Furuncle, or as it is popularly called "boil", is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle - the follicle. Staphylococcus aureus provokes pathology. Often, a boil occurs when microtrauma of contaminated skin. Most often, the pathology manifests itself in the neck, back and face. In the case when the number of formations on the body is large, we can talk about a disease called furunculosis. It should be treated immediately by contacting the clinic to the doctor. It should be remembered that squeezing boils provokes the emergence of new formations. This is fraught with the development of very serious complications.

How is a boil treated? In the case when the boil is not fully ripe, a variety of antimicrobial drugs are used. They lubricate the lesion and the skin around it within a radius of three to four centimeters. Ichthyol ointment is applied to the boil once or twice a day. To accelerate the maturation of neoplasms, infrared irradiation is used. For external use in the elimination of pathology, Shostakovsky's balm, the drug "Dimexide" andVishnevsky ointment.
How is a boil treated after opening it? Ichthyol cover the peripheral area of the lesion. Gauze is applied to the central part of the boil, which is pre-impregnated with some kind of disinfectant (for example, Etacridine lactate is suitable). The patient in this period is prescribed UHF procedures, electrophoresis of zinc and copper s alts, as well as infrared irradiation.
How to treat boils on the body if they mature slowly? In the case when the lesion is very painful, and the pathology is accompanied by swelling and significant redness of the skin, warming compresses can be used. Procedures are carried out from one to three days. For the compress, an aqueous solution of ichthyol (5% or 10%) or ethyl alcohol (20% or 30%) is used.
How is a boil treated with traditional medicine? For external use, infusion and juice of common yarrow are used. Alcohol tincture of mountain arnica or a decoction of plowed omentum will help eliminate the boil. How to treat at home? It is also recommended to use the steam of comfrey roots to eliminate the pathology. All these drugs are used to apply compresses. Kalanchoe is recommended as an anti-inflammatory and restorative agent for furunculosis.

How is a boil treated with natural preparations if it has not yet matured? It is recommended to apply a gruel made from garlic and baked onions, boiled parsley roots and leaves, chamomile flowers and plantain to the boil. The therapeutic mixture is bandaged tothe site of the furuncle. Camphor oil copes with staphylococcal infection more effectively than any antibiotic. For the treatment of furunculosis, oil should be smeared on the external manifestations of the disease twice a day.
After the purulent inflammatory focus opens, it is recommended to treat the pathology site with St. John's wort oil, Kalanchoe ointment or marsh calamus powder.
Folk recipes will eliminate the resulting pustules painlessly and quickly. This, in turn, will allow you not to resort to surgical intervention.

Preventive measures that must be taken to prevent the appearance of furunculosis come down to hygiene and the fight against microtraumas.