Chinese magnolia vine is a climbing deciduous vine. The fruits of this plant are edible berries. Lemongrass differs from many plants not only in its unusual beauty. It also has valuable medicinal qualities. Chinese Schisandra is well known to gardeners. However, not everyone knows about its amazing healing properties. Currently, scientists have proven that the whole plant has a healing effect. Moreover, each part of it is very useful for our body.

In China, Schisandra berries are called the fruits of the five flavors. There is an explanation for this. The skin of the fruit of this plant has a sweet and s alty taste, the juice of the pulp is very sour, and the seeds are resinous and burning.
Has Chinese lemongrass contraindications. It is not recommended for patients with individual intolerance to the substances contained in it. People with increased excitability of the nervous system, cardiac disorders and hypertension should not use lemongrass berries. In addition, the fruits of this plant are not recommended for children under the age of twelve. Chinese lemongrassshould not be taken in the evening, after eighteen hours. Otherwise, the night may be without sleep.
Chinese Schisandra, whose medicinal properties are due to its rich composition, contains starch and fiber, sugar, as well as various macronutrients (zinc and magnesium, chromium and aluminum, calcium and selenium, copper and iodine, as well as potassium). No poisonous elements were found in the fruits of the plant.

Chinese Schizandra, whose medicinal properties help to increase the reflex activity of the central nervous system, are included in the composition of currently produced drugs. These include "Antienuresis", "Bisk", "Super Shield", etc. Such a therapeutic ability of the fruits of a medicinal plant is due to the presence of iodine, selenium and potassium in its composition. Preparations containing Chinese lemongrass stimulate the heart muscle.
Chinese Schisandra, whose healing properties allow you to have a refreshing and tonic effect on the human body, is recommended to be used in the process of hard work, especially requiring attention, concentration and integrity of perception. Taking drugs that contain lemongrass helps to increase visual acuity. This improves the ability of the eyes to see at dusk. The fruits of a medicinal plant, included in the composition of medicines, are able to reduce the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, while increasing its amplitude.

Chinese Schisandra, medicinalwhose properties were known as early as the 5th century, can also be used by he althy people. The tonic effect of preparations containing this medicinal plant is used for overwork and fatigue, lethargy and reduced efficiency, as well as in the presence of spring beriberi.
Chinese lemongrass, whose healing properties are multifaceted, is recommended for hypotensive patients, as well as for patients with psychasthenia. The medicinal plant improves the secretory and motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also useful for those who suffer from diabetes. Schisandra chinensis helps lower blood sugar levels. In addition, the medicinal plant increases immunity, activates the processes of regeneration and metabolism. Preparations containing Chinese magnolia vine can increase potency while stimulating sexual function.