Different drugs can be used to treat liver disease. For example, if there are any problems with this organ, doctors often prescribe the drug "Thiotriazolin" to patients. The medicine is quite effective. However, sometimes it happens that this drug is not suitable for a patient for some reason. And in pharmacies this remedy is not always available. In such cases, analogues can be prescribed instead of the drug "Thiotriazolin". In Russia, many of these drugs can be bought at a pharmacy without any problems.
Medication description
This medicine belongs to the group of antioxidants. It is supplied to the market in the form of white tablets with a facet. The medication is packaged in this form in cellular contour plates (10 pieces each). The main active ingredient of this drug is thiotriazoline. Each tablet contains 100 mg. A package of "Thiotriazoline" of 50 tablets of 100 mg each costs about 700-900 rubles.

In addition to tablets, this drug can be found in pharmacies in the form:
- ampoules for injection;
- eye drops;
- suppositories intravaginal and rectal.
Ten ampoules of "Thiotriazolin" (25 mg/ml 4 ml) cost about 600-900 rubles, depending on the supplier.
Instructions for use
Of course, the instructions for use must be exactly observed when using the drug "Thiotriazolin". Analogues of this medicine are often more harmless in terms of side effects. But to replace them with "Thiotriazolin" is allowed only after consulting a doctor. This medicine is usually prescribed in a dosage of 1-2 pcs. 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment in most cases lasts 20-30 days.
"Thiotriazolin", intended for the treatment of eyes, is most often prescribed 2 drops into the conjunctival sac 3-4 times a day. For those who spend a lot of time at the computer, the medicine is prescribed 2 drops before starting work and then the same amount every two hours. The course of treatment using this form of the drug, as a rule, lasts two weeks.

Thiotriazoline solution is injected intramuscularly in 2 ml (2.5%) 2-3 times a day. Intravenous infusion of 4 ml once a day. Suppositories "Thiotriazolin" are administered in the supine position. For hepatitis and cirrhosis, rectal suppositories are usually prescribed 2 times a day. Vaginal suppositories are most often prescribed for inflammation of the uterus in the amount of 1 pc. per day.
This is the instruction provided for the drug "Thiotriazolin". Analogues of this medicine are most often used according to other schemes. Doctors prescribe this medication to patients mainly with the following diseases:
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- alcoholic liver damage;
- viral and alcoholic hepatitis;
- fatty liver.
Thiotriazolin drops can be prescribed for:
- burn and traumatic lesions of the eyeball;
- diseases of the cornea of an inflammatory-dystrophic nature;
- viral conjunctivitis;
- dry eye syndrome.

This medication should not be used on humans:
- with kidney failure;
- with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Also, a contraindication to the use of this medicine is children's age. For pregnant and lactating women, the drug can only be prescribed in the form of eye drops.
Side effects
You can take the medicine "Thiotriazolin" in any form only as directed by your doctor. There are quite a few side effects of this drug:
- nausea and dry mouth;
- bloating;
- general weakness and dizziness;
- tachycardia and pain in the heart area;
- high blood pressure;
- fever and angioedema;
- suffocation.
What are the analogues for the drug "Thiotriazolin" in Russia
There are no structural substitutes for this drug on the modern pharmaceutical market. However, if necessary, the patient can alwaysuse any drug with approximately the same pharmacological effect.
Most often prescribed instead of the drug "Thiotriazolin" analog:
- Hepatomax forte;
- Extal-2;
- Korneregel;
- Idrinol.
Drug "Hepatomax forte"
Very often, patients are interested in what can replace "Thiotriazolin" (tablets). Analogues of this drug in this form are produced in different composition and cost. For example, this drug can be replaced with an inexpensive drug "Hepatomax forte". This medication is marketed in capsules. Its main active ingredients are:
- enriched phospholipids;
- milk thistle extract;
- turmeric and artichoke extracts;
- sand immortelle extract.

Like Thiotriazolin, this drug belongs to the group of antioxidants. This medicine costs much cheaper - about 250-300 rubles for 30 tablets. Like "Thiotriazolin", "Hepatomax forte" can be prescribed for hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. It is also used for obesity, cholecystitis and some skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema). Since this remedy is made on the basis of natural substances, it has fewer side effects than Thiotriazolin. If used incorrectly, the patient may experience:
- nausea and vomiting;
- bitter in the mouth;
- loose stool.
Pregnant women, as already mentioned, are not prescribed oral medication"Thiotriazolin". Women who are expecting a baby can take an analogue of "Hepatomax". The only contraindications to the use of this medicine are:
- calculous cholecystitis;
- obstructive jaundice;
- purulent inflammation of the gallbladder.
Children can take this medicine from the age of 8. Take this medication usually 2 capsules three times a day. The course of treatment using "Hepotomax forte" lasts in most cases 1 month.
Reviews about the drug
The advantages of this drug, consumers include primarily a small number of side effects. Many patients are advised to drink this drug after taking any toxic medications. It is believed that "Gepotomax forte" perfectly restores liver cells. Also, this tool is able to remove the remaining toxins from the body. To some of the shortcomings of the drug, most patients attribute a rather long course. Despite the fact that this drug costs less than Thiotriazolin, treatment with its use is ultimately quite expensive.
Drug "Extal-2"
This modern drug is also most often used for liver diseases. Among its advantages, among other things, is the fact that, like Hepotomax Forte, it cleanses the body of toxins well. Extal-2 is produced in the form of a syrup. One bottle of 100 ml costs about 240 rubles.

Prescribe this remedy for diseases such as:
- chronic hepatitis;
- stagnantphenomena in the liver;
- bile thickening syndrome.
This medicine is usually prescribed at a dosage of 1/2 teaspoon once a day. That is, a bottle of 100 ml can last a patient for a long time.
So, we need to replace such drugs as Hepatomax and Thiotriazolin. The analogue of "Extal-2" differs from them in that it has practically no contraindications. You can not take it only to those people who have an allergy to any of its components. Also do not prescribe this medicine to patients with diabetes.
Opinion of patients about the drug "Extal-2"
Reviews of patients this medicine, like Hepatomax, deserved good. Most patients take it during their main treatment with some kind of toxic drug. The advantages of this tool, in addition to efficiency, many patients also include its low cost. Cleansing therapy using this drug is usually inexpensive for patients.
Drug "Korneregel"
Thiotriazolin eye drops are often replaced with this medicine. Analog "Korneregel" is made on the basis of the substance dexpanthenol. Like "Thiotriazolin", this medicine can be used for burns and eye injuries. It is also used for various types of inflammation. He has practically no contraindications. Pregnant women "Korneregel" is prescribed with caution.
Reviews about the drug "Korneregel"
Thiotriazolin (eye drops) is replaced by many patients with this drug. Analogues in Russia for this form of medicine are produced differently. But most of them, unfortunately,highly specialized purpose. The drug "Korneregel" also deserved good reviews from patients, primarily for a fairly wide range of actions. In addition, most patients find this drug to be quite effective. No discomfort when instilled "Korneregel" does not cause. It restores damaged eyes quite effectively.

Some of the disadvantages of this medicine, patients include a short shelf life in printed form. Also a disadvantage of this medication is its rather high cost. The price of "Korneregel" is 250 rubles per tube of 10 grams.
Suppositories "Viferon"
Of course, if necessary, you can replace with another medicine "Thiotriazolin" (candles). Its analogues in this form are rarely produced by the industry. However, suppositories with a similar pharmacological effect still exist on the market. For example, "Titriozalin" in the treatment of hepatitis, if necessary, can be replaced with suppositories "Viferon". These suppositories contain substances such as vitamin E, disodium edetate dihydrate, polysorbate 80 and food supplement E 301. In addition to hepatitis, Viferon suppositories can also be used for bacterial vaginosis.

Reviews of these suppositories from patients deserve good. Their advantages include the speed of action and the absence of side effects. Even small children can use Viferon suppositories.
Instead of a conclusion
Thus, we figured out thatis the drug "Thiotriazolin". Analogues, instructions for use, composition were also studied by us. The medicine is quite effective, but at the same time expensive. In the absence of funds for treatment using this remedy, or with any contraindications, Thiotriazolin can be easily replaced with another one that is also quite effective, but not so expensive.