A woman who finds out about her pregnancy for the first time immediately begins to imagine the following months, from the first ultrasound to the day of delivery. In particular, she thinks about the choice of antenatal clinic and a gynecologist. Go to a familiar specialist or district physician? Go to a well-known clinic or one that is closer to home? Observed under paid insurance or compulsory medical insurance? The answers to these and other questions depend on several factors: the first or repeated births, whether it was easy to get pregnant, whether there are any pathologies, what friends and colleagues advise, what are the financial capabilities of the family. In any case, having made a choice, whatever it may be, the expectant mother hopes for qualified and timely medical support during all 9 months of bearing a child, as well as during childbirth and in the first days of a newborn's life.

Why is the Dzerzhinsky maternity hospital number 1?
The moment of birth is responsible and important both in the life of the baby and his mother. Doctors of various speci alties are involved in this. These are therapists, surgeons, anesthesiologists, pediatricians and, of course, gynecologists. The favorable course and success of childbirth, as well as the absence of birth injuries, are influenced by the experience of specialists and their ability to provide the necessary, comfortable and safe conditions for the woman in labor.
According to the Ministry of He alth, in 2016, maternal mortality in the Nizhny Novgorod region reached 2.6 per 100 thousand births, infant mortality - 6.4 per thousand children born alive. This figure is close to the Russian average and is twice as good as the region's result in 2007.
Free medical care for monitoring pregnancy and childbirth is provided to women upon presentation of a compulsory he alth insurance policy in the relevant state institutions.
Maternity hospital 1 in Dzerzhinsk, also called a perinatal center, is a medical institution with modern and high-tech equipment. Here, experienced specialists provide qualified assistance to the female population of the Nizhny Novgorod region, in particular the city of Dzerzhinsk, as well as the Balakhna and Volodarsky districts, the Zarechnaya part of the city of Nizhny Novgorod.

Specialization and financial conditions
Maternity hospital 1 in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region, reopened its updated doors for visitors on June 5, 2015. On its territorythere are two obstetric blocks, an outpatient consultation-diagnostics department, and a hospital. The latter includes gynecology departments, a neonatal unit and a remote center.
Maternity hospital 1 in Dzerzhinsk diagnoses and treats female genital diseases, conducts pregnancy, including its complications, prepares inexperienced expectant mothers for childbirth in special classes, performs caesarean section according to indications and in emergency situations, treats premature infants with underweight and various abnormalities.
The maternity hospital accepts patients under compulsory medical insurance policies. Various paid services are also provided, including ultrasound and childbirth preparation courses. Each lesson in such courses is purchased separately.

Additional services
For a particularly comfortable stay and preserving the best impressions of the first days with the baby in the maternity hospital 1 in Dzerzhinsk, women in labor are provided with individual wards. There is also the possibility of joint stay with the child immediately after birth. If desired, the spouse can be present during the labor and immediately at the time of the relief from the burden, that is, the so-called "partner birth" is carried out.
Eight separate delivery rooms available. In each of them there is a special bed on which the patient is during labor, and then childbirth is taken. In the postpartum block - individual toilet and shower are located in the room itself or are designed for two chambers. Family visits allowedpostpartum.
Doctors at the center
Doctor is as old as the world profession. And one of the most important. It is to them that people trust their he alth, and it often depends on them how the future life of a person will turn out. A special responsibility rests on the shoulders of those who deliver and accompany the newborn and its mother during their first hours of life together. Such doctors carry an increased workload, because they are responsible for at least two patients at once.
In the 1st maternity hospital of Dzerzhinsk, doctors are experienced, competent specialists, they are always ready to help with advice, explain in detail and provide moral support. Calm, friendly, true professionals and experts in their field. Such as Komkova I. A., Aleksandrova E. E., Mishagina Zh. L., Volodaeva S. D. and others.

On the Internet, women share their experience of being in maternity hospital 1 in Dzerzhinsk. The reviews they leave speak volumes. According to yesterday's women in labor, worthy doctors and nurses work in the institution. Specialists provide comprehensive support, set up and advise patients on how to behave so that the child is born faster. Friendly pediatricians teach young mothers how to care for a newborn, give valuable advice on the development and changes of babies in the first days and months of life. Responsive and warm nurses are quick to help.
Of course, there are dissatisfied with maternity hospital 1 in Dzerzhinsk. Testimonials from many of these women date back to 2012 and earlier. Much has changed since then, in particular, a lot has been investedfunds from the regional budget for the renovation of buildings and equipment. Some talk about crowds and a large influx of visitors. It should be taken into account that Maternity Hospital 1 in Dzerzhinsk is a free clinic and a popular women's center, which is chosen by many pregnant women for observation and childbirth. Not surprisingly, there are many who want to sign up and come to the reception. To avoid difficulties, it is advised to follow the formalities when visiting doctors, in particular, bring coupons with you and follow the procedures established in a particular medical institution.

Detailed information on how to contact the emergency room and the reception desk of the maternity hospital 1 in Dzerzhinsk by phone can be found on the official website.
Specialists are available from 8.00 to 19.00.