Warts are benign growths on the skin. This disease is viral in nature, since it is formed due to the papillomavirus. Their appearance resembles a small papilla, and they appear at any age in both men and women. In most cases, warts form on the hands.
Position on limbs
Despite the fact that warts do not pose a particular danger to the human body, their appearance should not be ignored, because their progression can lead to many inconveniences. It is worth noting that such neoplasms can be transmitted by contact with the "victim". Yes, warts on the hands and other parts of the body are contagious.
In most cases, this disease occurs in people with reduced immunity. Therefore, if you notice a wart on your body, this is an occasion to think about the state of your he alth. Basically, stressful situations affect the body's immunity. If they occur frequently in your life, your body maycertain neoplasms appear.

How to spot a wart?
If you have this formation, then around the papilla, raised above the main surface, the skin will differ in color. It can be dark or, conversely, light. Very often, such nodules do not appear “alone”. Warts can form on the arms, legs, and even on the face in several pieces. Depending on the location, they have different properties. So, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nails, they will be rough, and on the limbs themselves, their distinctive feature is an oval or round shape. Their surface is smooth, or vice versa - rough. In the event of the appearance of several neoplasms, they are able to “combine” with each other.
Warts on the hands may not appear for many years, despite the development of the corresponding virus. The maximum duration of the onset of this disease is six months, so it surprises some patients with a sudden appearance.
Causes of occurrence
The main reason for the appearance of these neoplasms on the human body is the papillomavirus, which has more than a hundred varieties. This disease is very common among people of all ages, but schoolchildren mostly think about how to get rid of warts on their hands.

Everyone should know that this virus is capable of reproducing, and it does so at an impressive rate. It is worth noting that warts may appeareven due to contact with a person who does not have them, however, the papillomavirus is present in his body. These microorganisms are able to penetrate through cracks in the skin that are not visible to the naked eye. That is why there is a high risk of infection in public places. After looking at the photos of warts on your hands, you probably want to protect yourself from this ailment.
As well as the causes of warts on the hands, many varieties are known. These neoplasms differ in location, shape, type of surface and the number of simultaneous occurrences:
- The most common type is the common type of wart. These are small growths that form mainly on the limbs and fingers. They are hard and brown or gray in color. Often shaped like a dome.
- The vulgar variety of warts has a slightly rough surface. In their shape, they resemble cauliflower, and if you look closely, you can see small black dots inside.
- The flat type of these neoplasms, in general, grows no more than five millimeters. Their distinctive property is a smooth surface, and they themselves are flat. They are pink, brownish or yellowish in color. In most cases, they form in the face, but such warts on the arm of a child or adult are also not uncommon.
If this disease is ignored, it can progress quickly and steadily, leading to the spread of neoplasms throughout the body. Even after the disappearance of the growththe virus can remain in the body, and sooner or later the problem will return. If you remove a wart on your hand at home, then scars may remain after it. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

How to remove a wart on the hand?
Of course, this disease does not bring positive emotions to anyone, and especially teenagers suffer from psychological experiences. Every person on whose body a wart has formed wants to get rid of it as soon as possible. People come up with a variety of ways to treat this disease. In case of growths on the body, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist. Ignoring this recommendation can lead to serious consequences and the rapid progression of the disease. Many neoplasms are not just not treatable, but they are forbidden to be removed! Only a doctor can correctly determine the type of wart and how to get rid of it.

Today, neoplasms are effectively removed using electric current. A strong shock directed at the wart damages it to such an extent that it falls off on its own. This procedure is called electrocoagulation, and its main advantage is to prevent the progression of the virus. This is an absolutely safe method, moreover, it disinfects the treated area of the skin well. However, in some cases, a small stain or scar remains.
Quite a popular remedy for wartsfreezing with liquid nitrogen is considered on the hands. Although this method is not as common today as it was a few years ago, it is still painless and does not leave marks on the skin. However, there is a risk of leaving the virus in the body, since this method does not imply the ability to control the depth of the freezing action.

Laser therapy
Cauterization of a wart allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of neoplasms on the body. To date, the procedure of laser radiation is the most effective and safe. The cauterization process does not take much time and takes place under sterile conditions. Moreover, after successful removal, neither scars nor spots remain on the skin.
Folk methods
Despite the fact that warts are recommended to be removed only by proven methods with the help of experienced professionals, there are those procedures that can be performed at home. The most effective remedy against various neoplasms on the body is the juice of the celandine plant. This method must be used with extreme caution, systematically repeating the procedure until the formation disappears completely.
From celandine, you can prepare no less effective remedies against warts. A fresh plant, together with the root, must be thoroughly washed under water and passed through a meat grinder. Drain the resulting juice into a suitable container and refrigerate, where it should stand for two days. In the case of a responsible approach to treatment and daily use of thisfunds, the expected result can be obtained in a month. Before proceeding with the procedures, it is strongly recommended to make sure that there is no allergy to the plant.

Acetic acid can also help you get rid of a wart. This method is also used in the fight against many other neoplasms. The patch is glued to the growth in such a way that he althy skin is completely covered, and only the "papilla" is visible. After that, a dough-like mass is created by mixing acetic acid and flour. The resulting mixture is applied to a pre-prepared wart and wrapped with a medical bandage. This procedure is repeated until the complete disappearance of the neoplasm. This process takes a different time for everyone, since this parameter depends on the size of the wart.
Lemon peel can be an effective tool in the fight against neoplasms. The peel from two lemons is finely chopped and poured with a small amount of vinegar (half a glass). This mixture is infused for a week, and the contents of the jar must be chatted every day. The resulting product is used to wipe the neoplasm until it is completely cured.
Many recommend the use of ordinary s alt as a remedy for neoplasms on the body. This method is especially effective in the treatment of warts on the hands. The preparation of the remedy is available to everyone - it is necessary to pour a pack of table s alt into the bag and, having lowered the hand with the growth there, carefully rub it. After this procedure, you can not wash your hands for 3 hours. Using this tool daily in the morning and in the evening, after a while you will begin to observe the exfoliation of the affected area of the skin. After successful treatment, skin recovery will take some time.
There is another method of preparing an effective remedy from the same "material". We dilute one tablespoon of s alt in a small amount of water (half a glass) of warm temperature. In addition, add a tablespoon of vinegar and a pitted plum. We throw the plum into the prepared water for two hours, after this time we take it out and put it on the education.

Despite the fact that the human papillomavirus, which leads to the appearance of neoplasms on the body, is a very serious phenomenon, this problem can be effectively eliminated if you treat it responsibly. Use the suggestions above to achieve the expected results. It is very important not to self-medicate if you do not want the existing ailment to progress, because this can lead to more serious consequences. And remember that any disease requires a visit to a specialist.