Gums hurt: cause and alternative methods of treatment, reviews

Gums hurt: cause and alternative methods of treatment, reviews
Gums hurt: cause and alternative methods of treatment, reviews

If a person's gums swell and hurt, the reasons for this lie in the inflammatory process in his oral cavity. The pain is likely due to inflammation of the gums. But also if the gums and teeth hurt, the cause may be periodontitis.

Clinical picture

It should be borne in mind that if a person is concerned about such manifestations, it makes no sense to turn a blind eye to them and treat the disease symptomatically. It will take an integrated approach, an examination by a specialist. Otherwise, the disease can be easily started. Without finding out the exact reason why the gum hurts, you can engage in therapy that is not suitable for a person.

Therefore, the information below is for informational purposes only. But it is not necessary to make a diagnosis based on data from the Internet - it is better to consult a doctor.

It's periodontal disease
It's periodontal disease

Usually, if the pain in the gums extends to most of the teeth, we are talking about gingivitis or periodontitis. If the gum turns red, swells and hurts, the reason is most likely in the developing gingivitis. It is important to take timetreatment for this disease. Otherwise, the disease will flow into a more severe stage - periodontitis. This is a rather serious illness, which manifests itself in the fact that the necks of the teeth are exposed, suppuration occurs. But if the gums hurt, the causes and treatment have already been established by a specialist - it will not be superfluous to pay attention to alternative methods in addition to the main course of therapy. They will help the patient get rid of discomfort during the treatment process, as well as speed up the recovery process.

Additional reasons

If your gums hurt and your teeth ache, the reasons may be that the filling was not installed correctly. In addition, the tooth may be injured during treatment. If a person, for some reason, decided to calm the pain syndrome on his own instead of going to the dentist, it makes sense for him to turn to alternative methods of therapy.

Sea rinses

If the gums hurt, folk methods of treatment will primarily consist in rinsing. If the diagnosis of "periodontal disease" has been established, you need to mix 20 g of honey and 10 g of sea s alt. Next, you will need to rub this mixture into the gums after the teeth have been brushed in the morning and evening.

If the gum hurts, a folk method with a similar effect would be to rub the gums with a sea s alt toothbrush.

If a person suffers from severe toothache, you need to mix a teaspoon of s alt with 200 ml of warm water. After that, you need to rinse your mouth with this solution every hour.

Gargle with s alt
Gargle with s alt

If the tooth hasthe hole, gums and teeth hurt, the doctor has already established the treatment and causes, then garlic and onion gruel can become an addition to the official therapy. Add a teaspoon of s alt to it. It is necessary to clean the hole, and then place the mixture there, covering it with cotton wool on top.

Dissolve 1.5 tablespoons of table s alt in a glass of warm water, take the solution into the mouth, and then rinse for one minute. Next, the solution is spit out. Five minutes later, the same action is performed again.


In addition, they massage the points located at the place that passes from the second finger of the hand to the palm, as well as the points that are on the palm between the thumb and forefinger. It is important to squeeze the temples two or three times during the massage, then press the cheek in the affected area. If the pain syndrome does not go away, the procedure is repeated after five hours.

Also massage with ice cubes. It is very effective to massage the carotid artery near the diseased tooth. To do this, you need to put pressure on it a couple of times in the area where the pulse is felt. After that, you need to tie a cold towel around your neck. As soon as it warms up, you need to re-wet it and tie it around your neck. The duration of such procedures should be about 40 minutes.

Pain relief

Sometimes there are cases when it is undesirable for a person to take analgesics. In this case, if the gum hurts, a folk remedy can get rid of discomfort. To do this, rinse your mouth with warm water. Sometimes the pain is due to the fact that in the affected toothfood particles get in. Then you need to remove them with a toothpick.

When the exact causes are determined, the gum hurts, and alternative methods of treatment have appeared on the agenda, it makes sense to attach a piece of horse sorrel or valerian to the affected areas. Relief often comes almost immediately.

Pain in the gums
Pain in the gums

If the reasons are known, the gum hurts, and an adult plans to use folk methods, the following recipe will do. It is necessary to take vodka or alcohol in your mouth, and then hold this liquid in the affected area for 2-3 minutes. As a rule, when this period expires, the pain syndrome disappears.

If a person suffers from a deep carious cavity, you can treat it with cotton swabs, which must first be moistened with clove oil. This remedy is the strongest natural pain reliever.

If there is a suspicion that purulent inflammation has appeared, it must be borne in mind that when the gums hurt in this case, the cause and folk methods will be somewhat different. It is necessary to apply a piece of ice to the cheek in the affected area, after wrapping it in soft tissues. This method leads to temporary relief of the state.

If your gums hurt, the causes and alternative treatments may be as follows. The tooth may whine due to previous manipulations performed on it. In this case, you need to apply raw beets to the affected tooth.

A time-tested folk remedy is onions, which are wrapped in sterile gauze and then applied to the ear canal next towith a bad tooth.

If the pain syndrome is strong, you need to leave a small piece of fat here, and then wait until the discomfort passes.

Additional ways

Another way to soothe nerve pain is to take 20 drops of valerian infusion twice or thrice a day. It is allowed to replace it with bromine.

If a cold of the dental area was found, you need to put fresh psyllium grass roots in your ear. It is allowed to rub the gums with quinine or garlic.

Grate beets
Grate beets

Tooth caries, especially in cases where there is an open nerve, provoke a rather unpleasant pain syndrome. The best solution would be to get rid of such a tooth. Otherwise, it can infect others. To soothe such a tooth, it is necessary to apply mint cotton wool. You can also moisten cotton wool with a solution of carbolic acid or creosote. This quickly stops the development of pain. So that the carbolic acid does not leak out, it is extremely important to cover such a product with another cotton wool or seal the entire structure with wax. Because of carbolic teeth crumble, for this reason it is important to do this. After two days, the cotton wool soaked in carbolic acid must be pulled out, and in the absence of pain, a new one should be placed in the hole. Next, you should definitely contact your dentist.

Doctor Morozova's advice

Dr. Morozova advises rinsing the mouth with the urine of a he althy child up to 4 years to get rid of toothache. You can also mix urine with alcohol in equal proportions.

In addition, she advises rubbing psyllium juice on the gums. If arinse your teeth with an infusion from the same plant, they will be strengthened.

Also, in an aching tooth, right in its hollow, it is worth laying a piece of incense. But it is important not to keep it there for a long time. Otherwise, tooth decay may begin.

It makes sense to chop the onion, and then, wrapped in gauze, put it in the ear on the opposite side of the affected area.

The next popular recipe involves crushing garlic, which is then wrapped in gauze and tied to a pulse on the wrist, which is opposite the side of the affected area. You need to keep him here no longer than twenty minutes. Otherwise, garlic will provoke the appearance of new wounds. Also on the area under the back of the head, on the neck spread grated horseradish or mustard.

This is mummy
This is mummy


In the presence of toothache, mummy is also used. It is taken at 0.2 g orally 1-2 times a day. It is mandatory to take it for 25 days. This will be the full duration of the course. Mix it with milk and honey or water in a ratio of 1:20.

If the patient suffers from periodontal disease, traditional healers advise stirring 2.5 g of mumiyo with 100 ml of water. It is necessary to rinse the mouth with this solution in the morning and at night. The solution must be swallowed.

There are also separate prescriptions in alternative medicine aimed at reducing tooth sensitivity. They are used when the teeth are overreacting to cold, hot, s alty or sweet foods. This symptom often accompaniescaries or high sensitivity and exposure of tooth roots. With such negative phenomena, you should definitely consult a dentist without trying to be treated on your own.

Bleeding gums

Bleeding here is the main sign that inflammation is developing in the gums. Often, such a symptom reflects much more serious pathological processes in the body. So, bleeding gums are typical for diseases of the circulatory system, diabetes and beriberi, lack of vitamin C in the body.

Smell from the mouth

Smell from the mouth
Smell from the mouth

Alternative medicine also offers its own methods of getting rid of the smell from the oral cavity. The reasons for such a negative phenomenon may lie in the presence of caries, pockets in the gums in which food accumulates, in poor oral hygiene, looseness of the tonsils, and intestinal diseases. Only a specialist can find out the real reason during the analysis.

Mucus membranes

For the treatment of mucous membranes, calamus is very actively used. A warm tincture is prepared from this herb. For this purpose, a teaspoon of the rhizome of the plant is prepared in advance, pouring 1.5 cups of boiling water into it. After that, this decoction is allowed to brew for two hours. A decoction is used to rinse the mouth.

Widely used and thick-leaved bergenia. Use it in this way - take two tablespoons of chopped grass and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave the mixture to boil in a water bath for half an hour. After filtering, the broth is cooled, and then used duringrinse.

Often used and a decoction of elecampane high. For a decoction, take a teaspoon of crushed grass root, and then pour a glass of boiling water. Next, you need to boil the broth for 15 minutes on low heat. After the mixture is allowed to infuse for 4 hours, applying it during rinsing.

Healing properties of common oak are also known. A decoction of it is also used for rinsing. For this purpose, take a tablespoon of its bark and pour a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to boil such a decoction for 15 minutes. Then you need to strain it and cool it.

Kurenny's Methods

The methods of the Russian doctor Kurennoy have also become famous. He advises to treat tumors and abscesses of the gums with a special method. He takes recipes from traditional Russian medicine. It is usually recommended to fill the bottom of the pot with a quarter of an inch of liquid honey. Next, you need to take an old nail, heat it up, and then put it in honey. A thick black substance will begin to form around the nail, which is very similar to tar. This substance should be rubbed into the affected gums at night, before going to bed.

Rusty Nail
Rusty Nail

Abscesses on the gums break through quickly enough and the tumor begins to fall off. After such a procedure, the patient's he alth improves significantly. It is important that the nail be rusty, as rust plays an important role in this recipe. When the nail is heated, do not blow on it or touch it when it is hot. It needs rust to stay on it.

If there are diseases of the oropharynx, rinsing the mouth helpsarea with aloe juice. It is also recommended to drink the fresh juice of this herb three times a day, one teaspoon with milk.

We must not forget that if the gums hurt, the doctor should select the causes and alternative methods of treatment. This will maximize the effect of therapy. After all, if the gums hurt, the causes and alternative methods of treatment are identified and selected erroneously, then this will only lead to further progression of the disease. And then it will be more difficult to eliminate it.
