Dill for cystitis: brewing method, benefits, recommendations

Dill for cystitis: brewing method, benefits, recommendations
Dill for cystitis: brewing method, benefits, recommendations

Insuring against cystitis is not so easy. According to statistics, every second woman faces this disease, which is explained by the individual structure of their genitourinary system. Treatment of the disease is reduced to taking certain medications. In addition to them, traditional medicine can be used. Dill for cystitis will help speed up the healing process. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the seeds of this plant are used.

A few words about dill

healing properties of dill
healing properties of dill

Dill belongs to the umbrella plant family. Its seeds are considered a valuable source of nutrients in the form of carotene, vitamin C, manganese, and iron. They also contain various types of organic acids. Dill contains many essential oils that provide an anti-inflammatory effect and fight against pathogenic microflora. Dill not only eliminates inflammation, but also significantly reduces pain,eases the course of the disease.


Dill seeds
Dill seeds

The use of dill seeds for cystitis is not shown to everyone. For some patients, such therapy is contraindicated. You should refrain from using dill decoctions if the patient has:

  • Low blood pressure. The thing is that dill seeds have a powerful hypotensive property, so in hypotensive patients, the pressure can drop to critical levels. After taking dill decoction, people with low blood pressure experience nausea, weakness, dizziness. Before using dill for cystitis in this case, you should consult your doctor. It is possible that doctors will recommend such a scheme for taking funds based on dill so that the pressure remains within normal limits. Most likely, this will also have to drink drinks that increase blood pressure.
  • Individual intolerance to the product. If you are allergic to dill seeds, it is forbidden to prepare healing infusions from it. Dill seeds contain an abundance of chemical compounds that can provoke allergies.
  • Cholelithiasis. If, in addition to cystitis, the patient is diagnosed with this disease, drinking dill water and decoction is not recommended. A tool of such a plan promotes the movement of stones, as a result of which clogging of the ducts is not excluded. All this can aggravate the course of the disease and, in severe cases, lead to surgical intervention.

In other cases, treatment of cystitis with dill is allowed. As for pregnant women,then they also often encounter such a disease, so they need to adopt this remedy - it does not pose a danger to the fetus. In reviews of dill for cystitis, it is mentioned that the remedy in rare cases leads to the opposite effect. As a rule, patients note that a decoction or infusion, which is consumed regularly throughout the day, helps to relieve cutting pains in the lower abdomen.

Dill seeds: how best to use

dill seeds for making infusion
dill seeds for making infusion

To alleviate the condition with cystitis, it is best to use decoctions and infusions of dill. Passing through the bloodstream, the main components of the product come into the fight against fungi and bacteria. To achieve positive results, speed up the healing process and quickly relieve pain, you need to know how to brew dill for cystitis. Its seeds can be used to make decoction, infusion and water.


There are many ways to prepare an infusion. Whatever recipe is chosen, it is necessary to first clean the seeds from impurities. To prepare an effective remedy, you need to pour 1.5 tbsp. l. dill seeds 1 liter of boiling water. Let the liquid brew for about 3 hours in a dark place. It is best to keep this natural medicine in a thermos. The finished composition should be drunk throughout the day. It is advisable to consume it in portions before meals.

Another recipe involves the use of ground dill seeds. A coffee grinder is ideal for grinding them. If such a device is not available, it can be replaced with a mortar andcarry out manual manipulations. When the raw material is ready, you need to take it in the amount of 1 tsp. and pour 200 ml of hot water. Close the liquid container and wrap. Put in a dark place and let it brew for 10 hours. Such a tool can be prepared in the evening - in the morning the composition will be ready for use. Drink all the liquid throughout the day in small sips.


You can also prepare a decoction of dill for cystitis according to different recipes. To obtain a healing agent, you need to place 10 g of crushed dill seeds in a container, add 200 ml of water, place the components in a water bath. As soon as the liquid boils, you need to reduce the fire to a minimum and simmer it for about 10 minutes. Then the broth can be filtered through a strainer or gauze. You need to prepare such a liquid three times a day and immediately drink 100 ml. Consume warm.

how to use dill to treat cystitis
how to use dill to treat cystitis

Another way to prepare a decoction involves the use of large parts of the plant. To do this, they need to be crushed. Take 3 tbsp. l. raw materials, add boiling water, put the container on a minimum fire and simmer for about 20 minutes. The liquid must then be allowed to cool. Divide the resulting amount into three servings. Consume before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Dill water

How to brew dill seeds for cystitis, so that the liquid turns out with a milder effect, but at the same time has a healing effect? In this case, dill water is ideal. This remedy is ideal for those who suffer from low blood pressure and eschew the use ofhighly concentrated dill decoctions.

To prepare dill water, you need to pour 1 tsp. seeds in powder form 200 ml of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and let the liquid brew for about half an hour. After this time, the water must be filtered. Drink 50 ml before meals 4 times a day. Dill water promotes a gentle separation of urine, but at the same time has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Complex treatment of cystitis

drug treatment for cystitis
drug treatment for cystitis

It is worth remembering that dill for cystitis is considered only an auxiliary tool that cannot cure the disease. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is important to consult a doctor. The patient will be scheduled for a series of tests. If gynecological diseases are detected, the doctor will prescribe antiviral and antifungal medications. In most cases, antibiotics are used to eliminate inflammatory processes.

visit to the urologist
visit to the urologist

In addition to medication, patients are advised to drink plenty of fluids. As drinks, you can use fruit drinks from lingonberries, cranberries, herbs with a diuretic effect, rosehip tea. As for drugs against cystitis, most often complex therapy includes one of the following drugs: Monural, Canephron, Cystenal, Urolesan, etc.

Prevention measures

stomach ache with cystitis
stomach ache with cystitis

To prevent the appearance of cystitis, you should not deviate from simple rules:

  1. It is necessary to stop wearing tight underwear,because it leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, which in turn leads to diseases of the genitourinary system.
  2. Thong panties should also be banned, as wearing them can lead to the penetration of pathogenic microbes from the anus into the urethra.
  3. It is extremely important to be hygienic and shower at least twice a day. Water procedures must be carried out without fail before and after sexual contact.
  4. Wear clothes for the weather, avoid hypothermia.
  5. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid daily.
  6. Try to empty your bladder on time.
  7. Exclude the occurrence of constipation, normalize nutrition.
  8. If you experience discomfort in the genital area and pain, immediately seek medical help.


Cystitis is an insidious disease that, if not treated in time, can become chronic. That is why, when characteristic symptoms appear, it is imperative to visit a gynecologist or urologist, who will prescribe a series of tests and, based on the results, draw up an effective treatment regimen. Do not use dill for cystitis in women without the approval of a doctor. If there are no contraindications, then it is permissible to drink a decoction when there is no way to get to the doctors, but there is a need to alleviate one's condition in case of illness.
