes, solvents, etc., can also be provoked by intense friction. To eliminate the effects of irritation, several types of drugs are used, depending on the severity of the case.
- Seborrheicdermatitis is provoked by the active reproduction of the yeast fungus Malassezia in areas of the dermis with a high secretion of sebum. For treatment, anti-fungal agents are used along with exfoliating and hormonal agents (in severe cases).
- Atopic dermatitis, or eczema. Children are most often affected by this type of disease. The cause of the occurrence may lie in heredity or appear as a result of an allergic reaction. Treatment must begin immediately, as eczema often becomes chronic. The therapy uses emolens, hormonal topical preparations.
- Toxidermia is the body's reaction to ingested drugs, chemicals, natural allergens. In addition to oral intake, it can also be injected, inhaled, rectal, etc.
- Infectious dermatitis is a manifestation of a disease (measles, chicken pox, etc.), also provoked by bacteria (streptococcus, staphylococcus aureus). The selection of the drug is determined by the cause of the disease.
Principles of diagnosis
The presence of irritation and its association with the allergen is sufficient for the initial diagnosis of dermatitis. If, during the initial examination and questioning, the rapid occurrence of a skin reaction is revealed, the boundaries of the lesion are determined and the complete disappearance of symptoms after the elimination of the irritating agent, then contact dermatitis can be stated. In more complex cases, the doctor conducts a detailed diagnosis, which includes:
- Laboratory tests (for allergic dermatitis inblood note the presence of eosinophils).
- Immunological tests using specific allergens.
- Skin application tests lasting from 48 to 72 hours (a special tape with allergens is attached to the back, the doctor evaluates the reaction 20 minutes after removing the application).
Differential viral diagnosis (for herpes, seborrheic and atopic dermatitis, bullous pemphigoid).

Ointments for dermatitis are prescribed after the diagnosis is determined as the only treatment or in the general therapeutic package of measures. External remedies for the treatment of irritation are produced in two types - non-hormonal and hormonal. They differ in composition and principle of action.
Non-hormonal ointments for dermatitis
There are a lot of these drugs in the pharmacy. Ointment from dermatitis on the skin must be selected strictly on the recommendation of a doctor. Non-hormonal drugs are considered safer, but weaker in their effect, with their action it is not always possible to achieve a cure, therapy can be delayed for several months. The advantages of such ointments are their naturalness and relative safety of use.
Highlight the disadvantages of non-hormonal ointments, namely:
- In people who are prone to allergic reactions, natural ointments can provoke additional irritation.
- Means are effective for a limited range of irritations.
Ointments for dermatitis on the skin are divided into several conditional categories depending on the action:
- Antiseptic -have a sanitizing effect, destroy pathogenic bacteria and create a barrier to their penetration into open wounds.
- Anti-inflammatory - reduce or eliminate itching, burning and other types of irritation, relieve inflammation.
- Regenerating - stimulate the restoration of the skin, accelerate wound healing.
- Moisturizing - eliminate dry skin, help restore natural water metabolism and stimulate rapid wound healing.
Most often, inexpensive ointments for dermatitis are non-hormonal, the duration of treatment is no more than two weeks, after which addiction sets in and a replacement of the drug is necessary for further therapy. Efficiency is achieved only by continuous use of ointments until complete recovery. In the absence of noticeable changes, non-hormonal ointments are replaced by hormonal ones, the selection is carried out by the attending physician.

Review of effective non-hormonal ointments
Manufacturers produce a huge range of products for the treatment of skin diseases, including ointments for dermatitis. Many of them are trusted and tested by many patients, the most popular are:
- "Eplan". The active ingredients (water, glycolan, glycerin, ethyl carbitol, triethylene glycol) relieve irritation, moisturize the skin, stimulate the regeneration of the cover and the healing of lesions. Used as an ointment for dermatitis on the face and any other part of the body, and also relieves itching from insect bites.
- "Bepanthen", "Panthenol". Active ingredientcomposition is dexpanthenol. The drug has a softening effect, starts the processes of cell regeneration and normalizes intracellular metabolism. The products of this line are used by he althy people to protect the skin of the face and hands under adverse conditions.
- "Skin-Cap" - ointment with zinc for dermatitis, contains activated zinc pyrithione. Use is recommended for all categories of the population, including children from 1 year of age. The tool has anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antimicrobial action. Use indicated for eczema, atopic dermatitis, seborrhea, psoriasis, etc.
- "Radevit" is one of the most popular remedies, due to its composition and effect. The main ingredients are a complex of vitamins (A, E, D), glycerin, alcohol, wax. It is used as a remedy that restores immune processes in the skin, heals lesions and ulcers, has a softening effect on the skin, stimulates cell regeneration. It is prescribed for almost all types of allergic skin reactions, including as a therapeutic ointment for atopic dermatitis and other types of skin diseases.
- "Losterin" - has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antimicrobial effect. In the composition - urea, natural oils, salicylic acid, deresined naftalan, plant extracts. Indicated for use as an ointment for dermatitis in adults. It has an exfoliating, regenerating effect on the epidermis, eliminates irritation, reduces itching, and stimulates regenerative processes.
- "Solcoseryl" has a powerfuleffect on the skin - effectively heals wounds, blisters, ulcers, stimulates the production of collagen and the restoration of the epidermis, acts as a catalyst for metabolic processes in skin cells. The drug is indicated not only for the treatment of dermatitis, but also for the speedy healing of wounds from burns, abrasions, and also significantly reduces scar tissue.

Hormonal ointments for dermatitis
There are not so many hormonal remedies for the treatment of dermatitis. Ointments are divided by strength into 7 classes. The use of any hormonal drug should be prescribed by a doctor, and therapy should be under the close supervision of a specialist.
The threat of this series of drugs lies in complications, namely:
- Addictive. With prolonged use, the skin stops responding positively to the drug, but side effects may occur or the problem may worsen.
- Complications. Hormonal ointments cause pigmentation, fungal infections, atrophy of the epidermis, kidney failure and other phenomena.
- Cancellation syndrome. With a sharp withdrawal of the drug, the disease gets a relapse and a lot of side effects. The dosage of the applied funds is canceled gradually.
Contraindications to the use of hormonal ointment for dermatitis:
- Individual intolerance.
- Current STDs.
- Diseases - tuberculosis, chickenpox, helminthiasis, herpes, fungal and bacterial lesions of the epidermis.
- Children under 2, pregnant and lactatingmother.
Indications for the use of hormonal ointments:
- Neurodermatitis, suspected eczema.
- Relapse of dermatitis.
- Contact, allergic dermatitis, complicated by inflammation of the epidermis.
- As a next step in the treatment of dermatitis (if non-hormonal remedies have not worked).
- Allergic erythema.
Review of effective hormonal ointments
The type of drug is prescribed by a doctor, the duration and dosage are determined by a specialist. Most hormonal drugs are available by prescription. To date, the following ointments are considered effective:
- "Flucinar", the active substance is fluocinolone acetonide. Generally recommended for lichen, dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.
- Dermatitis ointment "Akriderm" is a combined preparation containing two active ingredients - salicylic acid and betamethasone dipropionate. It has an antiseptic, soothing, exfoliating, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect.
- "Advantan" - ointment for seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, all kinds of allergies. The active ingredients are methylprednisolone aceponate, beeswax, paraffin. The tool has a calming, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory effect. One of the positive properties is the restoration of the natural balance of oily skin. The drug is approved for use from the age of 4 months.
- "Fucicort" is a broad-spectrum ointment and is prescribed for all types of dermatitis. The composition of the drug includesbetamethosone varerate, fusidic acid, alcohol, paraffin, water, etc. Action - antimicrobial, soothing, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic.
- "Celestoderm" contains betamethasone 17-valeriate, paraffin. It is used for all types of dermatoses (including eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis). It has an anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory effect.

Dermatitis from diapers
Diaper dermatitis occurs in infants where the skin comes into contact with a diaper or diaper. The causes of skin rashes are as follows:
- Humid environment (being in a wet diaper for a long time) or the wrong diaper.
- Aggressive agents in secretions.
- Developed fungi and microorganisms (Streptococcus, Candidaalbicans fungus, Staphylococcus, etc.).
Manifestations of the disease are reddening of the epidermis, peeling or wetting, bubbles on the skin at the points of contact with the fabric or diaper.
Treatment, in cases uncomplicated by infections, comes down to hygiene procedures - frequent diaper changes, even if the resource still allows you to do without a replacement. The diaper is changed immediately after getting wet. An ointment for diaper dermatitis is also used, which is selected depending on the manifestation of irritation:
- When peeling, use an emollient and exfoliator.
- When weeping dermatitis requires an ointment with a drying and anti-inflammatory effect.
Drugs should be prescribed by a specialist in eachin a particular case, it is most often recommended to use Desidin, Bepanten and Bepanten-plus, Banetsion, Dexpanthenol, aka D-panthenol ointments.

Children's problems
Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common manifestations of allergies in childhood, due to a genetic predisposition. The most common agents that cause immune system reactivity are:
- Food - whole milk, chicken meat, nuts, some fruits and vegetables, nuts, soy products, etc.
- Air allergens - household dust, air fresheners and any other aerosols, fungus, dust mites, animal hair, etc.
- Ubiquitous bacteria, fungal spores, viruses, etc.
Often, atopic dermatitis has complications in the form of bronchial asthma, conjunctivitis, urticaria or allergic rhinitis. This type of skin reaction is based on heredity. To prevent the disease from becoming chronic, it is necessary to begin treatment at the first manifestations of irritation.
To determine the disease, you need to contact a pediatrician, dermatologist or allergist. Depending on the degree of complexity of the disease, the specialist determines the tactics and methods of treatment. The range of activities includes external agents - an ointment for atopic dermatitis with two directions of action:
- Anti-inflammatory (Friderm, Bufeksamak, Advantan, etc.).
- Antimicrobial ("Dioxidin", "Hexicon", etc.).
Also the therapy is supplementedmedications, diet and preventive measures.
Special occasions
Seborrheic dermatitis stands separately in the series of allergies. Its course is accompanied by fungal infections. For a complete and systemic treatment of this type of disease, hormonal or non-hormonal ointments are used, as well as antifungal agents, one of them is Clotrimazole. Ointment from dermatitis and fungus is selected in combination by a specialist. The use of only "Clotrimazole" as the only remedy in the fight against seborrhea will not bring any effect.

Pregnancy is a time of restructuring of a woman's body, when there is a global, but temporary change in the hormonal background. During this period, the body may show uncharacteristic reactions, including allergies to the most harmless substances. Ointment for dermatitis during pregnancy is selected with great care and only by the attending physician. Non-hormonal drugs are considered safe - Losterin, Radevit, Solcoseryl and folk remedies.

Irritations and rashes on the face bring a lot of grief, most people seek to remove them, mask irritation, relying on the achievements of cosmetology and decorative cosmetics. This approach often aggravates the condition, and then strong medications and long-term therapy may be required. It is wiser to consult a doctor and find out the cause of irritation, undergo a diagnosis. Often the problem is solved by ointment from dermatitis on the face. Whichthe treatment required depends on the type of allergy and the he alth of the patient.