How to prepare for a spermogram: expert advice

How to prepare for a spermogram: expert advice
How to prepare for a spermogram: expert advice

Most couples dream of having a baby. However, sometimes, despite all efforts, it simply does not work out. Both the man and the woman are very upset about this. However, there is absolutely no need to panic. Modern medicine is capable of much, and the first thing you need to do is contact a family planning center and pass certain tests. At the same time, it is worth doing such procedures not only for the future mother, but also for her partner. In this article, we will talk about what a semen analysis is, because quite often men also suffer from infertility. Please read the information provided carefully. Thus, you will learn how to prepare for the spermogram, as well as how this procedure is carried out. So let's get started.

Main indications for the procedure

Most often this procedure is assigned to those representatives of the strong half of humanity who are thinking about having offspring. Usually for spermogramthose men come who have not managed to have children for a long time period. So, the most common reason for conducting a spermogram (how to prepare for the test, you will read in this article) is pregnancy planning. Using this method, it is possible to determine whether a man is able to conceive viable offspring at all. Also, the procedure will be able to show whether the representative of the stronger sex is infertile.

fertilization process
fertilization process

Spermogram is also prescribed by doctors in preparation for in vitro fertilization (artificial injection of sperm into the egg).

Main causes of male infertility

There are a large number of causes that contribute to male infertility. Before you understand how to prepare for a spermogram, you need to determine what caused the man not to have children. Consider the most common reasons for this phenomenon:

  • In the first place is to put the wrong way of life. Improper nutrition, as well as the abuse of bad habits, most often lead to the fact that spermatozoa simply lose their motor activity and vitality.
  • Injury to the male genital organs.
  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases, as well as hormonal disruptions, bearing a variety of etymologies.

Every man should teach himself to take care of his he alth, and then you won't have to answer the question of how to prepare for a spermogram.

The essence of the procedure

Forsemen is taken from the semen analysis. The procedure itself is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, the basic indicators of sperm are studied, that is, its viscosity, color, consistency, volume and the time period for which it liquefies. After that, a more detailed study is carried out. Its purpose is to determine the total number of spermatozoa per milliliter of the test fluid. Using a microscope, you can determine the number of moving bodies, as well as find out their structure, and find all kinds of pathologies.

How to prepare for a man's spermogram

In order for this procedure to show the most accurate results, it is very important to thoroughly prepare for it. The interpretation of the results, as well as the exact definition of the diagnosis, will depend on the correct approach. That is why it is very important to study in detail how to prepare for a spermogram for a man.


It is very important to start eating right a week before the procedure. To do this, be sure to review your diet. Eliminate fatty and fried foods, as well as drinks containing caffeine. Such products can significantly reduce the amount of sperm produced, as well as reduce the number of motile sperm.

visit doctor
visit doctor

It is very important to consume enough vitamins and minerals. After all, they are responsible for the quality of sperm. An insufficient amount of nutrients will simply lead to the fact that a sufficient amount will not mature in the male body.spermatozoa.

Abstinence before taking a spermogram

It may sound strange, but before the procedure it is very important to refrain from sexual pleasures for a while. The optimal time interval is two to three days. But you should not conduct abstinence before passing the spermogram for more than a week. This recommendation requires unquestioning implementation. Very frequent sexual intercourse will contribute to the fact that the amount of sperm will decrease significantly, which means that the number of viable spermatozoa will also decrease. At the same time, long-term abstinence will also not bring anything good. After all, the number of old spermatozoa will accumulate, which will lead to the formation of degenerative forms that will be completely unviable.

No alcohol consumption

When preparing for the spermogram, it is very important to stop drinking alcohol-containing drinks in any form. As you know, alcohol can have a negative effect on spermatozoa, changing their shape, slowing down mobility, and simply destroying them. That is why completely give up alcohol, as well as any other substances that are narcotic in nature. When drinking a large amount of alcohol, even if the spermogram shows good results, it is possible that the spermatozoa will not be able to fertilize the egg.

Suppression of inflammatory processes

The rules for taking a spermogram also include the control of general male he alth. If a man suffers from such diseasesof the genitourinary system, such as prostatitis or urethritis, it is very important to completely get rid of them before conducting the study. To do this, be sure to contact the specialists, and complete the course of treatment.

family planning
family planning

Spermogram can be done at least a week after the inflammatory processes in the body have been stopped. During this period, all drugs are removed from the body, which can also affect the results of the analysis.

Cure a cold

The conditions for taking a spermogram will be ideal only if during the study the man does not suffer from colds, as well as other viral pathologies that are accompanied by elevated body temperature. Please note that an increase in temperature has a negative effect on spermatozoa, so the procedure can be performed only after complete recovery. Doctors advise coming to the hospital only two weeks after full recovery.

Refuse intentionally warming up the body

As you know, the temperature in the scrotum is slightly different from the general body temperature. Usually it is lower by one or two degrees, and is approximately 34-35 degrees Celsius. However, if a person visits a bath or sauna, or is under the scorching sun for a long time, then the body begins to warm up excessively, including the male reproductive system. Therefore, give up going to the sauna a week before the procedure.

Stress is a hindrance

Very many representatives of the stronger sex askthe question of how to properly prepare for the delivery of spermogram. A man must follow all the doctor's recommendations. Only in this case, you can get the most accurate results, and make the correct diagnosis. As you know, stressful situations have a negative impact on the life of a man, and on his seminal fluid, including.

Small child
Small child

Any emotional stress changes the hormonal background. If at the moment there is a series of stresses in your life, it is better to postpone the trip to the hospital and bring your nervous system back to normal. Get some rest and protect yourself from the problems around you. Any changes in the hormonal system will also lead to changes in the spermogram itself.

The importance of rest

According to reviews, spermogram delivery can cause a number of difficulties, which is why at the time of collecting seminal fluid, the patient should be as rested and alert as possible. Otherwise, you can get incorrect spermogram results, or even make this procedure impossible. After all, the process of collecting sperm implies the presence of an erect male sexual organ.

Reduce your physical activity

Two days before the test, doctors recommend not to perform heavy physical exercises, as uric acid, which accumulates in the muscles in large quantities, has a serious effect on the hormonal system, and leads to a misinterpretation of the spermogram.

Features of the study

Before the procedure, it is very important to understandhow to properly prepare for the delivery of spermogram. After all, the result of this analysis will primarily depend on the patient himself. Harvesting seminal fluid can be done in several ways. The most optimal of them is masturbation in a special office of the medical center. However, some representatives of the stronger sex cannot do this for psycho-emotional reasons. In this case, you can get sperm during coitus interruptus, or during masturbation, but outside the walls of a medical institution.

pregnancy test
pregnancy test

Sperm should be collected in a pre-prepared sterilized jar with a tight lid. The sterilization process consists in the treatment of dishes with hot steam. Put the jar in a thermos, and urgently deliver it to a medical facility. The sooner you do this, the more accurate your test results will be.

Doctors still recommend getting seminal fluid by masturbation in a medical institution. Of course, you can donate sperm obtained during sex with a woman, but in this case, the secret from the female genital organs will also fall into it.

Getting results

How to prepare for a spermogram analysis is a question that worries so many of the stronger sex. Your preparation will determine not only the established results, but also the correct treatment.

Even if the results of the analysis turned out to be bad, this does not mean that you will not be able to conceive a child. In most cases, the right treatment is veryefficient. According to doctors, in ninety-five percent of cases, after treatment, a couple succeeds in having a child. However, it is very important to examine not only men, but also women. After all, the problem may be hiding where it is not expected at all.

Man and woman
Man and woman

When conducting an analysis, it is very important to pay attention to the presence of bacteria in spermatozoa, as well as erythrocytes and leukocytes. Most often, their presence indicates inflammatory processes, which lead to the fact that the seminal fluid simply cannot perform its functions.

Quite often, sperm cells lose their mobility because they begin to actively stick to each other. This phenomenon is very common, but getting rid of it is not difficult.

In order to get the most accurate results, it is recommended to carry out the procedure twice with an interval of three weeks. If the test results are very different from each other, then the third procedure will be carried out.

How to improve sperm quality?

Do not forget that the possibility of pregnancy depends not only on the he alth of the woman, but also on the he alth of her chosen one. The process of conception largely depends on the quality of sperm. Therefore, it is very important to take care of your he alth totally. After all, a harmoniously developed child can only be born to he althy parents. So, in order to increase the chances of fertilization, it is very important for a man to eat right. To do this, you need to consume a sufficient amount of protein foods, and withAvoid extremely fatty foods. Moderate exercise and the use of vitamin preparations are also recommended. Doctors recommend paying attention to supplements containing folic acid, zinc, selenium, and tocopherol.

It is also very important to protect yourself from stressful conditions. To do this, you need to skillfully alternate the mode of work and rest, get enough sleep and leave work problems only at work. Keep in mind that he althy sperm can only be produced in a he althy body. Stress causes hormonal changes, and they, in turn, significantly worsen the quality of seminal fluid.

visit doctor
visit doctor

Of course, you will have to forget about bad habits, and the use of any addictive substances.


Preparation for a spermogram is a very important process, which will depend on obtaining the correct results of the analysis. Therefore, each representative of the stronger sex must do everything possible to carry out conception. Only after receiving the results of the spermogram, you can determine how to move on. Establishing the correct diagnosis, as well as individual selection of treatment, in most cases leads to the onset of a much-desired pregnancy. However, a lot depends on the man himself. So start taking care of your he alth right now. Change your diet, be active, rest, avoid stress, get rid of bad habits and always take care of your he alth, and you may not need such a procedure as a spermogram at all. Take care!
