Itching in the groin in men and women: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Itching in the groin in men and women: causes, symptoms and treatment features
Itching in the groin in men and women: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Itching in the groin is not only a phenomenon that causes discomfort, but also a possible symptom of a serious illness. Therefore, if it appears and does not go away, you should immediately consult a doctor. Especially when other specific signs appear, such as reddening of the skin, peeling, etc. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment. But it's still worth talking about the causes, symptoms and features of treatment.

Itching in the groin in men
Itching in the groin in men

Reasons in men

These should be considered first. Itching in the groin in men may indicate the presence of one of the following pathologies:

  • Venereal diseases. As a rule, these are candidiasis (thrush), chlamydia (acute infection), trichomoniasis (a virus that affects the genitourinary system).
  • Herpes.
  • Bacterial infections.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Liver or kidney disease.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Scabies.

Many of these diseases have serious consequences and complications. Therefore, when itching occurs, it is necessary to conduct an early diagnosis, which will help to avoid them.

Poor hygiene

Sometimes things are much easier. Itching in the groin in men is often a consequence of non-compliance with personal hygiene. To eliminate this factor, it is necessary to perform elementary measures every day that are aimed at cleansing the entire body, and in particular the genitals. In simple terms, take a shower and use a body wash or mild soap.

In addition, hygiene procedures are mandatory after every intimate relationship. You can remove the itching that has appeared for this reason by rubbing the affected area with herbal decoctions based on string, celandine, chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort and yarrow.

And don't underestimate this recommendation. Due to poor personal hygiene, you may experience:

  • Balanitis. Manifested in inflammation of the skin of the glans penis.
  • Balanoposthitis. Symptom of balanitis, supplemented by inflammation of the inner layer of the foreskin.
  • Phimosis. Narrowing of the foreskin, making it impossible to expose the glans.
  • Inguinal epidermophytosis and other skin diseases.
  • Prostatitis, cystitis, urethritis and other urinary tract infections.

It is important to note that inflammation often passes to other organs. Most often it is the kidneys, prostate gland and bladder. If you run a case, you may encounter disorders in the intimate sphere, the mostthe severe of which is impotence.

To eliminate itching in the groin, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene
To eliminate itching in the groin, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene

How to heal?

This important question is also worth answering. The easiest way to treat itching in the groin of a man is if the reason lies in non-compliance with personal hygiene. In addition to wiping the problem area with decoctions, you can use Sinaflan ointment. First you need to thoroughly wash and dry yourself. And then treat the problem area with a small amount of ointment. Repeat daily until itching starts to subside.

It happens that the cause of itching in the groin in men is an allergy to a product. Usually it's something spicy or spicy. Naturally, the first step is to review the diet. It is important to eliminate the allergen in time. You should also take into account the following recommendations:

  • You should start using neutral pH intimate gels.
  • As part of therapeutic measures, you can resort to a solution of furacilin.
  • Before going to bed, it is recommended to apply baby powder to problem areas.
  • Wear only cotton underwear. Synthetics will aggravate the condition.
  • For the duration of treatment, refrain from sexual intercourse and from visiting places such as a pool, sauna, bath, etc.

However, if itching persists, then the cause is probably a disease. Then you need to sign up for an examination with a venereologist. Only he can prescribe the right medication.

Treatment of itching in the groin in men
Treatment of itching in the groin in men


In educationalFor this purpose, see a list of drugs commonly prescribed to treat conditions that cause itchy groin in men. The list is as follows:

  • For candidiasis, Isoconazole, Fluconazole, Clotrimazole are prescribed.
  • For balanitis and balanoposthitis, Levomycetin, Doxycycline, Azithromycin, Suprax, Triderm are prescribed.
  • With phimosis, stretching ointments "Clobetasol", "Betamethasone", "Levomekol", "Hydrocortisone" and creams such as "Lokoid" and "Akriderm" help.
  • In case of inguinal epidermophytosis, general hyposensitizing therapy is carried out with treatment with solutions and subsequent application of 2-5% boron-naftalan paste.
  • For the treatment of prostatitis, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Gitrin, Flomax, Cardura, Aspirin are most often prescribed. Monural, Ceforal, Furagin, Canephron help with cystitis.
  • For urethritis, antibiotics are prescribed, which are selected depending on the type of disease. They may prescribe Ceftriaxone, Tetracycline, Azithromycin, Erythromycin, and Gentamicin.

All of these drugs help eliminate itching and redness in the groin, as well as cure the disease. But all of them are specific, not suitable for everyone, they can cause side effects or simply not have the desired effect. This is why diagnosis is so important.

Reasons in women

They are different from men's. The causes of itching in the groin in women include:

  • External factors. Synthetic underwear, increased irritation to pads, tight clothing. As a result - irritation and rubbing.
  • Internal causes. These include caustic urine, genetics, diseases of internal organs.
  • Violation of hygiene.
  • Venereal and infectious diseases.
  • Helminths, lice and other parasites.
  • Allergy or fungus.

If we talk about diseases of the internal organs, it should be noted that most often the cause of itching in the groin is kidney damage, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, diseased intestines, thyroid gland and disorders of the genitourinary system. Still often this manifestation is the result of hormonal disorders.

Itching in the groin can be a symptom of an STD
Itching in the groin can be a symptom of an STD

Itching relief

What activities will help get rid of the discomfort caused by this phenomenon? Once again, it should be mentioned that when this symptom appears, you should go to the doctor. But if this is not possible right now (the defeat was noticed in the evening, for example), then it is recommended:

  • Wash first with a mild hygiene product, and then with a solution of furacilin.
  • Refuse active physical activities and sports.
  • Dry the affected area with a soft towel and apply baby powder.
  • There is nothing spicy, smoked and spicy.
  • Replace junk food with vegetables, fruits, drink more water.
  • Do not drink or smoke.

When the first opportunity arises, you should go to a gynecologist or urologist. They will prescribe tests, and after receiving the results, the doctor will assess the state of he alth, symptoms and prescribe treatment. If aa sexually transmitted or infectious disease is detected, then they will be sent to a venereologist, allergist or general practitioner.

Drug treatment of itching in the groin
Drug treatment of itching in the groin

The consequence of depilation

Yes, itching in the groin can be the result of a hair removal procedure. Perhaps the reason does not seem as significant as the above, but it doesn’t feel like it.

Especially severe consequences after hair removal with a depilator. The epidermis is damaged, and the result is itching. Here's what you can do to get rid of itchy groin and redness:

  • Baths or wiping the affected areas with a decoction of calendula.
  • Applying fresh aloe juice or crushed gruel to irritated skin.
  • Treatment of affected areas with "Chlorhexidine".
  • Using anti-burn ointments.

And of course, the most important thing is to properly depilate. The skin should be steamed and clean, it is also recommended to apply a fat cream to the skin after the procedure.

Folk remedies

As the main treatment, of course, they will not work, but as a preventive measure - quite. Here are some common options:

  • In equal proportions mix oak bark, sage, chamomile and oregano. Pour two tablespoons of the resulting collection with boiling water (400 ml), leave for a day to brew, and then strain and make lotions for half an hour.
  • 50 grams of a string pour water (0.5 l), put on fire. 15 minutes to boil. Add decoction to bath water.
  • A tablespoon of dry pepperPour mint with alcohol or vodka (100 ml). Let it brew for 2 weeks. Then strain and lubricate the skin when itching.
Folk remedies - effective prevention of itching in the groin
Folk remedies - effective prevention of itching in the groin

What diseases can be and how to treat them?

Itching in the groin is a serious symptom. Here is what diseases a girl may have:

  • Dermatomycosis. The disease is fungal in nature. They prescribe drugs such as Itrazol, Rumikoz, Kanditral, Irunin, Flucostat, Mikomax, Mikoflucan, Fluconazole, Terbinafine, Terbinox, Lamisil, etc. e.
  • Thrush. Fluconazole, Pimafucin, Nystatin, Futsis, Diflucan, Ketoconazole are usually prescribed.
  • Bacterial vaginosis. Candles "Bifidumbacterin", "Bifikol", "Laktozhinal", "Vagilak" effectively help.
  • Chlamydia. Helps Doxycycline, Erythromycin, Azithromycin, Josamycin, Spiramycin, Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Sparfloxacin.
  • Gonorrhea. Usually prescribed "Amoxicillin", "Co-trimoxazole", "Azithromycin", "Bassado", "Cefixime", "Ciprofloxacin", etc.

And this is just a small list of those ailments, a symptom of which is itching in the groin. Treatment is strictly not recommended to be carried out on your own, otherwise you can only harm yourself with an incorrectly selected drug.

Diagnostic aspects

If a person, noticing itching in the groin, went to a medical facility, then this is what awaits him:

  • Conversation with the doctor. The doctor will clarify the complaints, inquire about the prerequisites, ask about the lifestyle andcomorbidities.
  • Inspection. The doctor must assess the size of the lesion, the nature of the discharge and the condition of the genital organ.
  • Laboratory diagnostics. She will need to take a blood and urine test. The resulting information will make it possible to understand what a person's blood glucose level is, what is with the indicators of the enzyme activity of the pancreas and liver, whether the number of leukocytes in the urine is in order.
  • Smear microscopy or skin test.

If there are suspicions of complications, you will still have to undergo instrumental diagnostics (CT, MRI, ultrasound).

Diagnosis of itching in the groin
Diagnosis of itching in the groin


Enough has been said above about the symptoms of itching in the groin, medications and possible consequences. Finally, it is worth mentioning how to prevent this unpleasant phenomenon. Highly Recommended:

  • Timely treat diseases of the genital organs, do not neglect your intimate he alth.
  • Visit a urologist and gynecologist at least once a year.
  • Pay attention to background pathological processes.
  • Making time for intimate hygiene and buying the right underwear.
  • Refuse promiscuity.

Itching is very serious. It is felt constantly, and it is difficult to live with it. And it can pass both in a week of therapy and in a month. So recommendations should not be ignored.