The term "appetite" refers to the emotional state of food needs that arises on the basis of hunger. The most distinct changes are observed in the gastrointestinal tract. Experts say that appetite is such a condition, upon the onset of which the secretion of ignition juice increases and an intensive production of saliva is observed. In addition, peristalsis is accelerated. The more active the digestive organs function, the stronger the appetite. Under the influence of various adverse factors, disorders may occur - lack of hunger or polyphagia. In this case, medical intervention is indispensable.

What is appetite and what does it depend on
The manifestation of this state directly depends on the excitation of the structures of the central nervous system and the general condition of the body. It has been proven that positive emotions increase appetite, while unpleasant onessuppress. An inhibitory effect is also exerted by irritation of some nerve centers (most often emetic, as well as those responsible for the processes of defecation and urination).
It is important to know that appetite is a condition that in most cases occurs under the influence of conditioned stimuli that are directly related to eating. A prime example is a setting or a specific period of time.
Each person fluctuations in appetite are individual. They directly depend on the regime of the day, the type of professional activity, the usual diet and time of day.
In addition, it is important to know that appetite is a condition that is a kind of indicator of human he alth (both physical and psychological). Under the influence of various adverse factors, a chain of reactions can start. Their result can be both a pathological increase in appetite, and its decrease up to complete disappearance. In this case, you should consult a doctor.
It should be understood that appetite is a state that does not always occur in the presence of a real stimulus. The latter may be absent.
Hunger is an innate condition. Appetite is acquired. For the first time, it is formed in a newborn baby after the child’s body satisfies its hunger during meals.

Physiological basis
The emergence of appetite is always based on certain mechanisms. The latter are clearly manifested by a change in the activity of nerve endings, activityvegetative organs, motor reactions. The organs of the digestive system begin to function actively. Thanks to this, there is an intensive production of saliva and ignition juice.
It has been proven that the central point of the food center is the hypothalamic region. Appetite as a subjective manifestation of its excitation is due to the functioning of not only the nerve endings of the cerebral cortex, but also the limbic system of the brain. Since this condition is directly related to hunger, one of the main reasons for its occurrence is the irritation of the hypothalamus receptors by liquid connective tissue, in which the amount of nutritional components is minimal. In this case, doctors use a term such as "hungry blood".
Shapes of Appetite
Scientists have found that under different conditions the body reacts to food differently. Sometimes there is an emotional reaction to food in general, and in some situations - to certain types of food.
In this regard, experts distinguish two forms of appetite:
- General. It is a variant of the norm. In other words, a person responds adequately to food.
- Electoral. In this case, such a thing as "perverted appetite" often sounds. Often the cause of its formation are neuropsychiatric disorders. But in most cases, it is associated with a deficiency in the body of certain components. The selective form is most often detected in children, pregnant women and people suffering from malignant neoplasms.
Appetite can witheasily convey the mood of a person. If he is good, then the individual is satisfied with his physical and psychological state. As a rule, appetite disappears against the background of various experiences.

Causes of polyphagy
Strong appetite is a condition that is often a sign of the development of a pathological process in the body. The main symptom of polyphagia is a constant desire to eat. The reasons for this may be:
- Regular high-intensity exercise.
- Growth spikes. During this period, the body of any child needs an increased amount of nutrients.
- Hormonal imbalance. Most often, appetite increases during pregnancy and menstrual bleeding. But often this condition indicates hyperadrenalism or hyperthyroidism.
- Diabetes. A constant desire to eat is associated with an increased concentration of glucose in the blood.
- Depression. In this case, the appetite either increases critically or disappears altogether.
- Bulimia. Most often diagnosed in women in the postpartum period.
- Using narcotic drugs and certain medications (particularly steroids and antihistamines).
- Drinking alcohol.
- Damage to the meninges of the brain.
Furthermore, appetite control should be strict in individuals wishing to quit smoking. The most common consequence of quitting nicotine is gluttony and the development of its accompanying pathologies.

Lack of appetite
A person simply does not feel hunger, and the contemplation of favorite dishes does not cause a desire to eat them. Information about why there is no appetite can be provided by the doctor after the diagnosis.
Main causes of this condition:
- Certain weather conditions. For example, in the heat there is absolutely no desire.
- Chronic fatigue.
- Stressed.
- Eating disorders.
- PMS in women.
- Tobacco smoking.
- Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages.
- Pathologies of an infectious nature.
- Violation of the functioning of the endocrine system.
- Pathologies of the heart.
- Helminthiasis.
In addition, lack of appetite is a symptom of the intoxication process.

Correction methods
If excessive hunger is a sign of a disease, then the treatment directly depends on the root cause of the development of polyphagia. Psychotherapy is indicated for depressed people.
In the absence of hunger, taking vitamins for appetite is indicated. Complexes containing ascorbic acid and vitamin B12 can help restore the desire to eat food. But doctors do not advise forcibly trying to eat. Experts recommend decorating dishes, making them attractive, so that food interest appears gradually. In addition, it is necessary to observe the drinking regime and walk in the fresh air as often as possible.

In conclusion
Appetite is an emotional state based on hunger. But under the influence of various adverse factors, eating disorders can occur.