If you suspect the presence of diseases of various organs and systems and for the purpose of prevention, doctors prescribe a biochemical blood test. One of the clinically significant indicators is the level of urea in the liquid connective tissue. If it is deviated from the norm, this indicates the development of a pathological process that poses a threat to both he alth and human life.
Urea: concept
This chemical compound is formed as a result of the breakdown of proteins in the body. It is the end product. The process of its formation starts in the liver, after which it enters the bloodstream and is completely excreted by the kidneys. Urea does not perform any functions that are vital, it is needed only to safely rid the body of nitrogen. At the same time, the chemical compound is an indicator that indicates various disorders in the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
Don't confuse it with uric acid. Lastis a product (also final) of the breakdown of purine compounds. It is necessary in order to neutralize the toxic substance in the body - ammonia. At the same time, uric acid is able to accumulate in the tissues in the form of s alts. The result of this pathological process are various diseases, including gout. Urea is a sign of the presence of serious pathologies in the body, but it does not cause them.

Generally accepted norms
Before donating the biomaterial, the patient must follow a diet or completely refuse to eat food the day before (on the recommendation of a doctor). Only in this case, the result of the study will be as reliable as possible.
The indicator of the amount of urea in the liquid connective tissue of a he althy adult should be at least 2.5, but not more than 8.3 mmol / l. In children under the age of 14, these figures are less. For them, the lower limit is 1.8 mmol/l, the upper limit is 6.4 mmol/l. The norm for the elderly (over 60 years old) is not less than 2.9 and not more than 7.5 mmol / l. As a rule, women have a lower rate than men.
Deviation from the norm down is rare. In the presence of any diseases, in most cases, an increased level of urea in the blood is detected.

Worrying symptoms
If the process of removing a chemical compound is disturbed, general intoxication develops. The volume of fluid in the cells increases, as a result of which they cease to function normally. Alsotissue trophism is disrupted. With the development of severe intoxication, the patient may fall into a coma.
The severity of signs of general poisoning directly depends on how much urea is elevated in the blood. Equally important are the individual characteristics of the he alth of each person.
The main symptoms of increased blood urea:
- pallor of the skin;
- headache;
- constant weakness;
- nausea turning into vomiting;
- diarrhea;
- dysuria (a pathological condition during the development of which the urine output is disturbed);
- deterioration of vision.
If you have the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor. If the symptoms are pronounced, it is recommended to call an ambulance. In such cases, the lack of treatment can lead to the development of renal failure. As a result, there is a failure in the work of most organs and systems. Prolonged intoxication of the body can lead to death.

Reasons for increased blood urea
In most cases, an increase in the level of a chemical compound indicates a violation of the kidneys.
In addition, the following diseases and conditions are the causes of increased urea in the blood:
- excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
- cirrhosis;
- severe flu;
- typhoid;
- jaundice;
- pneumonia;
- leptospirosis;
- myocardial infarction inacute form;
- heart failure;
- intestinal obstruction;
- gout;
- shock for severe burns;
- dehydration;
- leukemia.
In addition, the deviation of the indicator from the norm upwards makes it possible to suspect the presence of diabetes mellitus. In men, increased urea in the blood may indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the prostate. The presence of neoplasms, both malignant and benign, is not excluded. In both men and women, elevated blood urea may indicate the formation of stones in the ducts through which urine is excreted from the body.
The concentration of the compound allows you to judge the degree of kidney damage. If it does not exceed 16 mmol / l, it is customary to speak of moderate severity. An indicator of not more than 33.2 mmol / l indicates a serious damage to the organ. If the urea in the blood is increased to a value of 49 mmol / l, it is customary to talk about extremely severe kidney damage. The prognosis is unfavorable.

Deviations from the norm due to physiological processes
An increase in urea does not always indicate the presence of a disease in the body.
The level of a chemical compound in the blood may increase due to:
- High-intensity physical activity. During training, the process of protein breakdown is accelerated.
- Unbalanced diet. If urea is elevated in the blood, this may signal thatexcess protein intake. In addition, the growth of the indicator occurs with the observance of various diets.
- Taking certain medications. The reason for the increase in urea in the blood can be treatment with the following drugs: antibiotics; sulfonamides; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; vasoconstrictor; containing thyroid hormones, lithium, fluoride and heavy metals.
In order for the doctor to be able to correctly decipher the results of the analysis, it is necessary to provide him with information in advance regarding the degree of intensity of daily physical activity and diet. In the presence of any diseases, you need to tell him the names of the drugs, the intake of which is included in the treatment regimen for ailments.

Drug therapy
If urea is elevated in the blood, this means that the doctor will have to find out the cause of the development of this pathological condition. After an accurate diagnosis is made, the specialist draws up the most effective treatment regimen for the underlying disease.
Thus, the normalization of blood urea is not the main goal of therapy. First of all, it is necessary to restore the normal functioning of the organ, the failure of which led to an increase in the level of the chemical compound.
If a patient is diagnosed with a state of acute intoxication, emergency measures are indicated. They are aimed at cleansing the body of toxic compounds.
First aid includes the following items:
- washingstomach;
- intravenous drug administration;
- cleansing enema;
- bleeding (not more than 400 ml of liquid connective tissue is allowed to be taken from the patient).
If the above measures are ineffective, hemodialysis is indicated, in case of extremely severe kidney damage - donor organ transplantation.

Features of food
If the urea in the blood is elevated, this means that the patient will have to follow a diet until the indicator normalizes. There is no need to limit the calorie content of the diet or starve at all. Such actions will only lead to a worsening of the course of the underlying disease and an even greater increase in the indicator. It is enough to arrange a fasting day once a week.
We must not forget about the drinking regimen. During the day, the patient should consume at least 2 liters of fluid per day. Drinking sparkling water is not recommended.
If urea is elevated in the blood test, you need to strictly monitor the amount of protein entering the body.
The following products are permitted:
- lean meat: rabbit, turkey, chicken;
- fish;
- seafood;
- milk;
- eggs;
- fruit;
- vegetables;
- any vegetable oils;
- juices;
- infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs;
- coffee, tea (weak);
- cereals and pasta (they are allowed to be consumed no more than 2 times a week);
- marmalade;
- jam;
- jelly.
Fromdiet should be eliminated:
- sausages;
- fish and fatty meats;
- canned food;
- s alty, smoked and fried foods;
- carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
- seasonings;
- sauces;
- cauliflower;
- mushrooms;
- sorrel;
- strong coffee and tea.
You need to eat 6 meals a day. Portions should be small (about 200 g).
Unconventional methods
The use of folk methods for the treatment of elevated urea in the blood does not exclude the need to go to a medical institution, since only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of the development of a pathological condition. The specialist must give permission for the use of alternative methods, since the action of medicinal plants can worsen the course of the underlying disease and reduce the effectiveness of medicines.
With an increased level of urea, diuretic teas are the most effective. It is allowed to prepare decoctions from the following plants:
- corn silk;
- blackcurrant;
- cornflower (flowers);
- rosehip;
- parsley;
- juniper;
- St. John's wort;
- black elderberry;
- limes.
Good results are achieved by using infusions based on licorice root and bearberry. To prepare a healing agent, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials, pour it with 200 ml of boiling water. The product should be infused for 4-5 hours. Strain. The resulting infusion must be consumeddaily 20 minutes before meals, 2 tbsp. l.

Every person with a preventive purpose needs to donate blood for a biochemical study. Only this allows timely detection of an increase in the urea index in the liquid connective tissue. The doctor draws up a treatment regimen, after which, as a rule, recovery occurs. Otherwise, the underlying disease progresses and an even greater increase in the urea rate occurs. Ignoring the problem leads to the development of various pathologies that pose a threat to both he alth and human life.
General recommendations
Persons who have ever increased the concentration of urea in the body, it is necessary to take a biochemical blood test at least twice a year. Compliance with this recommendation allows you to detect pathology in a timely manner and successfully cope with it in a short time.
It is also recommended to limit or completely exclude from the diet food included in the list of prohibited foods. In addition, you must drink at least 2 liters of non-carbonated water per day.
In conclusion
Urea is a chemical compound that is formed as a result of the breakdown of proteins in the body. It is extremely rare to find a decrease in its level. The most commonly diagnosed deviation of the urea index from the norm upwards. As a rule, this indicates a violation of the functioning of the kidneys. In order for the doctor to be able to make a diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis, based on the results of whichthe specialist will draw up the most effective treatment regimen.