Pregnancy for many women is a long-awaited joyful event. However, sometimes with a long delay in menstruation, bleeding is observed. How to distinguish a miscarriage from menstruation if the pregnancy is early? Let's take a closer look at these delicate processes.
Feature of concepts
Menstruation and miscarriage are completely different processes in their physiological nature. Despite their similar symptoms.
How to tell a miscarriage from a period? Let's take a closer look.
Bleeding during menstruation is a natural phenomenon. Every month, a woman's body prepares to conceive a baby. This process is controlled by hormones.
The inside of the uterus is lined with endometrium. This is a special layer that is designed to secure the fetal egg and potential nutrition of the embryo. If ovulation (fertilization) does not occur, then the endometrium dies. It is excreted from the uterus in the form of small blood clots that have formed throughout the cycle. Outwardly, this manifests itself as follows:bloody particles. Often the phenomenon is accompanied by mild (or severe) pain. This whole process is called menstruation (more commonly, menstruation).

Miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy at an early stage - up to 22 weeks. If the conception was made recently, then the rejection of the fetus outwardly practically does not differ from menstruation. This process is also accompanied by bloody discharge and characteristic pain. The fertilized egg is too small to be seen among the blood clots.
Classification of miscarriages
For a more detailed study of this issue, it is necessary to consider the classification of miscarriages. So, doctors divide miscarriages into the following types:
- Threatened miscarriage - characterized by spotting and uterine contractions. Most often, it can be stopped while maintaining the pregnancy.
- Starting an abortion - manifests itself in the form of profuse bleeding and cramping pain. In this condition of a woman, pregnancy does not persist.
- Incomplete abortion - occurs when the fetus is partially rejected.
- Complete abortion - the fetus is completely rejected, while the uterus contracts, the bleeding gradually stops.
- Regular miscarriage - a situation in which there is an arbitrary termination of pregnancy with rejection of the fetus for the third time.
The septic type of miscarriage is put forward in a separate category. This type of voluntary abortion occurs due to infection of the contents of the uterus.
Symptoms of a septic miscarriage should not be confused with menstruation:
- bad smell from vaginal discharge;
- bleeding;
- pain in the lower abdomen;
- febrile general condition.

Ignoring such a state is extremely dangerous. You need to call an ambulance immediately.
Causes of miscarriage
Miscarriage is quite common. According to statistics, one in six pregnant women have it at an early stage. Experienced doctors have identified the most common causes of spontaneous abortion:
- fetal anomaly;
- diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, immune and excretory systems of the mother;
- bad habits;
- rough sex;
- wrong lifestyle;
- a bacterial or viral infection that infects the fetus through the membrane;
- frequent stress and disorders of the nervous system;
- underweight or overweight mother;
- excessive exercise;
- hormonal disorders;
- previous abortions (highly likely to result in infertility or miscarriage);
- polycystic ovary syndrome;
- the impact of toxins on the body (bad ecological environment, work in hazardous production);
- Rh-conflict - a mismatch between the Rh factor of the child and mother;
- in an accident (for example, an accident), in this case, the body fights to save the life of the mother, and notfetus;
- if the expectant mother is over 35 years old (optimal age for bearing a child is 20-35 years old);
- IVF procedure (if recent);
- eating herbs that have abortive properties (tansy, parsley, thyme);
- uterine anomaly;
- individual drugs.
Most often, spontaneous abortion occurs early. The expectant mother may not even suspect that she is pregnant. In this case, the fertilized egg is almost imperceptibly excreted along with menstruation.
Miscarriage symptoms
Before you figure out how to tell a miscarriage from a period without delay, you need to consider the typical symptoms of spontaneous abortion. So, the main signs in which a miscarriage occurs through menstruation in early pregnancy:
- drastic unexplained weight loss;
- pregnancy symptoms disappear (toxicosis, drowsiness, breast swelling);
- false contractions;
- contracts that are accompanied by severe pain and occur periodically;
- disruption of the digestive tract;
- highlighting red, brown and dark brown hues;
- profuse bleeding with clots, cramps and pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
- unusual uncharacteristic vaginal discharge.
How do you know if you've had a miscarriage or not? The main signs that will help determine the onset of a miscarriage are severe pain and heavy bleeding.

When there is a threat of miscarriage, the discharge is not red, but brown. Thisthe fact should make the mother-to-be see a doctor.
Another characteristic sign of an impending abortion is an increase in the tone of the uterus. Particular attention should be paid to it if there is severe pain in the lower abdomen. This unfortunate set of circumstances can be avoided if the expectant mother will not lift weights and get rid of physical activity.
If the pregnancy is frozen or ectopic, then a complete miscarriage is rare. Contacting a doctor should be immediate.
Early miscarriage: how to distinguish it from menstruation?
Quite difficult. Since the fetal egg in the early period is so meager in size that a miscarriage during menstruation can occur almost asymptomatically.
How to tell a miscarriage from a period? You need to look at the timing. After a few weeks of pregnancy, the development of the embryo may stop. This is facilitated by the following causal circumstances:
- improper attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall;
- hormone imbalance;
- mutations in chromosomes;
- uterine pathology;
- intrauterine infection;
- damage to the fetus mechanically (on impact);
- multiple pregnancy;
- previous abortions.
You can definitely determine an early miscarriage by the following signs: the formation of convulsions, bleeding, blood clots in vaginal discharge. If there is a piece of tissue in the discharge that resembles a burst bubble, then there is no doubt that a miscarriage has occurred.
No delay
Ifmenstruation went exactly on time, then there can be no talk of spontaneous abortion. And how to distinguish a miscarriage from menstruation? You need to pay attention to bleeding. It is this symptom that indicates the onset of a miscarriage. If a woman notices these symptoms:
- cramping severe pain that radiates to the lumbar region;
- brown spotting, lots of blood clots;
- positive pregnancy test.

If bleeding occurs without a delay in menstruation, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. A complete diagnosis of the woman's condition will be required for the development of various pathologies.
During period
Miscarriage during menstruation can happen. It is especially difficult to distinguish between a period and a miscarriage if the period is painful, heavy, and there is spotting with blood clots.
In this case, at the slightest suspicion, you should consult your doctor.
Miscarriage, even at an early stage, is dangerous for a woman's reproductive he alth. You may need hospitalization and prolonged rehabilitation under the supervision of a doctor.
How does a miscarriage happen?
Usually a miscarriage occurs early in pregnancy - at 2-3 weeks. A woman may not even be aware of him.
Early miscarriage is almost impossible to determine on your own. Because the symptoms are similar to normal menstruation.
Rarely miscarriage occurs between 3 and 20 weeks of pregnancy. If a miscarriage occurs after 20 weeks, then this phenomenon is called"stillbirth".
How do you know if you've had a miscarriage?
In order not to fall into a stupor during a spontaneous miscarriage and not provoke complications, you need to know a few rules:
- Miscarriage does not occur instantly, it can last from several hours to several days.
- During the threat of a miscarriage, if a woman feels severe pain in the lower abdomen and observes profuse spotting, an urgent need to see a doctor. In this case, you can not hesitate. Since the pregnancy can still be saved.
Miscarriage and period: how to tell the difference? If a woman does not know about her pregnancy and is waiting for her period, then the first wake-up call is a delay.
If the period has shifted by several days, there are abundant blood clots in the discharge, then this is a miscarriage. You need to see a doctor urgently. Otherwise, ignoring such a condition may lead to the development of gynecological problems.

Only a doctor can accurately determine a miscarriage. To do this, he conducts ultrasound diagnostics, listening to the heart rate of the fetus. Also, a woman will need to take an analysis to determine the level of hCG in the blood.

If a woman notices pieces of tissue in blood clots, then they should be put in a sterile container and taken to a doctor. This will help identify a possible miscarriage and prevent a number of complications.
If a woman has an incomplete miscarriage, she will need a mechanical ormedical cleaning of the uterine cavity.
If the threat of involuntary termination of pregnancy is associated with a loose closure of the cervix, then special rings are placed on it. Shortly before the baby is born, the doctor should remove them.
First period after miscarriage
If after a miscarriage menstruation went on, then their character definitely changed compared to menstruation before conception:
- Often a new cycle coincides with the previous one, but may shift by several days.
- The volume of blood released from the vagina is disturbed. Approximately 90 to 150 ml. Average 4 pad changes per day.
- Regarding the composition of the discharge: no foul odor and no blood clots greater than 1.5 cm. Usually dark red or reddish-brown.
The cycle will fully recover three months after the miscarriage.
Depending on the condition of a woman after a spontaneous spontaneous abortion, menstruation occurs in different ways. If the doctor has a favorable prognosis, then the first menstruation after a miscarriage occurs after 25-35 days. If there is no menstruation, then this is a clear sign of pathology and functional impairment.
Miscarriage recovery
After an early miscarriage, the doctor advises the woman to stay in bed, move less and give up intimacy for a while.

During this recovery period, a woman should avoid nervous shocks and stress in order to maintain a pregnancy. If the patienttoo emotional and impressionable, the doctor prescribes her sedatives (valerian or motherwort).
The next stage of treatment: taking hormonal drugs ("Dufaston", "Utrozhestan") to eliminate the cause of the miscarriage. Rarely, surgery will be required.
The main factor in the speedy recovery of the body is a positive emotional attitude. Thanks to him, it will be possible to maintain pregnancy and facilitate childbirth.
In order to avoid the risk of miscarriage, you must follow the advice of gynecologists. So, the basic rules are:
- give up bad habits during pregnancy and three months before conception;
- keep a he althy lifestyle;
- eat right;
- exercise regularly;
- visit a gynecologist once every six months;
- for the period of pregnancy, you should forget about sports achievements and postpone physical activity.
The right attitude to your he alth practically increases the chance of having a he althy baby. And the threat of miscarriage can be determined only by pronounced symptoms. However, you should not rely on your own feelings. It is better to visit a doctor as soon as you notice the disturbing symptoms.